GAMES called off at DUKE for SEX SCANDAL.

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You said strippers, like us is a minority. By that logic any group that has less members than the majority (whites) is a minority. There are less KKK members than there are whites in America, hence they area a minority following your statement's logic.
Rapists would be a minority.
Because a group is a minority does not mean they share or can compare to blacks. Homosexuals are a minority, poor whites, strippers, rapists, millionaires, murderers, pedafiles (sp), should all those groups be compared to us?

No there are more kkk memebers today then it is ever they just don't call it the KKK. there is one group call taking back White Amerika or something like that ( yes they spelled it with a K) and I watch this a while ago on discovery times and they have a website but I dont know it at the time but these are regular people living regular lives but at night they are in groups taking about watch NI**ers kill each other and other stuff. I mean you could google it type white power or something.
Re: A woman hired to dance for the Duke lacrosse team describes a night of racial sl

Dr H.. said:
This sad, but to be expected, whenever you get around a group of drunk white men.

Those females put themselves in a position to be raped.


levarg said:
I agree with you totally however most of the tokens not all of them are usually the negros that are happy to be a at a white school because he feels that he have gain some level of prestige ( Uncle Toms)and they accept whatever treatment is handed to them Student or faculty. Black students at PWI' s have develop that mind set that treatment like that is part of the college experience and they allow it to happen and they look at students or graduates from HBCU as pampered or we have it easy at because we didn't go through the intuitional racism their campus provided them.
You caused this thought. You are aware that among the most elite, the most racist it is a badge of honor to GET a black girl. This contributed to what happened.
Re: A woman hired to dance for the Duke lacrosse team describes a night of racial sl

Dr H.. said:
This sad, but to be expected, whenever you get around a group of drunk white men.

Those females put themselves in a position to be raped.

You caused this thought. You are aware that among the most elite, the most racist it is a badge of honor to GET a black girl. This contributed to what happened.

Well the thought I am trying to cause is about the negros on white campus that smile, dance, and grin to Mr. white man while he can say the N word in his face in many ways.
levarg said:
No there are more kkk memebers today then it is ever they just don't call it the KKK. there is one group call taking back White Amerika or something like that ( yes they spelled it with a K) and I watch this a while ago on discovery times and they have a website but I dont know it at the time but these are regular people living regular lives but at night they are in groups taking about watch NI**ers kill each other and other stuff. I mean you could google it type white power or something.
That was not the point. ASU2002 made it seem that they (strippers) should not be discriminated against because they are a minority like blacks. The two can not and should not be compared.
My point is that the KKK is a minority group. Any group with less members can be referred to as a minority (non-racially speaking).
Regardless as to how many members there are, a minority mathematically and logically can not be greater than the majority.
levarg said:
Well the thought I am trying to cause is about the negros on white campus that smile, dance, and grin to Mr. white man while he can say the N word in his face in many ways.
You make it seem that I am talking about all women. I am talking about these whores, whose rapists need to be in jail.

Dang dude just because they are exotic dancers or strippers or whatever people want to call them, does not mean they are whores. I guess male strippers ala, The Black Chippendales are whores too.

And ironically women do lose their minds over these brothas and the women look like they are trying to rape them.:lol: Next time they come to ELEVATIONS man you need to see how the women act. So Temptation + Desire + no self control = an explosive situation.

I know the article said escort service so I guess we all can assume that means sex is involved with the service.
That was not the point. ASU2002 made it seem that they (strippers) should not be discriminated against because they are a minority like blacks. The two can not and should not be compared.
My point is that the KKK is a minority group. Any group with less members can be referred to as a minority (non-racially speaking).
Regardless as to how many members there are, a minority mathematically and logically can not be greater than the majority.

I am not referring about ASU2002 I am talking about the word minority associated with KKK. NAACP that is a minority group, SCLU that is a minority group. The Hispanic alliance that is minority group. The KKK is not a minority group. But I kind of see what you are saying I think you beleive that since it is 2006 more and more white people are becoming less racist as the years pass on correct me if I am wrong.
hOMEBOY, PARDON MY SLANG. i MEANT whore. They were stated that they sell sex....that is a prostitute ie whore ie ho.
3 one on one dates a week means selling sex.
I respect women more than anyone I know. I am very old fashion. But truth is truth.
Well man I do owe you an apology for not THOROUGHLY reading the article and I went back and read article from the link and it did say escort service. I usually don't miss a word like that.:D.

I guess these young women thought they were going to be better treated by some white boys.
Second house searched in team-linked rape case

By BriAnne Dopart and John Stevenson, The Herald-Sun
March 29, 2006 12:59 am

DURHAM -- District Attorney Mike Nifong said Tuesday that police have searched a second house in connection with the Duke lacrosse case, and that additional searches "quite likely" would follow.

Nifong said the latest search was at a house occupied by two members of the Duke lacrosse team.

He declined to say what officers were looking for. Those details, along with an inventory of any evidence that was seized, will be outlined in the search warrant and accompanying paperwork, which by law must be returned to the county Magistrate's Office by today.

Court documents show police also searched a car, although the records suggest that no evidence was seized.

No charges have been filed in the case.

Meanwhile, new details of the alleged rape have emerged from the court order used to obtain DNA samples from 46 lacrosse players last week.

According to the Police Department's application for the order, medical records gave credence to the victim's allegations.

The records "revealed the victim had signs, symptoms and injuries consistent with being raped and sexually assaulted vaginally and anally," according to the document.

A forensic sexual assault nurse conducted the evaluation, the document said, and stated that the victim's "injuries and her behavior were consistent with a traumatic experience."

Also, the city released a recording Tuesday of a call an unidentified woman made to 911 dispatchers the night of the alleged rape in which she claimed to have been walking outside the house where the lacrosse party was held. The woman reported that a man standing in front of the wall near 610 N. Buchanan Blvd. called her and a black friend "niggers" as they walked past the residence.

The woman told the dispatcher that she "isn't hurt or anything," but that she simply wanted to report the incident. The dispatcher gave no indication that she would send a police cruiser to the area.

The alleged rape victim is black and told police that the lacrosse players at the party, all of whom were white, also used racial slurs.

Police spokeswoman Kammie Michael did not answer questions about the time between the woman's call and the call reporting the alleged rape, which came from a security guard at the Kroger on Hillsborough Road.

Michael said the alleged rape victim was not the same woman who called about the racial slur. But Michael did not respond to a question asking whether the woman who called about the racial slur was the woman who accompanied the alleged rape victim to the party.

When the Kroger security guard called police, she told the dispatcher that the alleged victim was sitting in a car and was "intoxicated, drunk or something." The guard said the woman wouldn't get out of the car.

The guard told the dispatcher that the owner of the car was standing with her at the customer service station.

Michael did not answer a question asking whether the alleged rape victim was intoxicated.

But in an interview Tuesday night, the guard, Angel Altmon, said that once she went to the car and saw the woman, she no longer thought she was intoxicated. In particular, there was no odor of alcohol, Altmon said.

"Somebody must have slipped her something, because she wasn't drunk," Altmon said. "If she was drunk I would have smelled something."

Altmon said she didn't see any bruises on the woman, although it was dark. She said the woman was wearing just one high-heeled shoe and see-through lingerie.

Altmon also said the driver of the car told her she didn't go to the party with the alleged victim. The driver said she was driving near the party scene when she saw the alleged victim walking outside. "She said she saw a whole lot of Duke guys hollering at her" and using racial slurs, Altmon said. She said the driver said she stopped to pick up the woman and brought her to the Kroger to call police.

"I'll be praying for her," Altmon said.

According to Michael, police interviewed three men the same day authorities obtained a search warrant for 610 N. Buchanan Blvd.

Although Michael said she didn't know the identity of the men, the application for the order to obtain DNA samples makes reference to the three residents of 610 N. Buchanan Blvd. The residents told police that every person who attended the party was a Duke lacrosse player. According to the three residents, all but five of the players tested for DNA were at the party.

The alleged gang rape happened after the victim was hired as an exotic dancer for the lacrosse team party. According to Duke officials, team members have acknowledged hiring the dancer and that there was underage drinking by team members at the party.

According to the court documents, one man at the party brandished a broom stick and threatened to "shove this up you" while the victim was dancing.

At that point, the victim and a fellow dancer decided to leave, but were persuaded to go back into the house, the documents say.

Then, the documents allege, three men raped and sexually assaulted the victim anally, vaginally and orally for some 30 minutes in a bathroom.

Consistent with the woman's version of events, four red polished fingernails were recovered inside the residence. She claimed they broke off as she clawed at one of the suspects "while being strangled," the court documents say.

In addition, the documents allege that Duke lacrosse captain Daniel Flannery "admitted using an alias to make the reservation" for the dancers.

However, the lacrosse players told the victim they were members of the Duke baseball and track teams "to hide the true identity of their sports affiliation," according to the court documents.

DNA samples from the lacrosse players arrived at the State Bureau of Investigation laboratory in Raleigh on Monday afternoon, and it is expected that test results will be available next week.

Depending on the results, it is possible that charges might be lodged against partygoers other than those who actually committed the alleged rape, Nifong said Tuesday. If so, such charges likely would be aiding and abetting the sexual assault, according to Nifong, who is handling the case personally.

"Generally speaking, mere presence at a crime scene is not enough to charge someone," Nifong said.

But he added that charges would be possible if any bystanders encouraged the alleged rapists or condoned their conduct.

Links related to this article:

First 911 call:

Second 911 call:

URL for this article:
This is what I read in the article.

"It wasn't the greatest job," she said, her voice trailing off. But with two children, and a full class load at N.C. Central University, it paid well and fit her schedule.

This was the first time she had been hired to dance provocatively for a group, she said. There was no security to protect her, and as the men became aggressive, the two women started to leave. After some of the men apologized for the behavior, the women went back inside, according to police. That's when the woman was pulled into a bathroom and raped and sodomized, police said.
Former Escort Service Owner Says Safety First.

The allegations have outraged the campus and the community. But they also raise a question: Just what is an escort service -- a legitimate business or a euphemism for prostitution?

Escort company operators say that what their women offer is legal, whether it's dancing or companionship. If things go further than that, they say, it's out of the companies' hands. Some companies have had women sign agreements promising not to engage in prostitution.

Problems in policing

Prostitution is a state crime that is prosecuted sporadically by local police. In the past few years, Raleigh and Greensboro police have turned their attention to escort services and made several prostitution arrests.

In Cary, police say they have targeted escort services by posing as customers in hotels. But the cases are hard to make, Capt. Dave Wulff said.

"When we talk to them on the phone, all they're doing is saying that they offer companionship," Wulff said.
Nonchalant said:
Question: Don't strippers/escorts usually have body guards with them on house calls? Not trying to divert or anything, just an observation.

...Carry On..


Dude, if you've ever been to a "party" like they were going to, you know more than dancing is taking place. They were going to make money. And closed legs don't get fed. If a rape did actually take place, then those that committed the crime should be prosecuted. My question is...when those strippers first arrived and saw how many people were there and how rowdy the crowd was...why didn't they just leave? They wanted to make that paper. Well...they got a lot more than paper.

If I had a sister or a close friend that needed to pay for college, I wouldn't recommend her being a freaking stripper. You lay down with're bound to get dirty!!!

levarg said:
What if it was your sister or a close friend in that situation and she decided to strip to pay for college or take care of her child. Would you treat her like a slut?
Dude, if you've ever been to a "party" like they were going to, you know more than dancing is taking place. They were going to make money. And closed legs don't get fed. If a rape did actually take place, then those that committed the crime should be prosecuted. My question is...when those strippers first arrived and saw how many people were there and how rowdy the crowd was...why didn't they just leave? They wanted to make that paper. Well...they got a lot more than paper.

If I had a sister or a close friend that needed to pay for college, I wouldn't recommend her being a freaking stripper. You lay down with're bound to get dirty!!!
I GUESS they saw all those white guys and thought two things
1. We could get raped, killed etc.
2. That many means a lot of money.
They risked it for the money.
I am not referring about ASU2002 I am talking about the word minority associated with KKK. NAACP that is a minority group, SCLU that is a minority group. The Hispanic alliance that is minority group. The KKK is not a minority group. But I kind of see what you are saying I think you beleive that since it is 2006 more and more white people are becoming less racist as the years pass on correct me if I am wrong.
No not what I am saying at all.
I'm beginning to think these guys are going to get off. At first, the DA said it'll be a week before the DNA results are back, now he's saying it'll be 2. That's amost enough time for the attention and hype to die down and for some slick lawyers to draw up watered down confessions to plead guilty to that'll call for little if any jail time.
FAB5 said:
I'm beginning to think these guys are going to get off. At first, the DA said it'll be a week before the DNA results are back, now he's saying it'll be 2. That's amost enough time for the attention and hype to die down and for some slick lawyers to draw up watered down confessions to plead guilty to that'll call for little if any jail time.
When dealing with rich white folk, that is alsways a possibility. Why are our national black organizations not involved with these sort of issues. It does not matter that these were whores.
People I read this entire thread and this is how I feel:

1. No woman deserves to get raped or assaulted. Even if she is walking but naked in to a room. NO WOMAN deserves to be raped.

2. There is an issue called self preservation that is being overlooked. Women place themselves in dangerous situations some times. This was one of them.

3. They went back to the car and was talked in to coming back in...your first instinct is the best instinct. They should have drove off.

Levarg if you would have attended the University of Arkansas you would have come to some of the partys that I threw...and brother...there were strippers doing it the the bedroom...all over. Very rarely does a stripper male or female come to just strip...especially a low budget stripper. Also, all the strip parties I have hosted...the women had a body guard...just being real...

Some of yall on this page need to stop acting BRAND NEW. These women wanted to make some money off these white boys. If it is proven that she was raped...then the men should be prosecuted.

NastyNUPE I'm with you...this is a case of...placing yourself in a situation when you had the chance to protect yourself. They walked in...cased the scene...and what else has been reported was that when they came in Racial Slurs begin to said to them...but they go back in??????

Awwwwwwww man....

They let the money make them!!!!

Now there IS a flip side:

What if this was Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and 2 white chicks....hmmmm
That was not the point. ASU2002 made it seem that they (strippers) should not be discriminated against because they are a minority like blacks. The two can not and should not be compared.
My point is that the KKK is a minority group. Any group with less members can be referred to as a minority (non-racially speaking).
Regardless as to how many members there are, a minority mathematically and logically can not be greater than the majority.
In actuality the KKK is minority group in the majority. They are still apart of the majority. And yeah no one should be discriminated: gays, strippers, lesbians, etc. That's the problem with America people have to be placed in groups before thought of respect comes into play.
We also don't know what was said for that female to re-enter the house. I don't know about noone else, but I have been to several parties that involved strippers and if the fellows ain't tipping right, the strippers proceed to close up in a room or go sit in the car until someone goes and talks to them and pursuades them to continue with the show and assures them the tips will be flowing or their up front money increases.

If brothers get out of line and go to far with the grabbing, smacking on the azz, being totally disrepectful, pouring brew after brew on them and what-ever else use to soak these strippers, they pack up and proceed to leave until that one brother pursuades them to stay.

Strippers trip all the time, if quoted one number and there are many many more brothers that show up, most strippers ain't taking off nothing until the money is right or they bounce to the next party, simple as that. They are serious as the next person about their paper.
ASU2002 said:
In actuality the KKK is minority group in the majority. They are still apart of the majority. And yeah no one should be discriminated: gays, strippers, lesbians, etc. That's the problem with America people have to be placed in groups before thought of respect comes into play.

DSN, thanks, ditto, exactly. That is precisely what Ihave been saying. You said it better than I have.
ASU2002, actually we are off target. Yet the way you present this is the same thinking that says gays are just a "minority" and should be treated equally. Same sex marriages should be legal.
It is the same thinking that says (again) kkk is a minority and should be allowed to protest and march. It is the same thinking that says gangs have the right to do what they do.
Simply being a minority should not grant equality or even the right to exist. Should smokers have the right to smoke in your face.
I honestly and respectfully think you are grabbing straws to defend your original position. Do you honestly feel that strippers are a minority and should have rights by that fact. They have the rights DSN mentioned...not to be raped, and other rights that all Americas are granted. Now they are not like MINORITIES (blacks, indians, jews, hispanics, etc) who have experienced discrimination.
Feeling that stripping is wrong, not wanting strip clubs in your hood, feeling that strippers should not exist is not discrimination.
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