GAMES called off at DUKE for SEX SCANDAL.

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Blacknbengal said:
Ok people, what if the lacrosse team didnt rape this young lady? What if there were other people at the party and the lacrosse team is covering up for them? Did the young lady actually say "players of the lacrosse team raped me"? Or did she say "I was raped by 3 white men at a lacrosse party"?

Good point but besides the point as well.

I don't see a need for panic on this issue just yet. DNA evidence linking anyone to a rape would have to be PRESENT AND DETECTABLE in order to be relevant. Condoms don't have DNA, neither do broom sticks or beer bottles. No DNA does not mean no conviction. Courts and justice have been around a lot longer than DNA testing so how does inconclusive DNA testing mean that there is no case.

I believe the woman's testimony and her ability to identify her attackers in a line-up could still hold a case together as long as the medical exam substantiates her allegations.

Let's wait and see on this one folks.
The only thing that pisses me off is the double standard. If a bunch of black North Carolina A&T football players were accused of raping a white Duke stripper, then those brothers would still be trying to scrape up bail money. You can't deny that race is playing a role in this. But I don't really believe the words of a stripper/prostitute..especially when the DNA came up clean.

But I don't really believe the words of a stripper/prostitute..especially when the DNA came up clean.

You have to take into consideration the reasons why the DNA actually came back negative. And let's not forget that the D.A. indicated or hinted that he has additional evidence to submit!

I can name several reasons why "I" personally think the evidence came back negative but most of the people on this board would probably be thinking conspiracy theory or something! Truth be known however, these Duke players have a lot of money....they play lacrosse for Christ's sake! :look: Their parents have money morever. Add to the equation that the guys had enough time to clean their house and not cooperate with the police and you have the answer to your question.

If no condom, was found, it does not mean the guys didn't use one--it just means they had enough time to get rid of the evidence. Remember the police had to wait 2 days before they could get a warrant because the players wouldn't cooperate! :smh: This has shady written all over it and some of you guys are ready to dismiss a stripper's portrayl of what happened just because of her occupation! :shame:

As I said earlier, something happened that night and if it didn't why didn't the players go willingly or cooperate when they had the chance with the police? If you've done no wrong, why would you be afraid?

People look at this thing from outside the box. Those lacrosse players obviously did some things they had no business but because of the double standard in our society, coupled with the money their families have, it's almost a given certainty that they'll get away with it. :smh:
District Attorney: Duke lacrosse case 'not going away'

Associated Press

DURHAM, N.C. -- Durham County's chief prosecutor said Tuesday he will not abandon his investigation of allegations that an exotic dancer was sexually assaulted and beaten at a party thrown by members of Duke University's lacrosse team.

"A lot has been said in the press, particularly by some attorneys yesterday, that this case should go away," District Attorney Mike Nifong said at a community forum. "My presence here means that this case is not going away."

AP Photo
District Attorney Mike Nifong, right, leaves a community forum Tuesday.
On Monday, attorneys representing members of the lacrosse team said DNA from 46 lacrosse players did not match evidence collected from the woman.

"No DNA from any young man tested was found anywhere on or about this woman," defense attorney Wade Smith said Monday.

He said he hoped Nifong would drop the investigation.

No charges have been filed in the case, but Nifong has said he believes a crime occurred at the March 13 party, which according to court records was attended only by lacrosse players.

Nifong stopped short of confirming the defense assessment of the DNA results, but said the case would not be hampered by a lack of DNA evidence.

"It doesn't mean nothing happened," Nifong said at a public forum at North Carolina Central University, where the 27-year-old alleged victim is a student. "It just means nothing was left behind."

No charges have been filed.

Nifong said prosecutors were awaiting a second set of DNA results, but did not say how those differed from the tests reported Monday. Nifong added that in 75 percent to 80 percent of sexual assaults, there is no DNA evidence to analyze.

The district attorney said a rape case can built on testimony from the alleged victim and other witnesses. Nifong also said the hospital exam of the woman has led him to believe a crime occurred at the March 13 party.

According to court documents, a doctor and a specially trained nurse found the alleged victim had "signs, symptoms and injuries consistent with being raped and sexually assaulted.''

"My presence here means this case is not going away," Nifong said to applause from an audience of about 700 people.

Shawn Cunningham, a student at N.C. Central, told Nifong and Durham Mayor Bill Bell that he was angry with people who he said were blaming the alleged victim.

"The press has disrespected this young lady," he said. "You have minimalized [her] to a stripper and an exotic dancer. You don't identify her as a mother. You don't identify her as a student. You don't identify her as a woman."

The 27-year-old woman told police she and another woman were hired to dance at the party. The woman told police that three men at the party dragged her into a bathroom, choked her, raped her and sodomized her. The allegations led to days of protests on and off the Duke campus.

Nifong said that he has never engaged in racial favoritism and that arresting suspects too quickly could harm the case.

"I have been criticized by both sides in this case," he said. "There have been people who have said that I should have given up this case a long time ago, and there are people who have said I should have already indicted, moved against somebody with some charges. The fact is that this case is proceeding the way a case should proceed."

Nifong later told a questioner, who asserted the victim had positively identified her three attackers, that her information was wrong.

Nifong refused to take any questions from reporters after the forum.

Bill Thomas, a defense attorney for one of the team captains, urged the accuser to recant, saying he believes she made up the allegations to avoid a charge of public drunkenness.

"It is my sincere hope that she comes forward and tells the truth in this matter and allows these young men to go on with their lives and for this community to heal," Thomas said.
Evidently I think the prosecution is saying that there is evidence the women were raped. Just like Blackbengal said,everyone who was at the party was not tested,only the lacrose team. I bet they are looking at people outside the lacrose team who was at the party.
coldsweat said:
You have to take into consideration the reasons why the DNA actually came back negative. And let's not forget that the D.A. indicated or hinted that he has additional evidence to submit!

I can name several reasons why "I" personally think the evidence came back negative but most of the people on this board would probably be thinking conspiracy theory or something! Truth be known however, these Duke players have a lot of money....they play lacrosse for Christ's sake! :look: Their parents have money morever. Add to the equation that the guys had enough time to clean their house and not cooperate with the police and you have the answer to your question.

If no condom, was found, it does not mean the guys didn't use one--it just means they had enough time to get rid of the evidence. Remember the police had to wait 2 days before they could get a warrant because the players wouldn't cooperate! :smh: This has shady written all over it and some of you guys are ready to dismiss a stripper's portrayl of what happened just because of her occupation! :shame:

As I said earlier, something happened that night and if it didn't why didn't the players go willingly or cooperate when they had the chance with the police? If you've done no wrong, why would you be afraid?

People look at this thing from outside the box. Those lacrosse players obviously did some things they had no business but because of the double standard in our society, coupled with the money their families have, it's almost a given certainty that they'll get away with it. :smh:

I agree! I don't think they are going to get away with it but the system is trying very hard to cover for the boys. The girl did not lie. The DA knows that they are lying. I just hope ole girl doesn't get too scared and allow them to intimidate her into not testifying against the O'fays.
Blacknbengal said:
Ok people, what if the lacrosse team didnt rape this young lady? What if there were other people at the party and the lacrosse team is covering up for them?

Would that make them any less guilty? For covering it up or conspiring together to hide the crime. If they stood there and watched and did nothing they are just a guilty as the ones who actually commited the crime. I wouldn't be suprise if someone has or had this on tape.
These white boys are as guilty as sin....they are covering it up....I bet if the Grambling State University Football Team had a party and a white chick (Sorry...STRIPER!!!!) from Ruston who went to Louisiana Tech was we wouldn't have a season this fall.
I guess next people are gonna say they paid off the police to say she was passed off drunk...LOL

DURHAM, N.C. -- A woman who claims she was sexually assaulted by members of Duke University's lacrosse team was described as "just passed-out drunk" by one of the first police officers to see her, according to a recording of radio traffic released by Durham police on Thursday and obtained by The Associated Press.

The conversation between the officer and a police dispatcher took place about 1:30 a.m. March 14, about five minutes after a grocery store security guard called 911 to report a woman in the parking lot who would not get out of someone else's car.
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