Meet, act & depart...
I remembered today the one thing that got to me the most. My high school band director was temporarily living in the New York area just before that. He was going into New York with his wife on certain days of the week. I wasn't aware that they had stopped that about a week before this. So, I got really concerned that they may have be caught in that madness. A few days later, I was finally able to get through to him and confirm that he and his wife were fine. These are also very good friends of mines. I have an Aunt and her family. I didn't think they would be in that area, but you never know. My mother confirmed they were fine for me in the afternoon of 9/11. I have a TBS sorority sister that is in the New York area and was concerned about her being their also. So, that caused me to started wondering how many others that I know could be in the towers and in the Pentagon. I thought about how many people we know could be up there on business, pleasure or whatever - without my knowledge of it, so when would we know how many were effected by these foolish people working under ungodly spirits. Pray was certainly an enhanced part of life. Prayer that HIS BLOOD would be on the door post of all our love ones and friends, if it was HIS will.
We (TSPN Family) are truly blessed. In so many ways, we are blessings to each other. May God continue to richly blessed us and the rest of the world, through each of us.
We (TSPN Family) are truly blessed. In so many ways, we are blessings to each other. May God continue to richly blessed us and the rest of the world, through each of us.