Swac Football Classic in Birmingham

I'm trying to figure out how do y'all know this is a bad plan? What athletic department have any of you run? 😂 I'm sure if our presidents allowed this to happen they did it for a reason. This just didn't happen overnight. Think out of the box for once in your life black people. 😂
It better be at least a $1 million dollar payout for each school! Do you know how much money the cities of Jackson and Baton Rogue make from the Boom Box Classic? And now you want Birmingham to get that? Huh? Which president would not want that money coming to their campus? Not a smart move.

On one hand this is great news for me. Birmingham is a way closer drive than Jackson & Baton Rouge.

On the other hand, LMAO at JSU pimping SU once again. First it was JSU making SU play “home” games in Jackson, & now this.
UAB has their own stadium; therefore, the city of Bham had to get creative by bringing other schools in to keep Legion Field in tact. In addition, I must agree Bham can be greedy. All of the State Championship high school basketball and football games are played there. In addition, AAMU is playing UAB in their new stadium this year.

I still can't see Coach Prime agreeing to this without an advantage for JSU..

But the overall economic impact (restaurants, hotels, entertainment venues, etc) to either of BR or Jax not hosting the game and Bham hosting it will be felt.

City of Bham wins in the overall scheme. Cities of BR/Jax should have been more involved. Coach Prime spoke, last fall, on the city of Jax officials lack of desire to return a smidgen of what they received back to JSU.
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But the overall economic impact (restaurants, hotels, entertainment venues, etc) to either of BR or Jax not hosting the game and Bham hosting it will be felt.

City of Bbam wins in the overall scheme. Cities of BR/Jax should have been more involved. Coach Prime spoke, last fall, on the city of Jax officials lack of desire to return a smidgen of what they received back to JSU.
It's not the universities job to generate revenue for the city in which it resides. It's about getting money for the school