The Dr. Cavil’s (HBCU) Black College Mid-Major Division Football Top 10 Rankings, with name of institution, record in parentheses, first-place votes, total points, previous week ranking, last week opponent and next week opponent:
Name———————Record–1PV-Points-PWR–Last Game-Next Game-(Final)
1. Winston-Salem State–(5-0)—(6)–95—–1—(Beat Johnson C. Smith,(28-10), vs-Saint Augustine’s)
2. #-Albany State——-(4-1)—(4)–87—–2—(Beat Kentucky State,(57-31), at-Lane)
3. Morehouse————(4-1)——–74—–4—(Beat Clark Atlanta,(30-2), vs-Tuskegee)
4. Stillman————-(4-1)——–69—–6—(Beat Lane,(28-17), vs-Benedict)
5. Virginia Union——-(4-2)——–54—–8—(Beat vs-Chowan,(43-29), Elizabeth City State)
6. Elizabeth City State-(3-2)——–48—–7—(Did Not Play, at-Virginia Union)
7. Virginia State——-(3-2)——–45—–NR–(Beat Bowie State,(28-21), at-Fayevetteville State)
8. Langston————-(3-2)——–36—–9—(Beat Bacone,(26-15), vs-Oklahoma Panhandle State)
9. Bowie State———-(3-2)——–21—–3—(Lost to Virginia State,(28-21), at-Fairmont State)
10. Kentucky State——-(3-2)——–10—–5—(Lost to Albany State,(57-31), vs-Fort Valley State)
Dropped Out: Clark-Atlanta-(2-3)
Receiving Votes: Concordia-Selma-(3-2)-6, Clark-Atlanta-(2-3)-5, Tuskegee-(1-3)-1
PWR = Previous Week Ranking
1PV = 1st Place Votes
LG = Last Game
Mid-Major Division = NCAA Division II & NAIA Division I
# = 2010 (HBCU) Black College Mid-Major Division Football National Champion