Golden State and the Cavs in the NBA Finals

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When he get put out by a hurt Irving, a hurt Lebron, and an injured Love, then I would declare that he's a bust like his team.

"Hollywood" James is not hurt. He may have hurt his ankle a little in Game 4 you don't go out and put up the numbers he did in Game 5 on a hurt ankle. No way. Even his teammates though he was just being his "typical self" when he got hurt in Game 4 which is why it took them so long to come check on him.

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"Hollywood" James is not hurt. He may have hurt his ankle a little in Game 4 you don't go out and put up the numbers he did in Game 5 on a hurt ankle. No way. Even his teammates though he was just being his "typical self" when he got hurt in Game 4 which is why it took them so long to come check on him.
Hard to believe, Huh? The king put you all away on a hurt ankle and the butt hurt Bulls fans can't accept it or believe it. LOL!!!!!!
Hard to believe, Huh? The king put you all away on a hurt ankle and the butt hurt Bulls fans can't accept it or believe it. LOL!!!!!!
LeBron was limping during the last game? He obviously wasn't hurt when he ran down Rose to block his shot.
LeBron was limping during the last game? He obviously wasn't hurt when he ran down Rose to block his shot.
You don't know what he was. You don't know jack. You said that we couldn't win without Love and Lebron couldn't do it by himself.
Hard to believe, Huh? The king put you all away on a hurt ankle and the butt hurt Bulls fans can't accept it or believe it. LOL!!!!!!

It's not hard to believe at all. I've rolled my ankle the same way before and you're not running up and down the court the same way James did in Game 5 if you rolled your ankle as bad as you're making it out to be. Kyrie Irving rolled his ankle the same way and you see how he's hobbling.
It's not hard to believe at all. I've rolled my ankle the same way before and you're not running up and down the court the same way James did in Game 5 if you rolled your ankle as bad as you're making it out to be. Kyrie Irving rolled his ankle the same way and you see how he's hobbling.
Hard to believe the king can STILL put the dagger into you guys with a rolled ankle. I understand.
Bulls and yall Bulls fans, GIT YALL ASS OUTTA HERE!!!!

LeBron had 12 points, kyrie played 12 minutes..some guy named Matthew dellawhatever scored 15 and yall still get 20 pieced.I'm in tears right now.
I knew they would choke. Lebron scares them i think. The Bulls have more talent but they dont seem like they think they can win

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Sting.....PV Sigma? Do yall STILL believe that king James can't win? What sayeth thou?

Man. fcukin Bulls gave up last night. We played NO defense at all and basically rolled over in the 2nd quarter. I wasn't even mad after that happened. The dayum offense sputtered AGAIN for the 3rd consecutive game and then Thibs has Pau sitting on the bench as the Cavs lead was growing. When he finally put Pau in all he could do was shake his head... This Bulls team was too talented and too deep to underachieve like that this season. I'm ready to usher in a new era starting with a new coach with some resemblance of an offense. Scott Brooks or either Alvin Gentry will be the Bulls HC next year. Adrian Griffin (current Bulls Asst.) is also a sleeper. There are rumors that due to Fred Hoiberg's health he will not leave Iowa State for an NBA coaching job. We'll see.

It all makes sense. This is karma for what MJ23 and the Un-StopABulls did in the 90s.... Lol!
Scott Brooks would help but bulls need to restructure their team. Release dunleavy, noah and go after a big time offensive star. Rose is not a dependable #1 option. Mirotic hasn't impressed me either.
Man. fcukin Bulls gave up last night. We played NO defense at all and basically rolled over in the 2nd quarter. I wasn't even mad after that happened. The dayum offense sputtered AGAIN for the 3rd consecutive game and then Thibs has Pau sitting on the bench as the Cavs lead was growing. When he finally put Pau in all he could do was shake his head... This Bulls team was too talented and too deep to underachieve like that this season. I'm ready to usher in a new era starting with a new coach with some resemblance of an offense. Scott Brooks or either Alvin Gentry will be the Bulls HC next year. Adrian Griffin (current Bulls Asst.) is also a sleeper. There are rumors that due to Fred Hoiberg's health he will not leave Iowa State for an NBA coaching job. We'll see.

It all makes sense. This is karma for what MJ23 and the Un-StopABulls did in the 90s.... Lol!
Scott Brooks would help but bulls need to restructure their team. Release dunleavy, noah and go after a big time offensive star. Rose is not a dependable #1 option. Mirotic hasn't impressed me either.
We don't need a #1 option. Rose, Butler and Gasol are capable of scoring offensively for us. If anything we need an enforcer to play in the post. Thibs was foolish to have Nikola guard the opponent's SF's. Nikola is going to have to get stronger and play as a PF. Hinrich, Nazr, Moore and Taj will more than likely be gone next season. Snell should have gotten more mins this season.
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