VP Debate.....

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Yeah, she did call him "Sen. O-Biden"...:lmao:

On "regular" CNN, they have a meter/guage which is measuring how the uncommited ohio voters are "feeling" both candidates.

IMHO, I think "O-Biden" is holding it down. I don't see anything that, if I were an "on the fencer" that Palin has done to 'suade me.
yes, I caught that too. She doesn't know who she's debating with, I guess.

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Damn, is Biden getting choked up??? Wow! He went emotional on us! The ratings meter on "regular" CCN almost spiked off the screen.
Dang, he on a roll now!!! "Maverick?, John's no Maverick!!!". Makes me think of the Jim Mora rant about..."Playoffs?...Playoffs???..."
Dang, he on a roll now!!! "Maverick?, John's no Maverick!!!". Makes me think of the Jim Mora rant about..."Playoffs?...Playoffs???..."
Wow, that was hilarious....That Coors light commercial about that bit, really cracked me up. :lmao:
Does this lady ever answer the question that's asked of her? :smh: Also, does she disagree on anything that McCain says? I mean really...no one agrees with EVERYTHING someone says/does. Get a backbone and an opinion of your own...my goodness. :rolleyes:

Warn, she is a typical Ofay. That's why I could never date a ofay woman. No back bone.

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Just an observation but the moderator on there reminds me of Barbara Jordan or Sheila Jackson (minus that big dookie braid that wraps around her head)...
Warn, she is a typical Ofay. That's why I could never date a ofay woman. No back bone.
hmmm, that's what I've always heard black men like about white women...they doormats. Just agree with you and cater to your every need. :lol:
Now she sounds like a politician in her closing statement. She practice that crapola well.
oooooooooh, this lady gets on my last nerve. Lord, I hope and pray these 2.5% of minorities have gotten registered and actually go out and vote for Barack?
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