Texas Southern vs Jackson State: Game Updates

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You can have all the players in the world, WR, but if the schemes are not good they are going to struggle. You dont know ish.

Dude,what the hell are you talking about again? Schemes? What the hell you know about schemes? Our schemes was good enough to beat you all's ass (even with Trey and Woody).
just saw a tweet saying SU's band wont be attending the PV/SU game because they're in Houston standing in Concert formation by the Boom's buses, waiting to play Power :lmao:
Ok, why dont we have a freaking goalline offense? Why dont we have a goalline set for running the ball in the endzone? That is the place where we need to put those big backs in there to run over the opponent. Wilson is an idiot for throwing on the 2 yard line. Hell, do a QB sneak or something.

No timeouts. We had to pass.
Don't forget about Ron Mason.....He's pimping em to....$400K and the school broker than a joke...........Meanwhile JACKSON STATE has moved to the next milenium...

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I am issuing a warning to those involved in the SU-JSU discussion on this thread. Take it some place else!
Man, git them dayum folks in white off the field with the Ocean that Stole, so the game can get started. I'm ready to go and get my drank on.

Game back on!!!
What were they talking about in the locker room for halftime, cause they look like they're not ready. Maybe they need to go back in the looker room and get let the team from the 1st half come back out.
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