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Does something look unusual about this clip? Someone looks out of place, or like he is doing....... Well, yall will surely see what I'm talking about. Old school Jukes, Was this common place 'back in the day,' or what? I'm sure there will be some smack stirred up from this, but I hafta ask cuz it perturbed me a lil' bit.....

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I think they talkin about the drum major directing along with the director.... but i mean, isn't the drum major supposed to direct. I know SU's dm's dont really do it anymore though.
I think they talkin about the drum major directing along with the director.... but i mean, isn't the drum major supposed to direct. I know SU's dm's dont really do it anymore though.

I've seen some tapes with DM's directing. Even during my time in the band Dallas directed us sometimes.
I think they talkin about the drum major directing along with the director.... but i mean, isn't the drum major supposed to direct. I know SU's dm's dont really do it anymore though.

Yeah. It just looks "strange" to me... And he kinda looks weird though, like he's doing this number.....:banana: But, thats better compared to Alsorn's....:happydance:
I think they talkin about the drum major directing along with the director.... but i mean, isn't the drum major supposed to direct. I know SU's dm's dont really do it anymore though.

The DMs directed alongside our director on some songs. But I think in this film the concern might be about the, um, technique of this particular DM. He has a particular flair about him. :what:
Yeah. It just looks "strange" to me... And he kinda looks weird though, like he's doing this number.....:banana: But, thats better compared to Alsorn's....:happydance:

LOL. Clearly some of Alcorn's drum majors can't even read music, so they have no business directing anyway. You dont have to be in the band to be a DM there. They have open tryouts like for J-Settes or something. lol.
Are you refereing to the DM??? he should be standing still like Lewis or picking his teeth like he was most of last season in the stands.:tup::lol:
Are you refereing to the DM??? he should be standing still like Lewis or picking his teeth like he was most of last season in the stands.:tup::lol:

SU's drum majors nowadays be all in the next section eatin nachos and sh*t. lol. "yo job is to do the back bend that's IT"

The DIRECTORS job is to direct, our drummajor is our dictator.

I know the Cupid shuffle is a hot dance in the boot but when I saw that goofy look on Mr. Jackson face while he did it I was done.:lol:

Sit down man and stop making those come get me jesters. it's about the kids not you.:quiet::lol:
Nah, maybe he could do the electric boogaloo like J Stank.

The electric boogaloo!!!! Well they have the Jerry Curls down pat!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Our drum major is the band director on the field. In the stands our arrangers direct their own songs. There are other important things our DM takes care of.

Exactly. If i were a director/arranger, I would want the due credit of directing my own songs in the stands too.
Our drum major is the band director on the field. In the stands our arrangers direct their own songs. There are other important things our DM takes care of.

Such as?

Do student arrangers also direct their songs in the stands? That never woulda happened when I was in band.

Such as?

Do student arrangers also direct their songs in the stands? That never woulda happened when I was in band.


Student arrangers?! This aint J State..... I can tell when I hear one of their new songs if it was arranged by staff or a student..... They let ANYONE do that isht..... Not good for the program.
I refer to the late 1970s, early 1980s, when I was in band. Can't speak about what's happening today.

Our staff arrangers weren't around at our performances, with the exception of James Holden. He was fine with letting Papa Duplessis or Goree directing.

Our student arranger was an SU transfer, Blake Gaines. You ever heard of him?
Such as?

Do student arrangers also direct their songs in the stands? That never woulda happened when I was in band.


He may start off the chants (defense jags, voodoo, ect), sometimes he decides which songs the band plays, he may count off the songs with the whistle, all kinds of things.

Student arrangers in the Jukebox are there but in order for your arrangement to make it out of the bandroom it has to be smoking. If someone is lucky enough I've seen 2 cases in which a student has directed (Neck-E. Taylor, and Bag Lady-Nate Haymer).

I know Mr. Jackson (the current band director) use to be a student director while he was in the band
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