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That is some classic Doc isht right there. The black man should write a book with just his quotes. I can just hear him now. "Hey kid, I would like have you, but I don't need you" or "Get your own band"

"Take a bucket of water and dip your finger in, whats on your finger is just a drop in the bucket and the bucket don't miss it. Thats what you are, a drop in the bucket. I would love to have you but I don't need you! Good bye."

Doctor Isaac Greggs
Izz can attest to this......when we were crabs.....and i say we were the last real crab class......Dallas was really scary......i thought he was the was crabs plottin his death at the classic......he broke down to us why he really hated 01 i realized he was right.....i hate em too Zock. especially the ones now. they real sorry. but i mean if you thought doc used to save them b.....sorry again.... you should see how mr j. does..... i was on the phone with dallas earlier and we both came to the same conclusion......this really isnt southern band anymore.....its crowley-band! and i want southern band back. :cry:

Co-sign on your entire post, Zock. But, you were zipped behind B.S. How can a person, that doesn't bother anyone, get zipped. The B.S. we put up with Doc, Goose, and the politics.

Of all the ignorant/crazy mofos we marched with man. I remember in '90 the crabs had a list they slipped under Doc's door. Guess whose name was #2!:no: #1 on that list is now a band director here in N.O. We endured a lot back #6 on this board knows all too well:cry:

Do you remember the bingo hall scam in '89-'90? Let me stop before I air too much dirty laundry...
"Take a bucket of water and dip your finger in, whats on your finger is just a drop in the bucket and the bucket don't miss it. Thats what you are, a drop in the bucket. I would love to have you but I don't need you! Good bye."

Doctor Isaac Greggs

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I remember in '90 the crabs had a list they slipped under Doc's door. Guess whose name was #2!


these are better the ole head Bruhz stories.

I have a serious questions to throw in this mix.

If the staff arrangers or BD conduct their own arrangements, besides doing backbends (like SU) and forming another dance troupe (like my own JSU), why are there DM's at all anymore? They appear to have been relieved of their primary responsibility of conducting the band.

Do the BD's and arrangers just not trust them any more? Had I wanted to be a DM, I would have wanted to conduct the band.

In the marching band world.....the only thing a BD or DM is needed for is couting a song off and volume control. The drums know how to keep the tempo without someone directing.
- that's for every marching band.
Of all the ignorant/crazy mofos we marched with man. I remember in '90 the crabs had a list they slipped under Doc's door. Guess whose name was #2!:no: #1 on that list is now a band director here in N.O. We endured a lot back #6 on this board knows all too well:cry:

Do you remember the bingo hall scam in '89-'90? Let me stop before I air too much dirty laundry...

LOL. Those crabs were lucky that my number 10 was not still in the band then. I am sure he would have been public enemy number 1. Mind you, he was tame compared to the mofos that got us when we were crabs in 84. I wonder what a crab now would do if they saw folks like Snakehead, Herb and Jeff, Rod, Dick, Mr. Broadway(even Roy and Doc called him that). Man I just think about the fools we had back in the day. Hell even Chester White(RIP) was enough to scare a crab off. LOL. These cats got it good now a days.

The Wicked 80s.........
LOL. Those crabs were lucky that my number 10 was not still in the band then. I am sure he would have been public enemy number 1. Mind you, he was tame compared to the mofos that got us when we were crabs in 84. I wonder what a crab now would do if they saw folks like Snakehead, Herb and Jeff, Rod, Dick, Mr. Broadway(even Roy and Doc called him that). Man I just think about the fools we had back in the day. Hell even Chester White(RIP) was enough to scare a crab off. LOL. These cats got it good now a days.

The Wicked 80s.........

ZNspr03 knows your 10! :devil2:
for joe's size.......i never seen anybody as strong......i dont know if its adrenaline or rage! but dude a glad i wasnt in the band with him.....:scared::cry:
Of all the ignorant/crazy mofos we marched with man. I remember in '90 the crabs had a list they slipped under Doc's door. Guess whose name was #2!:no: #1 on that list is now a band director here in N.O. We endured a lot back #6 on this board knows all too well:cry:

Do you remember the bingo hall scam in '89-'90? Let me stop before I air too much dirty laundry...

I remember the scam all too well cause I help work it one night. Sorry young jukes, but if you didn't experience Roy Johnson and taking it back for security, you really haven't experienced the Jukebox at its best. They said we didn't go through anything cause we didn't go through the MUD!!!!! Hope I didn't say too much Old School Jukes. Much respect to the younger Jukes, your process is your process. The 80's WERE NO JOKE!!!! First night 85 Bayou Classic 35 you figure it out.
for joe's size.......i never seen anybody as strong......i dont know if its adrenaline or rage! but dude a glad i wasnt in the band with him.....:scared::cry:

Frat, I could tell you stories about my LB #10. I also know what it feels like to be a crab under him too. I was just happy we are LBs and I didn't have to do PSI after him as well. I was in the trumpet section which was slightly safer than the Funk Factory. Them cats were ruthless in that section. How my LB and crab bros like Oops and nem survived I will never know. The upperclassmen would call Welsh......Joe Tuni. Whenever we heard him, Melvin(World War III) and Flip(SPR 84 bruh) were crabs hauled natural arse..........nothing but smoke coming from our sneaks.:scared:
I remember the scam all too well cause I help work it one night. Sorry young jukes, but if you didn't experience Roy Johnson and taking it back for security, you really haven't experienced the Jukebox at its best. They said we didn't go through anything cause we didn't go through the MUD!!!!! Hope I didn't say too much Old School Jukes. Much respect to the younger Jukes, your process is your process. The 80's WERE NO JOKE!!!! First night 85 Bayou Classic 35 you figure it out.

Ah the memories of the "MUD"..........:shame:

Frat don't feel bad about that.......Fall 84 and Fall 86 were the last crab classes that I know of that had that experience. Notice I skipped over Fall 85 crab class.:kaioken:
"Take a bucket of water and dip your finger in, whats on your finger is just a drop in the bucket and the bucket don't miss it. Thats what you are, a drop in the bucket. I would love to have you but I don't need you! Good bye."

Doctor Isaac Greggs

It's better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Yet another !!

Frat, I could tell you stories about my LB #10. I also know what it feels like to be a crab under him too. I was just happy we are LBs and I didn't have to do PSI after him as well. I was in the trumpet section which was slightly safer than the Funk Factory. Them cats were ruthless in that section. How my LB and crab bros like Oops and nem survived I will never know. The upperclassmen would call Welsh......Joe Tuni. Whenever we heard him, Melvin(World War III) and Flip(SPR 84 bruh) were crabs hauled natural arse..........nothing but smoke coming from our sneaks.:scared:

ive seen joe do some superhuman type things.....sometimes im cause im lookin at him and im like bruh! how you do that? i want him to teach me ...hell! but another dude who brings suprising smoke.....Hilliard.......hill did me dirty when i was on line.....i looked at him thinkin he was little......wrong move....:cry: i got respect for lil dudes now
ive seen joe do some superhuman type things.....sometimes im cause im lookin at him and im like bruh! how you do that? i want him to teach me ...hell! but another dude who brings suprising smoke.....Hilliard.......hill did me dirty when i was on line.....i looked at him thinkin he was little......wrong move....:cry: i got respect for lil dudes now

MR. Hilliard IS a beast. He "mentored" me in the restroom at Ryan's on the way to a game because I spoke to him....... Apparently he does'nt speak to crabs......:no:
Yeah frat, yall had some different stuff going on. We may have not gone through it. But a lot of us saw some of it coming. We were just lucky that Doc still had his croonies in charge at SU before Dr. Spikes took over. So we got away with more gangster isht in the Juke. You probably would have only got zipped 1 or 2 times instead of 4.:lol: Seriously the younger Jukes don't realize the sacrifice the late 80s Jukeboxers made. That whole transition could have ended in a bad way. Lucky it didn't. But it did change the Juke forever. I still can't fathom marching with any women in the Juke. I know times had to change. But I am shole glad it happened after we got done. Doc got a little more bold with folks in the band because he was feeling pressure. We used to charge his arse up. I still remember when the upperclassmen walked out the week of the first game when I was a crab because they thought Doc was allowing us crabs to skate and trying to cut down on the err.........well intimidation(imagine that :smh:). He was alright until Wednesday when the upperclassmen still had not come back except for KKPSI. Still remember him letting the upperclassmen come back after having a meeting with them. Us crabs show up for practice and see all the upperclassmen are back so we are :scared:. Doc addresses the band with a different tone towards us crabs and all of a sudden that black mofo told the upperclassmen......."You know what, I don't see nothing" and then left the room. I will not discuss what happened next because I am still traumatized from all that. :smh: Doc was on some other isht back then. He had no mercy. That's why we had to man up to his arse some times. Or else he would always find some way to intimidate you. That isht was fun fugging with his black arse. LOL

Well, as much as they saved us (Esp. Mr. J, aka 'Captain Save-a-Crab'), they set us up for failure too..... Making us have late-nite sectionals in an empty bandroom, during J State week...... Turning off the lights during 'Neck' on our 1st repitoire(sp?) night..... My section leader, Keyante(sp?) punched me in the GD head later when we played Head Bussas, like a real a** dayum punch straight in the nugget!!!!!

The wonderful memories!!!!! Hell, after crabbing, Basic Training was a piece of MF-ing cake!!!! No stress of wondering when someone is gonna 'bless' you, no old heads...... No KKPsi parties(The best and worst night of me and my necks life.....)
Of all the ignorant/crazy mofos we marched with man. I remember in '90 the crabs had a list they slipped under Doc's door. Guess whose name was #2!:no: #1 on that list is now a band director here in N.O. We endured a lot back #6 on this board knows all too well:cry:

Do you remember the bingo hall scam in '89-'90? Let me stop before I air too much dirty laundry...

Of all the ignorant/crazy mofos we marched with man. I remember in '90 the crabs had a list they slipped under Doc's door. Guess whose name was #2!:no: #1 on that list is now a band director here in N.O. We endured a lot back #6 on this board knows all too well:cry:

Do you remember the bingo hall scam in '89-'90? Let me stop before I air too much dirty laundry...

You musta been raising hell because when I got there in 91, the way those 90 boyz talked about you, I would've sworn you were 7 feet tall 300 pounds with hands of stone! Big niqqas too like D-terrible, beast, Tommy J....etc. And that "NO band director" you talkin about showed like 4 days before the first game biting crabs!!! Fools were quiting left and right . He picked up a tuba and marched the first game after only 3-4 days of practice. That band was bananas back then. I couldn't imagine all of this internet smack going on back then, niqqa would have been fighting everytime we got off of the bus. You couldn't say sh!t about the Jukebox back then...... not and expect to keep your teeth.
You musta been raising hell because when I got there in 91, the way those 90 boyz talked about you, I would've sworn you were 7 feet tall 300 pounds with hands of stone! Big niqqas too like D-terrible, beast, Tommy J....etc.

Those were some strong soldiers Team. I don't know about raising hell but I did enforce discipline. The best band is a well disciplined band.... I am sure you were taught the same way by those brothers.

Funny you mentioned Beast. I remember this guy challenged me when I was his section leader. (To be the best you had to challenge the best:pimp:) This boy choked the cymbals so hard he turned them inside out! "Good Lord crab, you need to find a girlfriend"! :lmao:

getting back to the topic...:swink: ZNspr03 your #10 tried out for DM right? Do you think he had a fair chance of getting the stick?
What does that mean team? "choked the cymbals"????

Instead of crashing the cymbals and letting the sound ring, he clasped them together - hence, choking the sound...except this fella apparently went a bit overboard and actually bent one or both of them backwards.
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