The HBCU Major Division Basketball Top 10, with number of first-place votes, record in parentheses, total points, previous ranking, and next opponent:
Name——————-Record–1PV-Points-PWR–Next Game-(2-2-09/2-7-09)
1. %-Alabama State—-(10-8)–(6)—95—-2—(at-Texas Southern, vs-Arkansas P. B.)
2. Morgan State——-(11-10)-(3)—81—-1—(at-Delaware State, at-Winston-Salem State)
3. Bethune-Cookman—-(11-10)——-77—-4—(vs-Winston-Salem State, at-Norfolk State)
4. Chicago State——(12-11)-(1)—71—-3—(at-Northwestern, at-UTPA)
5. Savannah State—–(11-11)——-68—-7—(at-UTPA, vs-Longwood)
6. Norfolk State——(8-11)——–43—-9—(at-Howard, vs-Bethune-Cookman)
7. Hampton————(10-10)——-36—-6—(vs-N. C A & T State, vs-Delaware State)
8. Prairie View A & M-(9-12)——–22—-5—(vs-Alabama A & M, at-Texas Southern)
9. S. C. State——–(8-11)——–17—-NR–(at-Florida A & M, vs-Coppin State)
10. Jackson State——(7-13)——–13—-10–(vs-Arkansas P. B., at-Alcorn State)
Dropped Out: N. C. A & T State-(8-13)
Receiving Votes: N. C. A & T State-(8-13)-8, Arkansas P. B.-(7-12)-7, Florida A & M-(6-13)-5, Maryland E. S.-(6-13)-2, Coppin State-(6-15)-1
PWR = Previous Week Ranking
1PV = 1st Place Votes
Alabama State % = TSPN & 3C 2007-2008 HBCU Men’s Basketball Major Division National Champion
Major Division = NCAA Division I
2003-2009 3C Communication – A THG Agency, LLC Company & 3C Communications – All Rights Reserved.
The HBCU Mid-Major Division Basketball Top 10, with number of first-place votes, record in parentheses, total points, previous ranking, and next opponent:
Name———————Record-1PV-Points-PWR–Next Game-(2-2-09/2-7-09)
1. Benedict————-(16-2)-(5)—94—-2—(vs-Stillman, at-Morehouse, at-Clark-Atlanta)
2. Claflin————–(14-2)-(4)—82—-1—(at-Lane, vs-Morehouse)
3. Virginia Union——-(15-3)-(2)—79—-3—(at-Johnson C. Smith, vs-Johnson C. Smith)
4. Jarvis Christian—–(16-4)——-64—-4—(at-Texas Wesleyan, vs-Wiley, vs-SW Ass. of God)
5. Elizabeth City State-(15-5)——-56—-5—(vs-Livingstone, at-St. Paul’s)
6. St. Augustine’s——(15-7)——-41—-7—(vs-Bowie State)
7. Xavier—————(14-7)——-32—-8—(at-Loyola, vs-LSUS)
8. Lane—————–(12-5)——-28—-8—(vs-Claflin, at-Miles, vs-LeMoyne-Owen)
9. Johnson C. Smith—–(14-6)——-18—-6—(at-Virginia State, vs-Virginia Union, at-Virginia Union)
10. Cheney—————(12-5)——-15—-10–(vs-Kutztown, vs-Bloomsburg)
Dropped Out: Fayetteville State-(12-5)
Receiving Votes: Clark-Atlanta-(10-7)-13, Fayetteville State-(12-5)-9, Tougaloo-(13-8)-6, LeMoyne-Owen-(10-10)-1 at-LSUS at-SUNO
PWR = Previous Week Ranking
1PV = 1st Place Votes
Mid-Major Division = NAIA Division I and NCAA Division II
2003-2009 3C Communication – A THG Agency, LLC Company & 3C Communications – All Rights Reserved.
Jafus you’ve obviously bumped you’re head to rank ASU #1 over Morgan State who’s beaten out of conference teams such as Marshall, DePaul & Maryland. Compare that to ASU who’s beaten Houston Baptist, Auburn-Montgomery and West Alabama. No contest!