Swac Football Classic in Birmingham


But the overall economic impact (restaurants, hotels, entertainment venues, etc) to either of BR or Jax not hosting the game and Bham hosting it will be felt.

City of Bbam wins in the overall scheme. Cities of BR/Jax should have been more involved. Coach Prime spoke, last fall, on the city of Jax officials lack of desire to return a smidgen of what they received back to JSU.
A deal is only good when everyone benefits, which is the case with the 3 parties involved! Other cities better stop pimping their teams!

It's not the universities job to generate revenue for the city in which it resides. It's about getting money for the school
Which the cities of Jax and BR didn't do their part to kick in.

Case in point, the city of Dallas pays both PV & GSU addt'l $$$, outside of what the promoter gives each school.

I'm not in that business anymore so perhaps @Kenn Rashad can elaborate more on that breakdown( City of Dallas, ALW Ent, ...).
It's not the universities job to generate revenue for the city in which it resides. It's about getting money for the school
Which a portion of great revenenue generated isn't being re-invested or invested BACK to the parties which actually generated the urban economic impact.
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Personally I understand the JSU\SU frustration on the location, I get the same vibe when people bring up moving the MCC to ATL. Legion Field is historic but is beyond repair. The end is near and no one wants to face realty.
So I guess going backwards financially for these classic games is moving forward for the SWAC.
How is it going backwards? First the games between JSU and SU were going to roll off of the schedule. So to keep them both schools created a classic at a neutral site to make 1.5 million a piece. All they got to do is show up. No logistics on neither school. How is that a bad business deal?
That goes to the conference...

Possibly up to, too many other things being kept quiet about this deal.
You folks just don't get it. There is a reason the SEC is in Birmingham. It is the biggest football Media place in America. Vision. Is the key. Y'all are just comfortable the way things have been. That has gotten the SWAC no where. Birmingham blacks will come out to the game for the bands alone. Throw in Atlanta which is 1.5 hours away and Nashville, Montgomery and surrounding areas it will sellout.

You folks just don't get it. There is a reason the SEC is in Birmingham. It is the biggest football Media place in America. Vision. Is the key. Y'all are just comfortable the way things have been. That has gotten the SWAC no where. Birmingham blacks will come out to the game for the bands alone. Throw in Atlanta which is 1.5 hours away and Nashville, Montgomery and surrounding areas it will sellout.

The reason why people are upset is because those same 60K people that could be in Birmingham we KNOW will be in Jackson. This was proven against Alcorn. It's not the job of the SWAC to help grow Birmingham while neglecting Jackson. This literally goes against everything that was beaten into our skulls about "growing Jackson".

(And then there is the whole "playing SWAC schools as OOC opponents" which is the epitome of "lack of vision" (and lazy scheduling))
The reason why people are upset is because those same 60K people that could be in Birmingham we KNOW will be in Jackson. This was proven against Alcorn. It's not the job of the SWAC to help grow Birmingham while neglecting Jackson. This literally goes against everything that was beaten into our skulls about "growing Jackson".

(And then there is the whole "playing SWAC schools as OOC opponents" which is the epitome of "lack of vision" (and lazy scheduling))
You are missing the business side of it. JSU nor SU has to pay anything. No logistics. No headache. Just shows up and get a check. The game was going to roll off the schedule and not be played. Instead of going to a P5 school for a check they made a business decision to get paid. They can make up to 3 million a piece of the games sellout. I don't know what FCS program that wouldn't want to make 3 million dollars off of two games? Business ain't personal. It's business! If Baton Rouge or Jackson mayor cared they would beat that deal. At the end of the day the bills have to be paid. The athletic director job is to make a profit for his department. Not to stroke egos of fans.
The reason why people are upset is because those same 60K people that could be in Birmingham we KNOW will be in Jackson. This was proven against Alcorn. It's not the job of the SWAC to help grow Birmingham while neglecting Jackson (or Baton Rouge). This literally goes against everything that was beaten into our skulls about "growing Jackson".

(And then there is the whole "playing SWAC schools as OOC opponents" which is the epitome of "lack of vision" (and lazy scheduling))

I seriously think both JSU and SU handlers should approach their respective cities about the economic impacts each contribute ANNUALLY to each respective city AND then undertake a study on what/how the city returns an investment BACK to the same entity which is filling its financial coffers. Granted, lsu is in BR true enough but I wouldn't be shocked to learn how the city of BR invests $$$ into anything lsu related (local to BR).
The reason why people are upset is because those same 60K people that could be in Birmingham we KNOW will be in Jackson. This was proven against Alcorn. It's not the job of the SWAC to help grow Birmingham while neglecting Jackson. This literally goes against everything that was beaten into our skulls about "growing Jackson".

(And then there is the whole "playing SWAC schools as OOC opponents" which is the epitome of "lack of vision" (and lazy scheduling))
No one is willing to play jsu right now. imagine being usm and paying for the butt whipping the jsu would put on them. their AD is not trying to sign up for that.
so while I don't generally agree with scheduling conference opponents as ooc games, I don't think jsu has much choice and when you add in potentially making 3 million a year (probably about 1/3 to 1/2 of their current athletic budget) for 1 game... they don't have a choice but to play.
(And then there is the whole "playing SWAC schools as OOC opponents" which is the epitome of "lack of vision" (and lazy scheduling))

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