what makes grambling so slaw???

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75 percent of the people on this paaage hate opn GSU.Give 3 solid explanations of why GSU is so slaw, facts not opinions
1. this post
2. this post
3. this post

but seriously, i don't think they are THAT bad. they aiight, they just behind errbody else.......who pops and twerks while in thier school's initials anyway?:rolleyes: :lmao:

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pops and twerks while in schools initials damn that is a crime call the damn police on gsu you could have kept that , can't help it if grambling can entertain a crowd that is fact so stop hating. and gram is not behind everyone else, we are in another world from other bands light years away thats why you can't understand true. the world famed hasn't been in their shat but this fall we are.
You want 3 reasons then I'll give them to you.

1)Grambling sounds a straight mess. Between sections overblowing on songs thats not written that way, bad arrangements, and trumpets trying to scream and missing notes horribly.

2)Yall drills suck. My brother played in the band back from 87 - 90 when Hutch was there. I remember the way they marched, played and did things. The bands that Grambling produces now look like retarded off spring of a daddy from SU and a mom from GSU.

3)Most of the people in Grambling's band think that since they are in a band that has a great tradition automatically makes them good and that people should give them automatic respect because of what the people before them did. See, GSU and SU has a great legacy, but the difference between our bands is that we don't yall to respect us because of what '86, '89, '95, '96, and other bands before us did. We want yall to respect us because of what we do and we always strive to be like those other years to keep that level of entertainment and intensity there.

Thats why yall GSU is slaw and until yall fix that, people will always consider you slaw.
1. Grambling doesnt sound good point blank...

2. Just because your band was good back then, doesnt mean they are good now. Whats tradition if you cant hold it up...

3. Grambling doesnt have the heart and drive to take it to the next level.....
Oh!!!!!! look what you've started.

Are we sure we want to really hear the honest opinions of our band peers??? Can we handle constructive criticism?
They just need someone to come in a bring back the style that they had some years ago. Also all that excess dancing is a mistake.
Originally posted by usa today
pops and twerks while in schools initials damn that is a crime call the damn police on gsu you could have kept that , can't help it if grambling can entertain a crowd that is fact so stop hating. and gram is not behind everyone else, we are in another world from other bands light years away thats why you can't understand true. the world famed hasn't been in their shat but this fall we are.

lol man u cannot tell me that when you saw that you didn't think that was the lamest stunt ever. I don't care if GSU, JSU, SU, or anybody does it. Poppin and twerkin in ya schools initials is rediculous.:rolleyes:
you all have your opinions, you yourself my think gram is slaw but a lot of other people don't so , pine bluff don't you get on hear on this topic until you get to the level grambling has been being good for 3 years don't make you a force so shut up uapb. all i know is grambling is better this year.
Originally posted by GoodFella

3. Grambling doesnt have the heart and drive to take it to the next level.....
I don't know.....I got to contest this one. I see a lot of heart and more importantly pride. However,... the chain of student command might be a little different where as their authority is limited.
Originally posted by S.U. T-BONE 99
You want 3 reasons then I'll give them to you.

1)Grambling sounds a straight mess. Between sections overblowing on songs thats not written that way, bad arrangements, and trumpets trying to scream and missing notes horribly.

2)Yall drills suck. My brother played in the band back from 87 - 90 when Hutch was there. I remember the way they marched, played and did things. The bands that Grambling produces now look like retarded off spring of a daddy from SU and a mom from GSU.

3)Most of the people in Grambling's band think that since they are in a band that has a great tradition automatically makes them good and that people should give them automatic respect because of what the people before them did. See, GSU and SU has a great legacy, but the difference between our bands is that we don't yall to respect us because of what '86, '89, '95, '96, and other bands before us did. We want yall to respect us because of what we do and we always strive to be like those other years to keep that level of entertainment and intensity there.

Thats why yall GSU is slaw and until yall fix that, people will always consider you slaw.

Man it doesnt matter what Grambling did in the past., Whatever they did back then, more power to them. I wasnt there, and it really doesnt matter to me, because they are not good now. If you think Gram sounds better than PB then you must be smoking that BAY....
uabp sounds good i give u that, but don't act like uapb is the best sounding band in the swac. gram sound wasn't right the past couple of years but this season the sound is very good. get 10 consistent years under your belt then talk that noise.
I never said PB was the best sounding band in the Swac, so dont put words in my mouth. The point is, we sound better than Grambling, so I think I can talk a lot of noise whenever Gram is mentioned......

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well that is your opinion, like mines is uapb isn't all that you are average your not elite yet it will take years for you to get to the top ranks and what i'm told uapb is the same ole uapb of last year just bigger with a little more volume, one of my peeps that is a crab in the band at uapb told me the tubas and mellos still running the band this year, the tpts are still weak and the t-bones and b-tomes aren't bringing it so worry about uapb. just because you are bigger this year that doesn't mean better especially if there is no discipline. grambling is more focused this year than a long time so i don't have to say nothing the horns will tell you the story. at least grambling can go back and look at the past great grambling bands to try to out do, uapb doesn't have that stepping stone like gram,su and jsu does, i guarantee u that grambling did just that and you will see the results especially in the stands.
I have one question, is Grambling elite?? You cant be elite one year and be weak the next, that is not what elite means. I never said PB was elite, you are the one complaining and crying. Im stating the facts(present), you stating old memories. As far as the crab, I would expect something like that from that person. They are not used to hearing what our band sounds like. So what might sound crazy to him, might be right for us. I dont have to hear it from a crab, I can see and hear for myself. That goes to show you, what kind of crazy stuff goes on. PB is no bigger than what we were last year, and if you think the trumpets and btones are weak, you must be silly. Keep believing the crab, better yet, just come to the game in 2 weeks and see for yourself......
pbs trumpets were weak last season that is a fact, don't get me wrong uapb is a good band and the people that i know in the band say the are good this year but the trumpets are on the same level that they were last season i heard uapb in person last year in shreveport they had a clean nice sound but the f-horns and tubas were the beasts in uapbs band like they are this year the baritones were ok but they were average. the reason why i said something about elite is because you talking like you uapb is the shat and they are not , grambling is not where they use to be , but this year is the come back year if everything stays on the right track that it is going so far, but grambling has been the number one band before and one day will get back there, uapb has never gotten there and it will be hard for uapb to get there because southern and jackson stands in uapbs way, they have the history and consistency and the name, gram has the history, the name but needs the consistency they once had and this year is the year that it will start. then you say we are talking about the past , the football season hasn't even started yet for the 2003-2004 season and you don't know what bands are on point this year, last football season is the past if you want to be technical.
I thought this topic was about GSU, I know it is enough of them, but GSU is the topic of discussion here...

I think everyone knows my thoughts.....No need for me to beat a dead horse....until I hear them again, and I hear no improvement.
haters all you people on here haven't even seen gsu this year and starting shat and trying to judge:redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot:
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