NBA Playoffs

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The Great One played like crap yesterday. GR does not want to see that mess out of Kobe again. Why in the hell is he even addressing a bum like Kenyon Martin? and why is he not going ot the hole on that bum? 32 points was nothing considering he got a lot of those points in straight garbage time. Denvers defense is so bad though....all he had to do was drive and pass the ball to Pau. Them cats wasnt even trying to rotate.....OH Well.

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Denver is like anybody in an abusive relationship. They keep going back, even though they know it's wrong. Denver keeps going back to the mentality that we are gonna outscore you, knowing that defense wins championships. AI and Melo both had 30 and what happened??? YOU STILL LOST!!!!!! They are beating their heads against a brick wall repeatedly. At some point they will learn basketball is about offense AND DEFENSE!!!!
MELO got a bunch of garbage points at the end just like Kobe. That white boy kept them in the game that long. Had it not been for him, Denver woulda lost by 30
AI and Melo both hit for 30... so they did their thing. Karl can't make Camby stop giving up wide open layups to Gasol, though. Wasn't Camby defensive POY last year? What the hell happened?

^ Reasons 1-10: Why Denver lost game 1 to the Fakers. In every highlight clip involving Gasol, that SSB Camby stood and watched as opposed to boxing out or God forbid challenging the shot. AI also has to do a much better job at the FT line.
Kobe spacing the floor is why Gasol was wide open. It's going to continue...Lakers in five.

What's up with Chris Paul and Jason Kidd?? Paul is going right after Kidd and playing him physical. Is there any bad blood between those two?
^ Reasons 1-10: Why Denver lost game 1 to the Fakers. In every highlight clip involving Gasol, that SSB Camby stood and watched as opposed to boxing out or God forbid challenging the shot. AI also has to do a much better job at the FT line.

Its not Cambys fault. he is doing his part. He is rotating over to challenge the shot and no one is rotating behind him. He has to go challenge The Great One, but Kobe just passes the ball where he just left and no one is there to protect the basket.
The Great One played like crap yesterday. GR does not want to see that mess out of Kobe again. Why in the hell is he even addressing a bum like Kenyon Martin? and why is he not going ot the hole on that bum? 32 points was nothing considering he got a lot of those points in straight garbage time. Denvers defense is so bad though....all he had to do was drive and pass the ball to Pau. Them cats wasnt even trying to rotate.....OH Well.

I agree with you GR.......Denver defense is atrocious. The Lakers should have scored even more on them fools. This will be a sweep or Denver may win just 1 game.
Honestly Denver should be as dangerous as the Celtics are with the cast they have over there... That has to be bad coaching and bad rotations..

Very Bad coaching. You would think Karl could do more with the talent he has there considering all he had in Seattle was GP and Shawn Kemp.
My pics.


Nuggets (Sorry Lakers Fans)

Out of the East, I have the Celts coming out on top. I was very impressed with the Lakers game yesterday. However, the winner will not have a weak interior defense.
Denver is 1-13 this year on the road against Western Conference playoff teams. That's a huge stat. They are who they are.

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Avery Johnson has to be one of the dumbest coaches in the league. He's yet to play a zone and he's yet to force Paul to his left. The man cannot consistently go left, yet they continue to let him finish with his right hand.:smh:
Avery Johnson has to be one of the dumbest coaches in the league. He's yet to play a zone and he's yet to force Paul to his left. The man cannot consistently go left, yet they continue to let him finish with his right hand.:smh:

Why Avery got to be one of the dumbest coaches? He has a bunch of experience NBA assistants as well that should be able deduct what you are saying so obviously it has to be more to it than forcing Paul to his left or play zone. Could it be that his players can't play D?:idea: Mark Cuban aint done him no favors with these no heart and none defensive minded players. Same can be said for Phoenix. They lose and their coach is in just as much trouble as my classmate AJ. Avery would be better suited coaching a team that he actually has some say in who his players are. I bet he would trade Dirk if he could. LOL.
Why Avery got to be one of the dumbest coaches? He has a bunch of experience NBA assistants as well that should be able deduct what you are saying so obviously it has to be more to it than forcing Paul to his left or play zone. Could it be that his players can't play D?:idea: Mark Cuban aint done him no favors with these no heart and none defensive minded players. Same can be said for Phoenix. They lose and their coach is in just as much trouble as my classmate AJ. Avery would be better suited coaching a team that he actually has some say in who his players are. I bet he would trade Dirk if he could. LOL.

He wanted to trade Dirk for Kobe but Cuban turned it down. I bet Avery was hot.
He wanted to trade Dirk for Kobe but Cuban turned it down. I bet Avery was hot.

I believe it. The Mavs do not play like AJ's mentality or how he played the game with the Spurs. Also AJ has seen a player not play with a chip on his shoulder before........his best friend and former team mate David Robinson. Big Dave was always labeled as soft. I still remember when Olajuwon tore him up in that series. Only AJ and Dennis Rodman showed up every game. It wasn't until Tim Duncan arrived that the Spurs got harder. Dirk has game but no kill or be killed mentality.
He wanted to trade Dirk for Kobe but Cuban turned it down. I bet Avery was hot.

How many postseason and NBA Finals appearances did the Mavericks accomplish before Dirk arrived? How many playoff series has Kobe won without Shaq?
How many postseason and NBA Finals appearances did the Mavericks accomplish before Dirk arrived? How many playoff series has Kobe won without Shaq?

What the Mavs did is not enough.....that franchise has been a playoff contender before Dirk in their history, they just made dumb player moves in the past. Just because they made the Finals don't mean squat. They were favored and got rolled by Miami which was lead by a player with that kill or be killed mentality.....his name was D. Wade.

As much as I am not a Kobe fan.......Dirk had more talent on Dallas's team than Kobe did in L.A. The Lakers lost those playoff series because they sucked period. You see a talent upgrade in L.A. the last couple of years and they are the number 1 seed this season in the West. Plus Kobe probably has played his best ball this season.
How many postseason and NBA Finals appearances did the Mavericks accomplish before Dirk arrived? How many playoff series has Kobe won without Shaq?

Are you saying Dirk is better than Kobe? I'm not even a Kobe fan. Dirk let Stephen "Rambo" Jackson shut him down last year in that series. Jackson is like 6'7" while Dirk is 7'+.
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