GAMES called off at DUKE for SEX SCANDAL.

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Why is it that i am a grown @ss man and never been to one of these.

Levarg if you would have attended the University of Arkansas you would have come to some of the partys that I threw...and brother...there were strippers doing it the the bedroom...all over. Very rarely does a stripper male or female come to just strip...especially a low budget stripper. Also, all the strip parties I have hosted...the women had a body guard...just being real...

Hey, I was at U of A why didn't you find and invite me?

Dr. Sweet NUPE said:
People I read this entire thread and this is how I feel:

1. No woman deserves to get raped or assaulted. Even if she is walking but naked in to a room. NO WOMAN deserves to be raped.

2. There is an issue called self preservation that is being overlooked. Women place themselves in dangerous situations some times. This was one of them.

3. They went back to the car and was talked in to coming back in...your first instinct is the best instinct. They should have drove off.

Levarg if you would have attended the University of Arkansas you would have come to some of the partys that I threw...and brother...there were strippers doing it the the bedroom...all over. Very rarely does a stripper male or female come to just strip...especially a low budget stripper. Also, all the strip parties I have hosted...the women had a body guard...just being real...

Some of yall on this page need to stop acting BRAND NEW. These women wanted to make some money off these white boys. If it is proven that she was raped...then the men should be prosecuted.

NastyNUPE I'm with you...this is a case of...placing yourself in a situation when you had the chance to protect yourself. They walked in...cased the scene...and what else has been reported was that when they came in Racial Slurs begin to said to them...but they go back in??????

Awwwwwwww man....

They let the money make them!!!!

Now there IS a flip side:

What if this was Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and 2 white chicks....hmmmm
pbla said:
Obviously those athletes at Duke felt the same way.

Anyway, it's all a state of mind. Men in moslem countries think that ALL American women are sluts.
I give people respect regardless of their background and their situation. Somehow or another people forget that other people have family that love them just like you have family that love you. Whose to say that these strippers or EXOCTIC DANCERS' family members are not trying to persuade them to lead another lifestyle? These ladies are not characters in a video game that have no feelings and no family that love them. These are real people with real situations that affect them.

Well said pbla.

Why is it that i am a grown @ss man and never been to one of these.

Levarg if you would have attended the University of Arkansas you would have come to some of the partys that I threw...and brother...there were strippers doing it the the bedroom...all over. Very rarely does a stripper male or female come to just strip...especially a low budget stripper. Also, all the strip parties I have hosted...the women had a body guard...just being real...

Hey, I was at U of A why didn't you find and invite me?

I was there from June of 2001 - March of 2005....

Bruh...I had one party with 4 chicks in the bedroom and jacuzzi...then I had the AKAs and Deltas kicking it in the den and was the bomb!!! When were you there?
Gathering storm responding to alleged gang rape of NCCU student

Students gather at NCCU to discuss response to alleged rape, March 29. Forum was led by members of VOX: Voice for NCCU.

(Photo: Bryson Pope/Echo Staff Photographer)

From Echo Staff Reports

By: Deneesha Edwards and Rony Camille
Echo Editor-In Chief and Asst. Echo Editor

Duke U. President Richard Brodhead and Duke U. Director of Athletics Joe Alleva at March 28 press conference.

(Photo: Christopher Wooten/Echo Staff Photographer)

In a Wednesday evening interview, NCCU Chancellor James H. Ammons said he was disturbed by the possibility that an NCCU student might have been the victim of such a brutal crime.

?There?s no place for racial discrimination or sexual violence,? Ammons said. ?We stand firm in our stance.?

Earlier Wednesday in a meeting organized by the student group, VOX: Voices of NCCU, about 50 NCCU students gathered to strategize ways of supporting the alleged victim. The student organization, which is dedicated to raising awareness of domestic violence, plans to hold a candlelight vigil April 3.

The student, a mother of two children, was hired from an unnamed escort service with another woman to dance at a party at 610 N. Buchanan Blvd., a house owned by Duke University and rented by captains of the lacrosse team. The house had a reputation in the neighborhood for its raucous parties, and police have been called to the residence four times since September 2005.

The incident, which has drawn national media attention, has created a firestorm across Durham and on the campus of Duke University, where hundreds of members of the community and Duke University students have been holding candlelight vigils, protest rallies and placing flyers on the house.

?We as a University do not accept this,? said NCCU hospitality and tourism junior Maya Jackson, a VOX: Voices of NCCU member. ?This is an issue that affects all of us.?

According to the police application for a search warrant, the women went to the house to dance for five men, but when they arrived she said there were more than 40 men in the house.

While she and the other dancer started to perform the men started making racial slurs and became aggressive.

The women became concerned their safety and decided to leave, but one of the suspects apologized and talked them into staying and dancing as they got into their vehicle.

Once inside the two women were separated. The student said she was pulled into the bathroom by two males who closed the door. Three males were in the bathroom and one said ?Sweetheart, you can?t leave.?

She said she was hit, kicked, strangled and sexually assaulted anally, vaginally and orally for approximately 30 minutes.

A phone call was placed at 1:22 a.m. March 14 by a security guard when the victim arrived in a vehicle at a Durham Kroger grocery store.

Jason Bissey was on the porch next door to the house during the party and saw the women. He told the News & Observer some of them were saying they wanted their money back.

?When I was outside, one guy yelled at her ? ?Thank your grandpa for my cotton shirt,? ? he said.

After finding out the women were raped he said he wished he would have called the police so they might have prevented the incident.

On March 23, Durham police collected DNA samples from 46 members of the lacrosse team.

District Attorney Mike Nifong will be taking charge of the prosecution and is pushing to get the DNA results back as quickly as possible. The results are being expedited at the State Bureau of Investigation lab in Raleigh and are expected Monday.

?Every rape is a serious case,? Nifong told the Herald Sun. ?But some speak to the community in a different manner. This is one of them.? Nifong described the racial aspect of the incident as ?particularly abhorrent.?

No one has been charged as of March 29, but police say that they think that at least three men are responsible according to the search warrant application. The allegations are felonies. The crimes described on the search warrant include first degree forcible rape, first degree kidnapping, first degree forcible sexual offense, common law robbery and felonious strangulation.

Members of the team did admit to hiring the exotic dancers and having underage drinking at the residence, but in a statement issued by the team captains they unequivocally deny that a sexual assault or rape occurred. They describe the allegation as ?totally and transparently false ? the DNA results will demonstrate that these allegations are absolutely false.?

According to Durham county court records, team members have been charged with 15 criminal violations for offenses related to underage drinking, public urination, noise, and other alcohol-related violations. In most cases the students were given deferred prosecution, an agreement that gives them probation and required community service.

Tuesday Duke University president Richard H. Brodhead announced in Duke University?s Old Trinity Room in the West Union Building that the season will be suspended for the top ranked lacrosse team until the facts of the case are clearer.

?In this painful period of uncertainty, it is clear to me, as it was to the players, that it would be inappropriate to resume the normal schedule of play,? said Brodhead. ?Sports have their time and place, but when an issue of this gravity is in question, it is not the time to be playing games.?

Ammons said Duke University and NCCU have had an extremely close and strong relationship. He said the two Universities work on several community program collaboratively.

Ammons said that NCCU will establish a student support fund for the alleged victim?s future educational and family needs.

?Our hearts go out to her, and we?ll do everything to support her,? he said. ?We throw our arms to our student with moral and financial support.?
Duke lacrosse players could face 16-20 in jail

Updated: March 31, 2006, 9:54 AM ET

Players could face 16 to 20 years if convicted

Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong, lead investigator in the alleged rape case involving the Duke men's lacrosse team, said Thursday that he expects to file charges including first-degree forcible rape, first-degree kidnapping, and first-degree sexual offense, if the case can be made based on the gathered evidence.

A conviction on those charges could result in a minimum prison sentence of 16 to 20 years. Nifong's office is investigating allegations made by an exotic dancer who was hired to perform at a private team party on March 13.

"Under North Carolina law, the only felony more serious than that is first-degree murder," Nifong told ESPN's George Smith. "These crimes are actually punishable at a higher level than second-degree murder."

Also Thursday, lawyers for the lacrosse players said that police and an outraged community will owe the team an apology after DNA tests are completed -- tests they said will prove no one on the team raped an exotic dancer.

Four attorneys representing nearly all of the 46 players forced to give samples protested what they said was a presumption that their clients attacked the dancer or kept quiet about what happened.

No one has been charged.

"We believe that the DNA will show that this is not true. We believe that a full and complete and fair investigation will show that it is not true," lawyer Joe Cheshire said.

Investigators are still collecting evidence, but Nifong has said in recent days he already believes a crime occurred.

"If it's not the way it's been reported, then why are they so unwilling to tell us what, in their words, did take place that night?" Nifong told Smith on Thursday. "And one would wonder why one needs an attorney if one was not charged and had not done anything wrong."

If the state crime lab's DNA analysis proves inconclusive or doesn't provide a match for any of the athletes, Nifong has said he'll have other evidence.

"If the only thing that we ever have in this case is DNA, then we wouldn't have a case," Nifong said Wednesday.

According to a search warrant served at the lacrosse players' home, investigators were looking for DNA evidence, pieces of blue bathroom carpet, cameras or videotapes that could contain photos or footage from the party, and even broken artificial nails from the accuser.

According to the application required for the court order seeking DNA samples from the team, at least one of those pieces of evidence was found.

"The victim's four red polished fingernails were recovered inside the residence consistent to [the accuser's] version of the attack. She claimed she was clawing at one of the suspect's arms in an attempt to breath [sic] while being strangled. During that time the nails broke off," the police statement said.

Earlier this week, university president Richard Brodhead suspended the highly ranked team from play until the school learns more about the accusations. But Cheshire said Nifong and police have created a mob mentality that has tainted the men "before the evidence has all come out in a way that they will never recover."

Nifong's office did not return calls from The Associated Press on Thursday seeking a response to that criticism.

English professor Melissa Malouf said she is one of those prepared for the DNA tests to prove inconclusive.

"I don't think the DNA is the case," she said after speaking at an outdoor protest near Brodhead's office. "Guys can wear condoms."

According to the court order application, a nurse trained to treat rape victims and a physician who treated the woman said they witnessed symptoms consistent with sexual assault. The document also includes details of a search of the house where the woman said she was raped for about a half-hour.

On Thursday, Nifong told ESPN that on the night in question, the two women were paid $400 each to perform at what they thought would be a bachelor party for about five people. The women met for the first time that night, and when they arrived at the house, there were more than 40 young men inside. The accuser told investigators the men became aggressive and loud.

Officers who searched the house later recovered the woman's makeup bag, cell phone and a stack of $20 bills consistent with the woman's statement that $400 in cash was taken from her purse after the attack, the police statement said.

Police have also searched a second home occupied by lacrosse team members, but documents describing the location or what investigators found have been sealed by court order, prosecutors and police said.

The three lacrosse team members who lived at the house where the party and alleged attack occurred willingly made statements to police after the woman's complaint, Nifong said. They said "that all the attendees were their fellow Duke lacrosse team members," the police statement said.

Prosecutors asked the entire team to contribute DNA samples. When some declined on the advice of attorneys they hired, Nifong said he sought the court order for samples from all but the team's lone black member. The woman, a black student at nearby North Carolina Central, has said her attackers were white.

The case has prompted daily protests since Saturday, including a small student rally Thursday morning, intensifying the undercurrents of privilege and race in a blue-collar city of 200,000 that is 44 percent black while home to one of the nation's elite universities.

"I guess one of the best ways to describe this is we have the potential for a perfect storm," North Carolina Central chancellor James Ammons said. "You have all of these issues that we're going to have to discuss."

Ammons met Thursday with Brodhead, Durham Mayor Bill Bell and several of the city's black leaders to discuss the case.

Brodhead invited about a dozen people to the meeting at Duke because "he wanted to feel the pulse of the community and he wanted our help in sharing information and our thoughts to help Duke deal with this situation," Ammons said.

Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.
Dr. Sweet NUPE said:
I was there from June of 2001 - March of 2005....

Bruh...I had one party with 4 chicks in the bedroom and jacuzzi...then I had the AKAs and Deltas kicking it in the den and was the bomb!!! When were you there?
I was there b4 that...Honesty, I would not have attended. I was just kidding. B4 big STD's I was scared.
Duke lacrosse coach resigns; school cancels season

By Chuck Liddy, The News & Observer, via AP
By Emery P. Dalesio, The Associated Press

DURHAM, N.C. ? Duke University's lacrosse coach resigned Wednesday and the school canceled the rest of the season amid a scandal involving allegations that three players raped a stripper at an off-campus party.

Mike Pressler spent 16 seasons at Duke and won three Atlantic Coast Conference championships. Last year, his team appeared in the national championship game.

"Coach Pressler offered me his resignation earlier this afternoon, and I accepted it," said Duke athletic director Joe Alleva. "I believe this is in the best interests of the program, the department of athletics and the university."

The rape allegations have roiled the campus and the city of Durham, raised racial tensions and heightened the long-standing antagonism between the privileged students at the elite university and the poorer people of Durham.

The stripper is black and said her attackers were white. Investigators and witnesses have said the lacrosse players taunted her with racial slurs and insults.

Students and townspeople have marched on campus and off, angry over the school's handling of the allegations and the team members' refusal to cooperate with police. Investigators said the athletes are sticking together and keeping silent.

Earlier Wednesday, authorities unsealed documents stating a short time after an exotic dancer was allegedly raped by team members, a player apparently sent an e-mail saying he wanted to invite more strippers to his dorm room, kill them and skin them. It was not clear whether the message was serious or a joke.

SEARCH WARRANT MADE PUBLIC: Player e-mail linked to Duke probe

"The court released today a previously sealed warrant, whose contents are sickening and repulsive," said Duke's president, Richard Brodhead.

Investigators did not immediately return calls or e-mails seeking comment about the nature of the e-mail. But a lawyer for the player who purportedly wrote it said the content suggests his client is innocent.

"While the language of the e-mail is vile, the e-mail itself is perfectly consistent with the boys' unequivocal assertion that no sexual assault took place that evening," said attorney Robert Ekstrand. The e-mail "demonstrates that its writer is completely unaware that any act or event remotely similar to what has been alleged ever occurred."

In a statement released by the school, Brodhead appeared to refuse to speculate on the future of the lacrosse team members, saying federal privacy regulations prohibit the university from "releasing information regarding individual student disciplinary matters."

However, Brodhead said, the university typically suspends students "in situations where a threat to the safety of an individual or members of the university community exists."
orange tiger said:
Earlier Wednesday, authorities unsealed documents stating a short time after an exotic dancer was allegedly raped by team members, a player apparently sent an e-mail saying he wanted to invite more strippers to his dorm room, kill them and skin them.

WTH?....sick ofays:saw:
why would the coach resign?

He wasnt directly involved with the kids like that.
He will have this black mark over his resume for a long time.
SONNY said:
why would the coach resign?

He wasnt directly involved with the kids like that.
He will have this black mark over his resume for a long time.

He probably resigned because police said the players had thrown wild parties in the past at the house where the alleged incident occurred. Those wild parties may not have made the news but the school adminstration was more than likely aware of those past minor incidents among others that have not been reported by the media. So it appears the coach was not in control of the program and its players. Therefore, he had to resign. A coach should know when his players are involved in anything that brings police attention and the police had received complaints about wild parties at that house before according to the news reports.
SONNY said:
why would the coach resign?

He wasnt directly involved with the kids like that.
He will have this black mark over his resume for a long time.

i WAS wondering that too. Mr. Tiger has speculated as to the reason, but that is only speculation
and probably right.

He may even know about plans for this party to include the racist attitude of the team.
Did the *** lie???

DURHAM, N.C. -- DNA testing failed to connect any members of the Duke University men's lacrosse team to the alleged sexual assault of an exotic dancer, attorneys for some of the players said Monday.

Citing DNA test results delivered by the state crime lab to police and prosecutors a few hours earlier, the attorneys said the test results prove their clients did not sexually assault and beat a dancer hired to perform at a March 13 team party.
Re: Did the *** lie???

DURHAM, N.C. -- DNA testing failed to connect any members of the Duke University men's lacrosse team to the alleged sexual assault of an exotic dancer, attorneys for some of the players said Monday.

Citing DNA test results delivered by the state crime lab to police and prosecutors a few hours earlier, the attorneys said the test results prove their clients did not sexually assault and beat a dancer hired to perform at a March 13 team party.

Money talks talks! :smh: This sounds like a pure coverup if you ask me. The girls story in my opinion held up with what the D.A said occurred as they were able to find her fingernails that she said were torn off during the scuffle in the house with the men. Plus, the rape kit indicated that there were forced signs of entry vaginally and anally when she went to the hospital. :shame:

This is a pure case of the Duke players having the money to slide over to the right people to avoid any type of charges. If they were so innocent, why have they still refused to help the police! Something happened in the house that night and eventually the truth will be revealed! :nod:

I freaking hate the way white people get away with so much stuff in this country! :smh: :redhot: Somebody get God on line 3 and tell him its time for him to come back!

Re: Did the *** lie???

Whatever. The name Tawana Brawley is coming to mind right about now.
Re: Did the *** lie???

coldsweat said:
Money talks talks! :smh: This sounds like a pure coverup if you ask me. The girls story in my opinion held up with what the D.A said occurred as they were able to find her fingernails that she said were torn off during the scuffle in the house with the men. Plus, the rape kit indicated that there were forced signs of entry vaginally and anally when she went to the hospital. :shame:

This is a pure case of the Duke players having the money to slide over to the right people to avoid any type of charges. If they were so innocent, why have they still refused to help the police! Something happened in the house that night and eventually the truth will be revealed! :nod: I freaking hate the way white people get away with so much stuff in this country! :smh: :redhot: Somebody get God on line 3 and tell him its time for him to come back!
I think this is going to be dropped now. That's all that they wanted to happen. It's just another indication of the the white man rule over everything. Everything is catered around them. All indications can be there but because they say DNA didn't match case dropped.
d@mn, who thought this thing would get this big.

Glad I posted this thread. (even though the mods didnt give me credit for it).

Ice Man said:
Would there be any DNA if the guys used protection and other objects?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Thinking" border="0"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="No" border="0"></a>
Prosecutor: Investigation of rape allegations at Duke lacrosse party 'not going away'

By TIM WHITMIRE, Associated Press Writer
April 11, 2006

DURHAM, N.C. (AP) -- Durham County's chief prosecutor said Tuesday he will not abandon his investigation into the alleged rape and beating of an exotic dancer at a party thrown by members of Duke University's lacrosse team.

"A lot has been said in the press, particularly by some attorneys yesterday, that this case should go away," District Attorney Mike Nifong told a community forum. "My presence here means that this case is not going away."

On Monday, attorneys representing members of the lacrosse team said DNA from the 46 players tested did not match evidence collected from the woman.

No charges have been filed in the case, but Nifong has said he believes a crime occurred at the March 13 party, which according to court records was attended only by lacrosse players. The woman said her attackers were white, and DNA samples were taken from every white member of the team.

Glad he realizes that!!!!
Ok people, what if the lacrosse team didnt rape this young lady? What if there were other people at the party and the lacrosse team is covering up for them? Did the young lady actually say "players of the lacrosse team raped me"? Or did she say "I was raped by 3 white men at a lacrosse party"?
If she's a stripper/prostitute, wouldn't vaginal and anal abrasions be tools of the trade? Sort of like the whore Kobe hooked up with? If she's doing "parties" everyday, I'm sure she would appear to be a little "raw" We may never know the 100% truth.
Re: Did the *** lie???

Whatever. The name Tawana Brawley is coming to mind right about now.
NO. I think you are dealing with individuals who have the clout to make tests come back as they want.
We are talking about persons who may know or can buy the testers. She may have lied but I do not believe it.
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