Grambling targeting Art Briles as offensive coordinator (per Football Scoop) [UPDATE - Officially hired!]

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Imagine the team with the most question marks asking the most questions about another team. Damn folks don’t even know what they’ll look like in the fall but questioning an 11-2 team that ran through the SWAC 😂

He typing all that when he really scared and insecure about his own program 😂
That's it.... insecurity lol
Art Briles is the fucking real deal! This ain't no Hal Mumme or Timmy Chang. This is a serious innovator that can run a spread that's pass or smash mouth focused. If Gram makes this hire which they should since Briles was cleared of all wrongdoing Deion will get his ass washed worse than what SCSU did.
Um. Art Briles wasn’t “cleared”. He had knowledge of what them boys was doing and looked the other way. That’s why he got fired and no one would touch him
Um. Art Briles wasn’t “cleared”. He had knowledge of what them boys was doing and looked the other way. That’s why he got fired and no one would touch him

Why are you lying? If Briles was found guilty of something by the NCAA he'd have a show cause.

Why are you lying? If Briles was found guilty of something by the NCAA he'd have a show cause.

Do you share the same general sentiment as the writer of the article, you purposely chose to reference, on matters of race?

The following paragraph is lifted from the article you referenced:

What’s worse, the vast majority of those media members have likely bought into their own version of reality and won’t afford Briles any grace moving forward, despite the NCAA ruling. Why? Because he is a white man who once held a position of power and influence, and is thus easily destroyed in this overwrought pressure cooker of American resentment. Briles’ public tar-and-feathering served both the financial agendas of liberal writers as well as their own emotional, ‘ethical’ needs, the latter of which is strictly forbidden in the realm of fair and balanced journalism.
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I promise you if they hire ART BRILES, it makes the annoying THEEions and SPAMU stans look like nunns

We can go and help rehabilitate ART BRILES but the Cole Brothers or Spears can't even get coordinator jobs at our schools. We know damn well they ain't doing the same for someone who looks like us who did the same thing

The Coles have shown several times they can't stop cheating.

I knew this thread would go off topic. Lawd Ham Mercy.

It's always got to be about them.....
If it’s Art Briles, that is a good move from a pure football perspective. As for them”baggage” , IMO that is a non-issue as it seems he was the scapegoat and the media built on it!

I like our offensive staff, especially Simon at Receivers Coach, with Briles coordinating the Offense.
Why are you lying? If Briles was found guilty of something by the NCAA he'd have a show cause.

I'm not lying. That's why I said "cleared" in quotation marks. In terms of the NCAA, yes, he was cleared. However, the infractions committed didn't like what Briles did.

“In each instance, when the head coach received information from a staff member regarding potential criminal conduct by a football student-athlete, he did not report the information and did not personally look any further into the matter,” the panel said. “His incurious attitude toward potential criminal conduct by his student-athletes was deeply troubling to the panel.

“As one panel member observed at the hearing when questioning the head coach’s lack of response to this information, ‘a lot of these things that we’re talking about, they’re not NCAA rules violations . . . (or) university policy violations. They’re felonies. (W)e’re talking about rapes and physical assaults,’” according to the report. “The head coach failed to meet even the most basic expectations of how a person should react to the kind of conduct at issue in this case. Furthermore, as a campus leader, the head coach is held to an even higher standard. He completely failed to meet this standard.”

He still paid a price for his role in covering up sexual assaults at Baylor. There's a reason he's been nuclear when it comes to other jobs.

Think about it ... if he was truly without culpability ... he would've beeeeeen hired by someone else.
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