Let's kick sTu out of the SWAC for two years! One year for stealing Mac and the 2nd year for making Cole interim AD! :lol: :emlaugh:

One year for the Ocean that Stole over in Japan and anutha year for the Boobie Reid billboard.

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If the NCAA hasn't released their info before TXSU's Ring Ceremony. Can you imagine how people will look and what will they be thinking during the ceremony?

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If the NCAA hasn't released there info before TXSU's Ring Ceremony. Can you imagine how people will look and what will they be thinking during the ceremony?


"Man, how much you think Southside Jewelry and Pawn will give us for these jokers"
"Man, how much you think Southside Jewelry and Pawn will give us for these jokers"

Those rings will end up in Guatemala, or some other third world country. That's where they send all those t-shirts of the losing superbowl and other championship teams they had made up prior to the outcome.


Look mommy! We haveda shiny new rings! We haveda, what you call "bring-bring"!

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Please we thank you for your hating spirit and desire to see us fail. We Third Coast Tigers can clearly see the ass-kicking that the SWAC took from us last year have increased your hate to an all time high for TXSU. Please let it be known that all of your programs are not so clean yourselves and are a phone call away from the same scrutiny. Now that brings me to my next point although Coach Cole has been instrumental in turning this team around Mr. Charles Mac made it clear that any wrong doing and you are gone. Obviously something was done to force him to fire Coach Cole. We at TXSU will bounce back unfourtunaltely this situation has added again negative press to our university. No one knows what penalties from the NCAA awaits. But what I do know is that to the rest of the SWAC we will continue to kick some azz under the leadership of Coach Ramsey. If you guys paid attention while we were kicking yall's azz you would have seen an offense that ran the ball well but committed stupid penalties and turnovers and you also saw a very disciplined and aggressive defense that won us many games and a championship under Coach Ramsey now he has an opportunity to spread this mentality and on field discipline and focus to the entire team. So all you haters can laugh now and cry later. Because what does not kill you make you stronger. And will we begin defense of our title starting at spring ball. Big ups to Mr. Charles Mac for doing what is right and making the right decisions in crunch time to protect and promote a Positive Image of the athlectic program in the mist of these last few months.


WTF? Who's hating? :lol:

There's a difference between "hating" and "making a bold prediction". Everybody in the SWAC knew how this could and would end except for yall dumbazzes. When all thought this guy was pretty much blacklisted from HBCU football, yall welcomed him with open arms. (Then his crooked brother found a gig somewhere. smh)

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different results. So yall just got crazy azz negroes running the show, basically.

I don't know about others but I knew it would end like this, but I'm not the type to go around saying that on open forums. I was more amazed that how yall paid those fools to come to Houston while knowing they leave every program in shambles. Hopefully yall will get it together and the NCAA will take it easy on yall. But no one could care less about yall when you were winning, or should I say last year. And we damn sure could care less now.
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Please we thank you for your hating spirit and desire to see us fail. We Third Coast Tigers can clearly see the ass-kicking that the SWAC took from us last year have increased your hate to an all time high for TXSU. Please let it be known that all of your programs are not so clean yourselves and are a phone call away from the same scrutiny. Now that brings me to my next point although Coach Cole has been instrumental in turning this team around Mr. Charles Mac made it clear that any wrong doing and you are gone. Obviously something was done to force him to fire Coach Cole. We at TXSU will bounce back unfourtunaltely this situation has added again negative press to our university. No one knows what penalties from the NCAA awaits. But what I do know is that to the rest of the SWAC we will continue to kick some azz under the leadership of Coach Ramsey. If you guys paid attention while we were kicking yall's azz you would have seen an offense that ran the ball well but committed stupid penalties and turnovers and you also saw a very disciplined and aggressive defense that won us many games and a championship under Coach Ramsey now he has an opportunity to spread this mentality and on field discipline and focus to the entire team. So all you haters can laugh now and cry later. Because what does not kill you make you stronger. And will we begin defense of our title starting at spring ball. Big ups to Mr. Charles Mac for doing what is right and making the right decisions in crunch time to protect and promote a Positive Image of the athlectic program in the mist of these last few months.


I'm sure y'all will bounce back, but save all that rhetoric about what y'all gonna do and how hate is at an all-time high. It's apparent that anybody can get lucky every 60 years or so. Please become a perrenial contender, at least, before you start thinking that anybody really cares enough to think about hating y'all.

What's funny is how on the last few threads started about "The CHAMP IS HERE" TSU, one of the first replies to the thread was guess who? But we know you don't care ROBBER! :lol:

But you know ROBBER a hit dog shole will holla!

Can anyone guess who the first one to reply on a TSU thread is on multiple occasions? I'm just saying, to not care someone shole is in there quick!

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Are you going to take a picture with Cole Blooded. If so, keep him away from Delock. That is a big brother and you know Johnny is a pretty boy, he can't fight.
JC is not going away without a fight. How much yall owe him for the two remaining years of his contract? :popcorn:
What's funny is how on the last few threads started about "The CHAMP IS HERE" TSU, one of the first replies to the thread was guess who? But we know you don't care ROBBER! :lol:

But you know ROBBER a hit dog shole will holla!

Can anyone guess who the first one to reply on a TSU thread is on multiple occasions? I'm just saying, to not care someone shole is in there quick!

You want some cheese to go with that "whine"??? Whether I'm the 1st or last to post, I will post when I see something I wanna respond to. If you wanna delude yourself into thinking I'm a hater, so be it. My smack routine has been the same since this board started. Hell, it was the same on CNN/SI. Screw up, and I'm gonna be there. Y'all done screwed up. Y'all ain't got what it takes to be defending champs. Y'all can't handle the little heat y'all getting now. The mafia deals with way worse than this, and we're 3 seasons removed from our last title. Y'all couldn't last a day on our keyboards!!!
Hell, say dat isht Robber!!!! We lasted through the Bell years. That's like your own Athetic Department putting yourself on probation for 3 years.