Swac Football Classic in Birmingham

Remember I said in my previous post that the SWAC has this two year window to sign as many lucrative deals as possible. The Magic City contract is a prime candidate to strike while the iron is hot..use the current leverage the SWAC has....
There is a big difference between gross income and net income!

Don't insult our intelligence with semantics as if game day costs couldn't be picked up in Jackson like it is potentially in B-Ham. People will be on here bragging about $30-$50 million economic impact to Birmingham or NO but I never see yall make these types of posts so save your font on them

Plus I won't move my main focus on how this game benefits Birmingham but not Jackson or Baton Rouge (and of course the whole lazy scheduling thing)
Don't insult our intelligence with semantics as if game day costs couldn't be picked up in Jackson like it is potentially in B-Ham. People will be on here bragging about $30-$50 million economic impact to Birmingham or NO but I never see yall make these types of posts so save your font on them

Plus I won't move my main focus on how this game benefits Birmingham but not Jackson or Baton Rouge (and of course the whole lazy scheduling thing)
Have the costs of the game ever been picked up by the city of BR or Jackson?
If the game wasn’t going to be played in Jackson or BR, will the cities really be missing anything? Just saying. We all wanna be ADs & commissioners but don’t know the ins & outs. The way AD Robinson & McClelland work, I doubt they are doing anything to hurt the conference so I trust them. Plus, a lot of schools don’t want to schedule JSU right now which is our problem. That’s what a lot of you are also missing as well. This is a better pay out over 3 years for all schools versus each school hosting one year and the other not receiving anything. Also, this is better than us scheduling P5 beat downs which I hate as well. I’m all for it if it brings a big pay day, brand recognition, recruits, etc. Just my thoughts after sometime to think over things
Have the costs of the game ever been picked up by the city of BR or Jackson?

Exactly. If either city really wanted this game, they’d do all they can to put up even more money than Bham AND cover game day costs so that the schools don’t lose money. Jackson & BR benefit off of JSU & su but neither school benefits off the cities they’re in. At the end of the day, this is a business decision. Y’all will be fine once it all works out and our schools are in a better position. Can’t get no worse than where we’ve already been
Even if they are OOC games, it still doesn't make sense for JSU/SU. UAPB/JSU I can see or maybe the Alabama schools and some combo of Valley, UAPB, TxSU or PV

Sure people would have flamed SU/JSU for choosing each as OOC for a while but in the end it would be understood


Please, if you don't mind, share with me how you see this making sense for UAPB. Maybe if you explain it, it'll make sense to me.
It says they will pay “up to 300k to the league” not schools. How are the schools making money?

I'm not too proud to admit that SU and JSU have bigger athletic budgets and larger fanbases than us. I can also see how this may be ok for them (but their back-and-forth games do well, too), but I fail to see how this helps us (UAPB). "Up to 300k to the league" spells money to the SWAC, not to the schools. I too would like to know how UAPB will profit from this (financially).

I usually read articles, but I've been so tired from work. Does the conference pay for travel, lodging, and meals for each school? Does ANY proceeds go to the schools? It's not enough the SWAC blocked me on Twitter; now I can't even get on there and ask who came up with this "great idea" and how bad I think it TOTALLY sucks.
So if this works out to be a good plan I can't wait to pull this topic back up. 😂

Right now, my mindset is how this will work out for us. If Commish McClelland, or Chancellor Alexander, or AD Robinson (Chris) can tell me, then yes, I'll agree that it's a good plan.

But until then.......😕😑😠
Don't insult our intelligence with semantics as if game day costs couldn't be picked up in Jackson like it is potentially in B-Ham. People will be on here bragging about $30-$50 million economic impact to Birmingham or NO but I never see yall make these types of posts so save your font on them

Plus I won't move my main focus on how this game benefits Birmingham but not Jackson or Baton Rouge (and of course the whole lazy scheduling thing)
The City of Jackson would have to offer free services to JSU. Now as it stands for home games, JSU has to pay staff to work the game, security, and most all expenses. Yes, they probably get money off all ticket sales, but you have to subtract expenses to calculate profit. Birmingham is paying all expenses!

Have the costs of the game ever been picked up by the city of BR or Jackson?
Let's be honest here... I can't speak for BR, but the city of Jackson would have a mutiny on their hands if they said they were going to pick up the costs of a JSU football game. There are too many pertinent issues going on with the city right now. (ie...clean drinking water, hell just keeping adequate water pressure, garbage contract, streets, gun violence.... the list goes on). These issues all take precedence over fronting the money for football games. The "clear people" would probably get all the votes they needed from the black Jackson residents to take back over the mayor and city council positions just from the backlash of such a move...

Not saying that it would be a bad investment for the city... However, the perception and PR that would come behind such a move with the current state of affairs in Jackson...would be too much for the current administration to overcome.
Let's be honest here... I can't speak for BR, but the city of Jackson would have a mutiny on their hands if they said they were going to pick up the costs of a JSU football game. There are too many pertinent issues going on with the city right now. (ie...clean drinking water, hell just keeping adequate water pressure, garbage contract, streets, gun violence.... the list goes on). These issues all take precedence over fronting the money for football games. The "clear people" would probably get all the votes they needed from the black Jackson residents to take back over the mayor and city council positions just from the backlash of such a move...

Not saying that it would be a bad investment for the city... However, the perception and PR that would come behind such a move with the current state of affairs in Jackson...would be too much for the current administration to overcome.
Exactly, but if they did, they better be able to present a plan with sponsorships and revenue for the city to absorb the cost. It can be done, but it will take their city to make a concerted effort to develop partnerships and relationships to make it happen!

Please, if you don't mind, share with me how you see this making sense for UAPB. Maybe if you explain it, it'll make sense to me.

Assuming the interest of JSU stays high going into 2022, UAPB plays in front of potentially 50-60K people AND getting a paycheck upwards to $1.5 million that would cost them very little to $0 (since this would be a non-conference game so no one loses a home game). It's a win win (although I still hate playing SWAC schools as OOC opponents for a number of reasons)
Let's be honest here... I can't speak for BR, but the city of Jackson would have a mutiny on their hands if they said they were going to pick up the costs of a JSU football game. There are too many pertinent issues going on with the city right now. (ie...clean drinking water, hell just keeping adequate water pressure, garbage contract, streets, gun violence.... the list goes on). These issues all take precedence over fronting the money for football games. The "clear people" would probably get all the votes they needed from the black Jackson residents to take back over the mayor and city council positions just from the backlash of such a move...

Not saying that it would be a bad investment for the city... However, the perception and PR that would come behind such a move with the current state of affairs in Jackson...would be too much for the current administration to overcome.
The city of Baton Rouge is probably a lot better off financially than is the city of Jackson, and is probably better off than the city of Birmingham. All three cities have experienced tremendous "white flight," and, by extension, "white economics" over the past few decades, but Jackson, it appears, has been hit the hardest. Like Jackson and Birmingham, gun violence is the big issue in BR. But the issues with water quality, street maintenence, and boarded-up buildings around the downtown area have not pronounced themselves in BR and B'ham like they have in the Mississippi capital.
How is it going backwards? First the games between JSU and SU were going to roll off of the schedule. So to keep them both schools created a classic at a neutral site to make 1.5 million a piece. All they got to do is show up. No logistics on neither school. How is that a bad business deal?
My bad it's called hustling backwards because they can schedule each other in their non-conference game anyway. JSU was going to make more than that guaranteed 500K in a home game not to mention parking and concessions the whole bit. So now go play in that old outdated stadium and not to mention take that shine off JSU and SU in a full Mississippi Vet with TV exposure of kids seeing 60K in the stadium as well. We always talk about TV exposure then the SWAC decided to put them in a stadium of 71K that maybe half full or 3 quarters full with people traveling all the way from mostly Mississippi and Louisiana.
Let's be honest here... I can't speak for BR, but the city of Jackson would have a mutiny on their hands if they said they were going to pick up the costs of a JSU football game. There are too many pertinent issues going on with the city right now. (ie...clean drinking water, hell just keeping adequate water pressure, garbage contract, streets, gun violence.... the list goes on). These issues all take precedence over fronting the money for football games. The "clear people" would probably get all the votes they needed from the black Jackson residents to take back over the mayor and city council positions just from the backlash of such a move...

Not saying that it would be a bad investment for the city... However, the perception and PR that would come behind such a move with the current state of affairs in Jackson...would be too much for the current administration to overcome.

And how much has the city of Jackson profited from Jackson State events over the years?

The 2021 Fall season had an economic impact of 30 million. So asking for 1 million of the 30 is an issue?
