what makes grambling so slaw???

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people on here are just hypocrites, soon as grambling speaks of something they have done they tend to say leave that in the past, but who cares what these mindless folks say they have so much pride stuck up their arses they are just blinded and think their band is so perfect.
Well,...one thing is for sure,....we aren't going to stop dancing for nobody. Dancing doesn't conflict with the horn control nor air flow. It's our tradition started by Mr. Hutchinson and it seperates us from all the rest. Mr. Hutchinson couldn't stand his band just standing up playing. Everyone had to be doing something. that includes drills as well. Nobody was standing still or marching time.
Yes,...he's gone now and still that will NEVER change.
Oh,... and we willNEVER EVER put our instruments on the ground in order to dance!!!!! :smh: :smh: :smh:

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And some bands will NEVER NEVER dance in their school initials...yada yada yada. Good luck with the season anyway.
I don't have a problem with them doing that in a break down but dancing in the middle of a drill with the initials on the field is another story.
Originally posted by usa today
well that is your opinion, like mines is uapb isn't all that you are average your not elite yet it will take years for you to get to the top ranks and what i'm told uapb is the same ole uapb of last year just bigger with a little more volume, one of my peeps that is a crab in the band at uapb told me the tubas and mellos still running the band this year, the tpts are still weak and the t-bones and b-tomes aren't bringing it so worry about uapb. just because you are bigger this year that doesn't mean better especially if there is no discipline. grambling is more focused this year than a long time so i don't have to say nothing the horns will tell you the story. at least grambling can go back and look at the past great grambling bands to try to out do, uapb doesn't have that stepping stone like gram,su and jsu does, i guarantee u that grambling did just that and you will see the results especially in the stands.

lol..keep thinking what a crab told u....yup our btones and trombones are sorry this year and trumpets...-snickers sarcastically-
you will feel the whole band :eek2:

...we was louder than yall last year..and if we 2 times louder this year ...yall might as well not even show up..

true gsu has past history...but where is your future?

true you had a stepping stone back in the day...but now yall have hit rock bottom for countless seasons

i dont care if we are average to u...all i kno is... when pb and gsu meet up that isnt an average L gsu receives from them everyyear..especially in 02 smh

go back and look at your past....thats kool...but dont forget this a spectacular 93 season cant save u from an 03 arse whooping

GSU has been looking back far enough time for yall to realize...reputation aint shat if u aint living up to it..jsu and su are..is gsu????????

you shouldnt even be mentioned in the same category as them

UAPB is light years ahead of GSU...in overall package..lets be real ....fugg publicity..its good but that shat is for the birds now
I don't think that any one from Southern University has the right to say anything about anyone over blowing esp. on songs that wern't written to be "blown". The Human Jukebox has been well known to overblow. Your trumpets miss notes when they are TRYING to scream and as far as GSU drills go at least they have new drills to run on you at the Bayou Classic every single year, not to mention new marches too. Infact, I can definately recall years that SU never even played a march the whole BC weekend!
The GSU band has a rich history that any school in the swac and beyond would kill for and they are not only proud of their histoy but are still building it! So in short, before you try to check another program check your own!
What makes GSU so slaw dog really we wasn't all that bad but we wasn't all that good. I resepect all of your constructive critism but ay don't worry you will see the changes made from last year to this year. THAT IS A PROMISE. So now it is time to change the thread from What Makes Grambling So Slaw to What Made Grambling So Slaw. Let's Get Ready To Rumble and good luck to every band this year.
Originally posted by Prof K
I don't think that any one from Southern University has the right to say anything about anyone over blowing esp. on songs that wern't written to be "blown". The Human Jukebox has been well known to overblow. Your trumpets miss notes when they are TRYING to scream and as far as GSU drills go at least they have new drills to run on you at the Bayou Classic every single year, not to mention new marches too. Infact, I can definately recall years that SU never even played a march the whole BC weekend!
The GSU band has a rich history that any school in the swac and beyond would kill for and they are not only proud of their histoy but are still building it! So in short, before you try to check another program check your own!
Well,....It's about time!!!!!!!
In what world?????

Originally posted by SWAC31

UAPB is light years ahead of GSU...in overall package..lets be real ....fugg publicity..its good but that shat is for the birds now
That is the most funniest thing I've ever read. 96 and 97, Yall was gettin' yall butts drove. I believe in 98 we begged yall not to go. I know you remember James Brown. Don't come with that decade crap. There was a time we refuse to do a battle of the bands with yall in Shreveport because you was considered to be on a high school level. Work on gettin' a more exciting halftime show that focuses on the music instead of the dramatization. Give me a chance to feel the music. Then we can talk!!!
Oh,...and since we are behind in the times,....Stop playing our tuba's fanfares and solos!!!!!!! You world famed wanna be!!!!! :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap:
Originally posted by Prof K
I don't think that any one from Southern University has the right to say anything about anyone over blowing esp. on songs that wern't written to be "blown". The Human Jukebox has been well known to overblow. Your trumpets miss notes when they are TRYING to scream and as far as GSU drills go at least they have new drills to run on you at the Bayou Classic every single year, not to mention new marches too. Infact, I can definately recall years that SU never even played a march the whole BC weekend!
The GSU band has a rich history that any school in the swac and beyond would kill for and they are not only proud of their histoy but are still building it! So in short, before you try to check another program check your own!

LOL @ this whole statement. The first year that Southern didnt play a march for the battle of the bands was 2001, and I have battle of the bands tapes from previous years where GSU didnt play marches and jumped straight into songs. As far as blowin no one in our band overblows. We play our instruments as loud as it can be played cleanly. We practice this, we're told this everyday, and we all know how loud we can blow before the sound starts to distort. As for trumpets in our band missing notes let me know when that happened so I can see myself but I have a real good example when GSU trumpets was missing notes. Watch that 2002 battle of the bands tape and listen to yall play that Aaliyah song. If she could hear the way yall played that song she would come back to life and slap the shcitt out of all of yall and haunt the mofo who wrote it. Drills???? LOL!!!! Lets not go there. Someone asked for an educated answer on why they think GSU is slaw so i gave my opinion. I dont hate GSU, my parents and my brother graduated from there and my brother played in the band so the last thing I want is for yall to look bad, but I will be honest with yall and say that yall haven't been up to par for a good while. Trust me on this.
Originally posted by roadblock-2-spr97

When did this "dancing" in school letters happen??
I think it started last year. During the break down They scramble back into the GSU formation and really break it down.
Originally posted by S.U. T-BONE 99
LOL @ this whole statement. The first year that Southern didnt play a march for the battle of the bands was 2001, and I have battle of the bands tapes from previous years where GSU didnt play marches and jumped straight into songs.
That's not true. We always start off with a march.
As far as blowin no one in our band overblows. We play our instruments as loud as it can be played cleanly. We practice this, we're told this everyday, and we all know how loud we can blow before the sound starts to distort.
I really think you need to go back and look at the tape from the 1999 battle of the bands. "Big Balla" ,those tubas are out of control. This is beyond distortion.

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i wanna see that tape grambling always does a march as for uapb light years ahead of gsu i don't think so you have 4 decent seasons and it's gone to your head, i don't care how loud you all are this year grambling is bringing it this year to whew, they haven't had this much brass in quite sometime, low and upper brass b-tones, bones, t-pets f-horns they have complete sections this year you will be shocked and you know the silver dawgs will represent. pine bluff light years away lol:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:
Originally posted by usa today
i wanna see that tape grambling always does a march as for uapb light years ahead of gsu i don't think so you have 4 decent seasons and it's gone to your head, i don't care how loud you all are this year grambling is bringing it this year to whew, they haven't had this much brass in quite sometime, low and upper brass b-tones, bones, t-pets f-horns they have complete sections this year you will be shocked and you know the silver dawgs will represent. pine bluff light years away lol:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:

ok u got brass and?

gsu has been had brass rather good numbers but has cosnistently sounded like shat.......

like i said...impress us...i get a kick outta seeing ..mvsu more then GSPOO...we are light years ahead...sarah t reed sounds better then yall...its like yall are the opposite of PV....good football team..sad arse band :(
Re: In what world?????

Originally posted by Legend35
That is the most funniest thing I've ever read. 96 and 97, Yall was gettin' yall butts drove. I believe in 98 we begged yall not to go. I know you remember James Brown. Don't come with that decade crap. There was a time we refuse to do a battle of the bands with yall in Shreveport because you was considered to be on a high school level. Work on gettin' a more exciting halftime show that focuses on the music instead of the dramatization. Give me a chance to feel the music. Then we can talk!!!
Oh,...and since we are behind in the times,....Stop playing our tuba's fanfares and solos!!!!!!! You world famed wanna be!!!!! :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap:

lol@anyone from grumbling giving tips on how to sound good...

thats like a man with no arms giving freethrow shot tips

what slaw arse fanfare would we steal from the world lame?

none..our tubas play their own shat....

since when is having little kids..i mean midget drummajors jump out a rolling bass drum considered a quality show? more like an act from the universoul circus...give it up GSUcks until further notice...sound like a collegiate band..get some real dancers..hell get some spats..then holla

oh yea world famed?
that must be only in Louisiana..but wait a minute SU runs da boot..so it must only be at grambling

When it all boils down, PB is better than Grambling. You know this, and everybody else does too. Its just the people from your school wont admit it, I have no problems with that. Just dont spread lies and rumors about something you know nothing about. Yeah we was weak back in the days, we know you have to crawl before you walk It seems like Grambling is moving backwards and we are moving forward...;)
Actually Grambling's band in 02 sounded the best out of about 9 years. So maybe they are improving, more power to you. Until I see you this year, you guys are slaw.....
You really don't know too much,...do you ???

Originally posted by SWAC31
lol@anyone from grumbling giving tips on how to sound good...

thats like a man with no arms giving freethrow shot tips

what slaw arse fanfare would we steal from the world lame?

none..our tubas play their own shat....

since when is having little kids..i mean midget drummajors jump out a rolling bass drum considered a quality show? more like an act from the universoul circus...give it up GSUcks until further notice...sound like a collegiate band..get some real dancers..hell get some spats..then holla

oh yea world famed?
that must be only in Louisiana..but wait a minute SU runs da boot..so it must only be at grambling

Oh,........what ignorance. What does spats have to do with anything? White bands also wear spats. You're bold face lying on the web because I know for a fact that you are playing our tuba's solos. You played Southern in Baton Rouge. We call it "Frog". One of our teachers wrote it and we took the theme. Now, you guys are playing it in the same key of f minor. I just don't understand,.... if we are so bad and behind in the times and considered garbage, Why in the he?? are you stealing all our ideas???
Oh,...... and by the way ,......we areWorld Famed because while you are at home this weekend preparing for an eight min. half time show, we are already in Ca. doing a 19:38 min show,... demonstrating once again why we have earned that title. Meanwhile you will be at home with your eyes glued to the screen. Performing in yet, another first for black college bands. We are still making history despite how you feel. Is this all you can do ,....bit the hand that is feeding you??? How ungrateful!!!! If you had any ounce of common sense, you would realize that the new avenues we venture in is benificial for all HBCU's.
I have no ill will against any band. For me, the better the band, the more fun I'll have at a ball game . I just can't understand this constant unreasonable hostility toward my band. I guess that's what happens when you're on top and everyone is envious of your fruitful blessings.
So, regardless of you people who hate us for no valid reason at all,....this band WILL march on!!!!
Originally posted by S.U. T-BONE 99
LOL @ this whole statement. The first year that Southern didnt play a march for the battle of the bands was 2001, and I have battle of the bands tapes from previous years where GSU didnt play marches and jumped straight into songs. As far as blowin no one in our band overblows. We play our instruments as loud as it can be played cleanly. We practice this, we're told this everyday, and we all know how loud we can blow before the sound starts to distort. As for trumpets in our band missing notes let me know when that happened so I can see myself but I have a real good example when GSU trumpets was missing notes. Watch that 2002 battle of the bands tape and listen to yall play that Aaliyah song. If she could hear the way yall played that song she would come back to life and slap the shcitt out of all of yall and haunt the mofo who wrote it. Drills???? LOL!!!! Lets not go there. Someone asked for an educated answer on why they think GSU is slaw so i gave my opinion. I dont hate GSU, my parents and my brother graduated from there and my brother played in the band so the last thing I want is for yall to look bad, but I will be honest with yall and say that yall haven't been up to par for a good while. Trust me on this.
First of all, SU didn't play a single march in 1993 as well as whatever year you said in the 2ks. And you are right no one in your band over blows, EVERYONE in your band over blows. It would seem like you should be the one to go back and look at that puffy cheeked trumpet section (like thats a cool way to play) and really listen to what was coming out of those bells. Oh, and one more thing SU hasn't done a NEW drill since the early 80's. Did Greggs run out of ideas? You say you don't hate GSU but every thread Iv'e read of yours says otherwise.

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