NBA Playoffs

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No comments yet??!!:emlaugh: My, my, my, how the some folks get quiet after such and such player puts on an MVP performance. Is that a coincidence or what? :emlaugh:

Oh, one more thing, add ten assists to the 49.:swink:

CP3 hits double digits and double digit assists on the norm.. is usually always one of those night for him.. He don't hit 49.. but he really don't have to...
CP3 hits double digits and double digit assists on the norm.. is usually always one of those night for him.. He don't hit 49.. but he really don't have to...

Individual ssists are overrated. The Lakers lead the league in TEAM assists.

One reason Paul doesn't hit 49 is because it's a slim possibility that he can. His game and his shooting skills is simply not built for a 49 point game.
Dude, do us all a favor and go back and erase some of those "lmao" so the screen won't be out of allignment.

One more thing, I said INDIVIDUAL assists are overrated.

I'm not only laughing at that but I'm also laughing at the fact that you said CP3 can't hit 49 in a game. He's hit 40+ a few times already.
Dude, do us all a favor and go back and erase some of those "lmao" so the screen won't be out of allignment.

One more thing, I said INDIVIDUAL assists are overrated.

I could be wrong, but I think he is laughing at far more than that... You don't think CP3 has shooting skills to hit 49?!?! You are reaching.....
"slim possibility", "His game not built for it".. "His shooting skills not built for it"

Besides the fact he has already had some 40+ games.... All of that up above is laughable...
"slim possibility", "His game not built for it".. "His shooting skills not built for it"

Besides the fact he has already had some 40+ games.... All of that up above is laughable...

Include the fact that this dude averages 11+ assists a night (13 in the playoffs) he could be selfish if he wanted to and put up 50+ on a given night if he wanted to.

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Reading is fundamental. Where did I say he scored more than 49? Read it again slowly......

Please refer to the following quote:

One reason Paul doesn't hit 49 is because it's a slim possibility that he can. His game and his shooting skills is simply not built for a 49 point game.

I rest my case.(snicker)....
Now read that to yourself again and ask yourself if that was a smart statement. Don't lie to yourself.

Dude, you erased the quote. Now you don't lie.

Until Paul scores 49, that tell's me he can't. Until Paul scores 81, that tells me he can't do it.
Dude, you erased the quote. Now you don't lie.

Until Paul scores 49, that tell's me he can't. Until Paul scores 81, that tells me he can't do it.

I erased the quote? Dude stop lying. I never said Chris Paul scored 49 points I said he's scored 40+ already. You'd stop at nothing to jock Kobe. SMH.....

WTH does 81 pts have to do with 49???? :retard:
I said INDIVIDUAL assists are overrated.



I ain't messin' with you bruh, but I gotta ask...

have you ever played organized basketball before??? Seriously... I ask this because there's nothing "individual" about how CP3 is making that squad better...It's pretty hard to "haphazzardly" have the assist average that he has, particulary when it's directly responsible for the offensive effeciency for an entire team. It's pretty simple; without CP, NO loses this series BIG. wITH CP, they may sweep this series, or at least take it in 5 or 6 games.

The dude could've dropped 50 or 60 a couple of times this year. If you've actually watched him at all this year, there hasn't really been anybody that's been able to stay in front of him in the league this year at the 1 or 2 (yeah, that includes EBOK, too)...He can get his shot (or get to the rim) anytime he wants at a shade over 6 ft. tall and you're actually spittin' mess like:

"His game not built for it".. "His shooting skills not built for it"

:xeye: @ :smh: at this nonsense...his game is built for teams to win...period.

The kid's a pure point guard; probably one of the best 1's to come in the league in the last 2 decades. That's what his game is built like. He don't have to score 49 points a game in order to impact it. That's what MVP calibre players do.

Dude is the best pg in the league right now. He's better than AI, he's better than Jason Kidd, He's better than Steve Nash (and I really dig Steve's game)...

Deron Williams is probably the closest thing to Chris Paul right now at the one and he's a distant second.

I know you love everything EBOK, but to trivialize everybody else in the quest of your boyhood hero worship is a bit over the top... :smh:
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