GAMES called off at DUKE for SEX SCANDAL.

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Games called off amid Duke lacrosse sex scandal
From staff and wire reports
Even if criminal charges are not filed against members of the Duke men's lacrosse team after an investigation into rape and assault allegations at a team party, "it is already clear that many students acted in a manner inappropriate to a Duke team member," university President Richard H. Brodhead said in a statement released Sunday.
A police investigation is continuing into the allegations from a team party the night of March 13 near campus. No charges have been filed, and athletics director Joe Alleva said in a statement during the weekend the players "deny the criminal allegations." Alleva, however, canceled games Saturday against Georgetown and Tuesday against Mount St. Mary's while the investigation continues.

A judge's order required 46 of the 47 players on the Duke roster to submit DNA samples, athletics department spokesman Art Chase confirmed Sunday. The team complied with the order last week.

The complaint filed by the alleged victim described her assailants as Caucasian, so freshman goalie Devon Sherwood, the team's lone African-American player, was not required to report for testing. It is not clear how soon test results will be available.

The Raleigh News & Observer quoted Durham defense attorneys as saying such a large DNA search seemed unusual. John Fitzpatrick said searches by the police should be based on a suspicion that is directed toward an individual, not just a class of people. "On its face, without learning more, it could be real problematic when you have some sweeping, unscrutinized searches," Fitzpatrick said.

According to Alleva's statement, "Several players who were present acknowledge ... they did hire private party dancers and that underage drinking occurred. The judgment of the team members to host and participate in this event is inconsistent with the values of Duke Athletics and Duke University and is unacceptable."

He recalled the racially charged statements at least one man was yelling at the victim.

"When I was outside, one guy yelled at her, '... Thank your grandpa for my cotton shirt,' " Bissey said.

Dr. Sweet NUPE said:
At least the brother ain't involved....

I know! I'm glad the brother wasn't involved. I hate that this happened to the lady though. When will these Athletes learn that because you play a sport doesn't give you automatic access to a womans goods. I hope the brother from the Naval Academy is not guilty of rape.
buckwheat1911 said:
I know! I'm glad the brother wasn't involved. I hate that this happened to the lady though. When will these Athletes learn that because you play a sport doesn't give you automatic access to a womans goods. I hope the brother from the Naval Academy is not guilty of rape.

Dude what I don't understand is that they could go get a prostitute...
I want this plasterd all over ESPN, Cold Pizza, PTI, and SportsCenter. You know had it been some NCCU athletes, it would have been.

...Carry On..
Nonchalant said:
I want this plasterd all over ESPN, Cold Pizza, PTI, and SportsCenter. You know had it been some NCCU athletes, it would have been.

...Carry On..

It has been on ESPN and SportsCenter. Atleast that's the first place I saw it.
The announcers on yesterday's UMBC lacrosse game on CSTV were talking about it and were critical of the AD and team members...:nod2:
Re: A woman hired to dance for the Duke lacrosse team describes a night of racial sl


I wonder why they hired two black strippers anyway? Or were they gassed-up off of the hip-hop videos, looking for Miss New Booty????

It's a tragic shame regardless...

Re: A woman hired to dance for the Duke lacrosse team describes a night of racial sl

This sad, but to be expected, whenever you get around a group of drunk white men.

Those females put themselves in a position to be raped.
Re: A woman hired to dance for the Duke lacrosse team describes a night of racial sl

This won't make Fox News!!!!!
Re: A woman hired to dance for the Duke lacrosse team describes a night of racial sl

Dr H.. said:
This sad, but to be expected, whenever you get around a group of drunk white men.

Those females put themselves in a position to be raped.

Uh huh, YES!

Re: A woman hired to dance for the Duke lacrosse team describes a night of racial sl

Dr H.. said:
This sad, but to be expected, whenever you get around a group of drunk white men.

Those females put themselves in a position to be raped.

What? Just because they were strippers they deserved to be raped. I don't care what these women were doing, there is no excuse that can be made for these clowns.

And if that Black player on the team doesn't come forward I hope they put his ***** azz under the jail.
Re: A woman hired to dance for the Duke lacrosse team describes a night of racial sl

levarg said:
This won't make Fox News!!!!!


But the real question is....Why are we standing for this type of shat??? :confused:
Re: A woman hired to dance for the Duke lacrosse team describes a night of racial sl

SONNY said:

But the real question is....Why are we standing for this type of shat??? :confused:

_ Well, the question should be, "Why are not the blacks associated with duke raising cain, ie proffessors, students, atheletcs, maintenance staff, etc,,what about the black politicans in NC!
Re: A woman hired to dance for the Duke lacrosse team describes a night of racial sl

CurtDog 1971 said:
What? Just because they were strippers they deserved to be raped. I don't care what these women were doing, there is no excuse that can be made for these clowns.

And if that Black player on the team doesn't come forward I hope they put his ***** azz under the jail.

You are so correct. No woman should be disrespected like this.
Re: A woman hired to dance for the Duke lacrosse team describes a night of racial sl

Dr H.. said:
This sad, but to be expected, whenever you get around a group of drunk white men.

Those females put themselves in a position to be raped
That has to be the dumbest thing that I've ever heard in my life. Just because they are strippers doesn't mean they deserve or should expect to be raped. What you ended up stripping and it ended up being some horny homos that they raped you, should you have had that coming. You may have thought you were stripping for women but it didn't turn out that way. :uzi:
Why did these ladies go to the house w/o male protection, can of mace, a shank, something?
You'd think gear like this is standard for job.

Not excusing the punk ofays that did this btw.
Like someone else said, the AA's at Duke need to be disturbing the peace on that campus.
From News & Observer Published: Mar 28, 2006 12:30 AM
Modified: Mar 28, 2006 02:50 AM

Frustrations boil at Duke

Anger is voiced at campus protest

Sage Amelia Asmus, left, and Sara Appel put messages for the Duke University lacrosse team on shirts.

Staff Photo by Harry Lynch

Anne Blythe and Jane Stancill, Staff Writers

Nearly 200 people gathered outside campus administrator offices Monday to express anger and demand action in response to a rape investigation involving the men's lacrosse team.

The incident has sparked outrage on and off campus about sexual violence, classism and racism.

"I am outraged that there's a silence. ... I am outraged that legal rights are used to quiet this issue," said Meenakshi Chivukula, a junior from Medfield, Mass.

On March 14, a woman told police that three men assaulted, raped and sodomized her at 610 N. Buchanan Blvd., a home leased to captains of the Duke lacrosse team. The woman said she and another woman, both exotic dancers, had gone to the house to dance for what they were told would be a small bachelor party.

But there were many more men there who, according to the victim's account to investigators, got excited and aggressive after several minutes.

A neighbor reported hearing one man at the party yelling racial slurs at the dancers, who are black. The victim told investigators that her attackers were white.

Two days passed before investigators executed a search warrant at the house. And nine days went by before all but one member of the lacrosse team were ordered to police labs for DNA testing. No charges had been filed late Monday.

"If it were black students accused of that, everyone would be in jail," said Charlie Dixon, a deacon at the Church of Apostolic Revival in Durham. "If it would have been a Duke University student who allegedly got raped by a sports team from N.C. Central University, all heck would have broken loose."

Duke President Richard Brodhead did not return a message Monday seeking comment.

'The DNA will talk'

In the grassy quad outside his office, students took turns stepping before a microphone. Some shook with anger and teared up as they spoke.

"If you see them in class, ask them who did this," said Serena Sebring, a graduate student.

Some students sported T-shirts that said, "Men's Lax, Come Clean." A poster said, "The DNA will talk, even if the cowards of men's lacrosse won't."

Students urged Duke officials to do more to pressure players into cooperating with police.

"Being a Duke athlete is a privilege, and that can be revoked," said Brianne Ehrlich, a senior from Denver.

Durham Mayor Bill Bell, who spoke with Brodhead by phone Sunday, said in a telephone interview Monday that he realizes that officials are dealing with allegations and that police have not completed their investigation. Still, he said, "I'm concerned about the code of silence that continues to prevail."

While lauding athletics officials for forfeiting two lacrosse games, Bell urged them to go further. "I think it would send a strong message to the community if they canceled the whole season."

Vigils and protests over the incident started over the weekend.

Sage Amelia Asmus of Durham said she joined the campus protest Monday because she felt for the alleged victim.

"That is not OK -- anywhere," Asmus said. "I don't care how much money you have and what [expletive] sports team you're on."

Lee Coggins, who lives near the house where the alleged attack occurred, expressed solidarity with the victim.

"The community has got your back," Coggins said. "We will not let this be swept under the rug. Duke cannot run away from this."

Staff writer Anne Blythe can be reached at 932-8741 or
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