Here are the 37 applicants for the UAPB football head coaching job

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I agree that it is a legitimate phrase.
I disagree, it is NOT a legitimate phrase. It's a made up phrase by fans who want to give people the impression that they THINK they know what they are talking about when in actuality they don't know a damn thing about MOST of the coaches who even apply for these jobs.

With that said, for those of you who think this list is made up of "recycled coaches", I challenge you to tell me who they are among this list of applicants. Don't just give me names, tell me why. Educate me. I'm waiting.
I disagree, it is NOT a legitimate phrase. It's a made up phrase by fans who want to give people the impression that they THINK they know what they are talking about when in actuality they don't know a damn thing about MOST of the coaches who even apply for these jobs.

With that said, for those of you who think this list is made up of "recycled coaches", I challenge you to tell me who they are among this list of applicants. Don't just give me names, tell me why. Educate me. I'm waiting.

If Fobbs left Grambling, would you be satisfied with any of those coaches replacing him?

If Fobbs left Grambling, would you be satisfied with any of those coaches replacing him?
With that said, for those of you who think this list is made up of "recycled coaches", I challenge you to tell me who they are among this list of applicants. Don't just give me names, tell me why. Educate me. I'm waiting.
I agree that it is a legitimate phrase. We can hate it and compare it to other situations but when it comes to SWAC schools recycled coaches are not doing this conference a service as a whole. The schools that reached outside of the HBCU circle (Hopson (and Simmons falls up under his coaching tree), Fobbs (even though he graduated from Grambling, he had no coaching experience at a HBCU prior to coming to Grambling), Odums) have had sustained success and have looked good outside of conference against PWI schools (not getting dragged by 1-2 win Southland schools).

Unless a school like AAMU or UAPB is looking for a coach like Comegy or Wyatt to basically be a bridge coach for 4-5 years and stabilize their programs, I would rather them give a coach like Dooley or White (who most seems to be high on) a shot at being the man (if Dooley lands at PV, that just means that they could get over the Grambling/SU hump in the West). Football is the only SWAC sport that we can't seem to get consistent upward mobility as far as coaches is concerned.

Exactly!!! Give someone else a chance. Comegy and Frazier and etc has had their chances in the swac.

Dooley deserves a chance as a HC. Ted White does too as does many other young coaches who may have onlt been coordinators.

Fobbs coached Tight Ends at Mcneese. No Head coaching experience whatsoever or even Coordinator experience. Thank God GSU took a chance on some NEW Blood.
With that said, for those of you who think this list is made up of "recycled coaches", I challenge you to tell me who they are among this list of applicants. Don't just give me names, tell me why. Educate me. I'm waiting.

Kenn, if you dont consider Asberry, Totten, JONES, and Comegy "recycled" coaches, there is no explanation I can provide to change your mind.

These guys have already shown the world their ceiling and their floor. Its time to bring some new blood into the conference. The aforementioned can try their options in D2 or high school.
I disagree, it is NOT a legitimate phrase. It's a made up phrase by fans who want to give people the impression that they THINK they know what they are talking about when in actuality they don't know a damn thing about MOST of the coaches who even apply for these jobs.

With that said, for those of you who think this list is made up of "recycled coaches", I challenge you to tell me who they are among this list of applicants. Don't just give me names, tell me why. Educate me. I'm waiting.

Kenn, if you dont consider Asberry, Totten, JONES, and Comegy "recycled" coaches, there is no explanation I can provide to change your mind.

These guys have already shown the world their ceiling and their floor. Its time to bring some new blood into the conference. The aforementioned can try their options in D2 or high school.

This is why it doesn't make sense to argue the point.

Its laughable.
Your school was there 3-4 years ago. You know that was part of the reason why yall quit October 2013. Let us worry about that at Valley and yall be thankful yall found Fobbs. The SWAC is cyclical you know

I never mentioned Valley by name but if the shoe fits. If the statement does applies to Valley, get your scholarships in order because you will never win consistently with offering less than 50% of the max amount of scholarships.

And no, Grambling was never losing due to lack of scholarships. An aberration is not a pattern nor a trend. And yes, Grambling is thankful to every coach who lead us to victory. So please stop with the self righteous bullshit. The only cycle Grambling is aware of is winning the SWAC every 2.25 years. What cycle are you?
Kenn, if you dont consider Asberry, Totten, JONES, and Comegy "recycled" coaches, there is no explanation I can provide to change your mind.

At least you are man enough to admit that, despite giving me names, you have no explanation for why they are recycled coaches. Kudos to you.

But unlike you, I can make a case for each of those coaches. Because some of you don't bother to research. All some of you do is equate the coach to what they did at their last stop instead of looking at their entire body of work.

Asberry was the head coach at Shaw and Texas Southerm. He kicked ass at Shaw, even went to the playoffs a couple of times. He got to Texas Southern, and well, the bottom fell out.

Willie Totten did all he could for Valley, for as long as he could. But dammit...and I mean no disrespect to the Valley folks...but its Valley.

Anthony Jones? Really? He managed to at least get AAMU ONE SWAC title and got you all to the SCG more times than I can remember. For the number of years that he was at AAMU, I can understand you all's reason for wanting to go a different direction, but that doesn't mean he can't coach.

As for Rick Comegy, the only strike against him might be his age (but of course companies are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of age). And besides, if ASU can hire Herm Edwards at 63, why not hire Rick at 64 (LOL). But again, Comegy's body of work speaks for itself. He did well at Tuskegee, won games at Jackson State, and like every coach before him, could do anything at Valley.
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At least you are man enough to admit that, despite giving me names, you have no explanation for why they are recycled coaches. Kudos to you.

Be man enough to accept something you dont want to admit is the truth. How bout that?

These guys have already shown the world their ceiling and their floor. Its time to bring some new blood into the conference. The aforementioned can try their options in D2 or high school.

At least you are man enough to admit that, despite giving me names, you have no explanation for why they are recycled coaches. Kudos to you.

But unlike you, I can make a case for each of those coaches. Because some of you don't bother to research. All some of you do is equate the coach to what they did at their last stop instead of looking at their entire body of work.

Asberry was the head coach at Shaw and Texas Southerm. He kicked ass at Shaw, even went to the playoffs a couple of times. He got to Texas Southern, and well, the bottom fell out.

Willie Totten did all he could for Valley, for as long as he could. But dammit...and I mean no disrespect to the Valley folks...but its Valley.

Anthony Jones? Really? He managed to at least get AAMU ONE SWAC title and got you all to the SCG more times than I can remember. For the number of years that he was at AAMU, I can understand you all's reason for wanting to go a different direction, but that doesn't mean he can't coach.

As for Rick Comegy, the only strike against him might be his age (but of course companies are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of age). And besides, if ASU can hire Herm Edwards at 63, why not hire Rick at 64 (LOL). But again, Comegy's body of work speaks for itself. He did well at Tuskegee, won games at Jackson State, and like every coach before him, could do anything at Valley.

None of those guys will build dominant programs if they return. Jones and Comegy will more than likely have programs that can have an above-average SWAC season every few years, but I personally dont see them building programs that will be consistently in the FCS top 25.

Jones is arguably the best out of the 4, and not yet into his mid 60s.

Comegy had APR problems at JSU, and even though companies aren't allowed to discriminate based on age, it is a factor in why I termed him as "recycled."

Will players choose to play for Asberry over other SWAC coaches such as Odums or Fobbs? Hell no.

Understand this.. these men deserve jobs. I just dont prefer they be in the SWAC because we have seen what they have to offer, and I feel SWAC schools can do better at this time.

Does that explanation satisfy your request?
Why aren't any of our schools targeting OCs and DCs from the top 5 FCS programs?

Sam Houston State is averaging 46 points per game.

How about asking this question: Why aren't the OCs and DCs from the top 5 FCS programs APPLYING for these HBCU jobs?

It can be their position coaches. Try somebody new!

Again, why are those position coaches applying for the jobs STC?

Come...the answer is not a hard one. And if you both would be honest with yourselves, and come clean, we can end this discussion.
How about asking this question: Why aren't the OCs and DCs from the top 5 FCS programs APPLYING for these HBCU jobs?

Again, why are those position coaches applying for the jobs STC?

Come...the answer is not a hard one. And if you both would be honest with yourselves, and come clean, we can end this discussion.

They are probably not applying because they don't think our schools are serious about being contenders. If you're an OC/DC/Asst at a top 5 FCS program, or a guy like Mike London, you probably have so many people contacting you about jobs that you're basing your options long before the season ends.

This is Division One football. Target them. Talk with them before firing a coach. Gauge their interest. We already do this with coaches we are familiar with who (rightfully) have no demand elsewhere.

Simply posing a job req and hiring the "best" applicant is not how to transform a D1 program in 2017.
None of those guys will build dominant programs if they return. Jones and Comegy will more than likely have programs that can have an above-average SWAC season every few years, but I personally dont see them building programs that will be consistently in the FCS top 25.

Jones is arguably the best out of the 4, and not yet into his mid 60s.

Comegy had APR problems at JSU, and even though companies aren't allowed to discriminate based on age, it is a factor in why I termed him as "recycled."

Will players choose to play for Asberry over other SWAC coaches such as Odums or Fobbs? Hell no.

Understand this.. these men deserve jobs. I just dont prefer they be in the SWAC because we have seen what they have to offer, and I feel SWAC schools can do better at this time.

Everything you just stated is either BS or conjecture.

You've said nothing about Jones (other than that he is the best of the 4). Comegy didn't have APR problems. Jackson State had APR problems. That's one problem that coaches can't be held accountable for by themselves. But since you want to use APR probems, what APR problems did Comegy have a Valley? Now, if you wouldn't hire Comegy because of his age. Just say so.

Uhhh...yeah, Players would chose to play for Asberry if they had no place else to play. All coaches work differently. But I seriously doubt you know much about Asberry. All you know is what he did at TSU.

Some of you have to realize, some times, if not most, it's not always the coach. It's the damn school these coaches work for. And I will stop there before I get in trouble with some of these schools. (LOL)
@Kenn Rashad you sound like someone that is too close to these guys to be objective. If they are such great options, why aren't they getting jobs elsewhere?

Why did ASU settle for Ely?

Is this REALLY the best that we can do??
@Kenn Rashad you sound like someone that is too close to these guys to be objective. If they are such great options, why aren't they getting jobs elsewhere?
I don't know, nor have I ever met any of the people we have discussed. I have no relationship with ANY of them. And let's not conflate the issue here. I'm not saying they are "great" options. My overall argument is related to the term "recycled coaches." The reasons that schools use to hire or not to hire coaches are solely theirs. The LARGER point, however, is just because things didn't work out for a coach at one place, doesn't mean that it will not work out at another.
I don't know, nor have I ever met any of the people we have discussed. I have no relationship with ANY of them. And let's not conflate the issue here. I'm not saying they are "great" options. My overall argument is related to the term "recycled coaches." The reasons that schools use to hire or not to hire coaches are solely theirs. The LARGER point, however, is just because things didn't work out for a coach at one place, doesn't mean that it will not work out at another.

Provide some examples of this.
I never mentioned Valley

You have shown the tendency to make a "generic" statement that targets specific schools. I mentioned Grambling by name. Grambling is the last name fan base that needs to get on their high horse after a few years ago. Grambling and Alcorn were forced to up their scholarships by their recent hires and the results showed on the field. UAPB upped their scholarships last year. Now they need to make a quality hire. Valley will have scholarship upgrades as far as other planned upgrades for the new coach to benefit from. The plan is on the net for every one to see (Google is your friend) so as I said before humble yourself because I refuse to sit by and let Grambling people throw shade at Valley when no one in the SWAC should have that holier than thou mentality (because no one has had a consistent 5+ year run)
Provide some examples of this.

Bill Belacheck & Pete Carroll in the NFL

Rod Broadway, Joe Taylor, Harold Maynor, Asberry, Reggie Barlow are just a few examples in recent BCF History of Excelling at one place and doing not so well at another. Broadway is here because of the relationship he had at Grambling compared to what he has at A&T.
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