Swac Basketball 2/13 & 2/15/09

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Alcorn men get their first win.......

Alcorn - 55
Valley - 54

WOW! Is all I can say! I bet alcorn fans shared all types of emotions during the last 30 seconds of that game! It was a close one! :tup:
Congrats Alcorn!

Alcorn State led 54-47 on a free throw by Francis with 32 seconds left before the Delta Devils went on a 7-1 run. D'Angelo Jackson's 3 got Valley within 55-54 with 6 seconds to go.

Alcorn's Corey Anthony missed two free throws with 2 seconds left, but the Delta Devils couldn't get a final shot off
and oh yea their is no excuse for going 1-11 thats pathetic! Michael Griffin you suck! the midget point guard

pardon mes français, but #10 will fcuk up the world of anyone of ur guards on ur team. Don't mistake me for hate, cus JSU has a very good, well disciplined team, but you got Mike messed up. U better YouTube that young man. HOWEVER he is slumping right now & injured as well. His main prob is his suspect shot selection, but you ain't got a guard on ur roster that can mess with #10. believe that.

And truth be told hugee is on Pluto right now...
Mike was 1-11 and 1-7...his stats speak volumes about what he can do vs jsu guards! VOLUMES...actions speak so much louder than words that midget was freaking 1-11...dude 1-11...i don't care nothing about a youtube highlight film...i care abotu present day! and presently dude was 1-11 lasttime he stepped on court...sure he can F up any guard we got lol NOT...he didn't do it when it counted! & Hugee just sucks & somebody be sure to tell panther88 I said it
Mike was 1-11 and 1-7...his stats speak volumes about what he can do vs jsu guards! VOLUMES...actions speak so much louder than words that midget was freaking 1-11...dude 1-11...i don't care nothing about a youtube highlight film...i care abotu present day! and presently dude was 1-11 lasttime he stepped on court...sure he can F up any guard we got lol NOT...he didn't do it when it counted! & Hugee just sucks & somebody be sure to tell panther88 I said it

Dawg I mean this in the nicest way possible. You are an idiot! You compare players performance against 2-3 isolated situations. Shid truth be told Jordan never really performed well against Vernon Maxwell so with your logic he sucked. Hugee (crazy & all) is a confrence 1st teamer & griffin is a starter and OR Star player on damn near every team in this confrence. Right now yall are the better team, no doubt, but how you taking (out of ur arse) you sound like a fan who just root for the home team & judge a player on the 1-2 times u see em. You wanna look at stats... Go look and tell me where Hugee ranks in the SWAC in points, rebounds, & blocks. I'll admit Mike having a down season, but he still a Soph. He got 2 more years (and the rest of the season) to get back to the 10ppg+ playmaker status he is known for. I see a lot of ur arguments & I just can't feel u... U are a homer & a hater.. Go kick rocks you fanboy
I'm the hater? you sure I'm the hater when ur boys didn't showup? I don't care who Mike would start for he certainly wouldn't start over Rod Melvin nor Phil Williams...I don't care what dude does vs. the rest of the swac he didn't do it vs. JSU! The rest of the SWAC blah blah blah...Hugee hasn't done well vs. jsu all year...dude just Go sit down & get off Mike's nutts...I'm the idiot but u taken up for a guy who went 1-11 from the field and a undersized postplayer with a attitude problem? r u serious...ok IDIOT
This is the best I have ever seen SU's girls knock down 3 pointers. THESE REFS NEED TO GO ROLL OVER AND DIE.

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Bear is kicking azz by herself.

29-18 Lady Jags

She has 9 right now.

I can't wait until the SWAC tournament.
I'm the hater? you sure I'm the hater when ur boys didn't showup? I don't care who Mike would start for he certainly wouldn't start over Rod Melvin nor Phil Williams...I don't care what dude does vs. the rest of the swac he didn't do it vs. JSU! The rest of the SWAC blah blah blah...Hugee hasn't done well vs. jsu all year...dude just Go sit down & get off Mike's nutts...I'm the idiot but u taken up for a guy who went 1-11 from the field and a undersized postplayer with a attitude problem? r u serious...ok IDIOT

Contrary to popular (your) belief a player's performance isn't verified through how they perform against. Against one fuggin team. You guys are a solid team and defend well, ok we get it. But you can't say somebody suck because they had bad games against yall. I remember back in 05-06 Brion Rush (from Grambling) never had a good game against us, but dude was like the #2 SCORER IN THE NATION!! If u can't get that analogy I don't kno what else to say. Basketball is all about matchups G. Take the JSU blindfold off your face & look at basketball 4 what it is & be objectionable. Somebody might actually respect yo basketball knowlege one day. Just a thought.
They arent calling anything on Valley.

They aren't! They cheated in the 1st meeting and still lost. It would be nice to have a 20 point lead with the way they are calling stuff. Pugh would have better support if they stop moving those fugging games to 2pm. This game should have been at 5 or 5:30.
2 p.m....Monday? :emlaugh:

that should be banned in the SWAC....TSU does it on Saturdays and fans have not responded also according to posted attendance

basketball games are quick enough to where you can still hit the "club" before the drink specials end at 11 :emlaugh:
2 p.m....Monday? :emlaugh:

that should be banned in the SWAC....TSU does it on Saturdays and fans have not responded also according to posted attendance

basketball games are quick enough to where you can still hit the "club" before the drink specials end at 11 :emlaugh:

lol SU does that on Saturday's to. This game should have been at 5:30pm. I will make the sure the Saturday game against PVU will be at 5:30pm.
2 p.m....Monday? :emlaugh:

that should be banned in the SWAC....TSU does it on Saturdays and fans have not responded also according to posted attendance

basketball games are quick enough to where you can still hit the "club" before the drink specials end at 11 :emlaugh:

Thats part of the attendence problems @ SU. Look like they would notice more folks come to the Monday games than the Saturday games because they are @ night. Folks dont like to come to games in the middle of the day as folks have stuff to do and some even have to work during the day.
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Very nice interview with Stump @ halftime :tup: . He gave alot of praise to Pete and spoke on how Pete put alot of effort in getting the facilities in place. Thank God for CST, but it is effecting attendence. They interview Cador also Saturday. Would have loved to hear that one, but I was @ the game.
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