Oprah Snubbed

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staggalee83 said:
And as far as the beef thing .................I don't recall people not eating steak because of it. Hell, if MAD COW DISEASE didn't stop people from grilling hamburgers, OPRAH dang sure didn't.

Isn't why those cattle men to her to trial? I thought there was a coincidental sharp decline in beef sales after her comment. I thought it was plane stupid to quit eatin beef and burgers just because Oprah said she was stopping.

Anyway I can see what you are saying about the store. She has power with a certain class of people. I doubt a store like that would have customers that hang on her every word as some do. But then again thats just her pull based on her viewer base. We don't know who she knows and what she can accomplish. If I were Oprah I'd watch who I wage war with too. One of these days she won't have the effect she is used to having and that will weaken her hold on her following.

Like I said...I don't like it...but you gotta respect it.
CriTAUcal said:
Back away from the keyboard, 'cause you don't get it either! :smh:

Nope ................I get it. JUST DON'T AGREE WITH IT.

In the grand scheme of thing's as far as this stores TOP END CLIENT'S .................OPRAH IS PROBABLY THE LEAST RICHEST OF PEOPLE THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH.

These people probably don't even know OPRAH exist. They live in a world that OPRAH can't even touch on a world-wide basis. These people have KING's, QUEENs, OIL PRINCES, etc as their clientel because of their name. Do you really think this crowd watches or care about OPRAH not getting in. To them, OPRAH is just another "entertainer" ..............people they look down on anyway.:nod2:

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staggalee83 said:
These people probably don't even know OPRAH exist. They live in a world that OPRAH can't even touch on a world-wide basis. These people have KING's, QUEENs, OIL PRINCES, etc as their clientel.

While you are so quick to jump in with your opinion, did even you take the time to read the story? FYI: Oprah does have an international audience. They knew who she was.

Deuce said:
Oprah's French Diss
The New York Daily News also weighed in on the incident, claiming the Herm?s staff did ID Oprah -- and deliberately denied her admittance.

"They knew exactly who she was," an Oprah insider insists to the paper. "They specifically said, 'We know who you are.'"

Not surprisingly, Herm?s has gone into damage-control mode, issuing an apology while offering up its side of the story. "Herm?s regrets not having been able to accommodate Ms. Winfrey and her team and to provide her with the service and care that Herm?s strives to provide to each and every one of its customers worldwide," the store said in a statement (via CNN). "Herm?s apologizes for any offense taken due to such circumstances." Winfrey, it says, arrived 15 minutes after closing and was rebuffed because "a private PR event was being set up inside." (Oh, the irony of turning away Oprah to aid public relations ...) The store says it has surveillance video that verifies its version of events.

She adds that the firm's CEO has called Oprah's reps to explain what happened and to invite her (and her bottomless bank account) back to the store.
Blacks will never be able to overcome institutional racism.

However, institutional racism backfired on the DA in the Mich Jackson case.

What happened to Oprah is that color enter into the picture first. The world has a color problem. Color will always be first.
Face it the brother just ain't got customer service sense. But we already knew that. (No disrespect BF) IMO the bottom line is like CT and j4j said. It's just simple common courtesy and business sense. Shoot if I arrive to my cleaners to pick up a pair of shoes that I had shined there and I do this weekly and he knows me. I would expect him to let me in to handle a 2 minute transaction. It's just good business. I'm not a celebrity, just a person who comes there every week to get my shoes shined and I would expect him to appreciate my business. Just like if he said, " I gotta get to my kids game, come back tomorrow" cause I did get there late or if he says "I've already closed down my register and cashed out". But if he's just sitting there closing shop, it won't hurt and I still keep coming back. Because if I feel unappreciated.....well word of mouth goes a long way in business.

And no I'm no Oprah fan (the females know it) but they could have let her get the watch.
CriTAUcal said:
While you are so quick to jump in with your opinion, did even you take the time to read the story? FYI: Oprah does have an international audience. They knew who she was.

I'm through .................Personally I could care less if OPRAH ever shops there.

I never have ....................and I ain't dead from it.:)
staggalee83 said:
In the grand scheme of thing's as far as this stores TOP END CLIENT'S .................OPRAH IS PROBABLY THE LEAST RICHEST OF PEOPLE THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH.

Huh? There are only 691 billionaires in the world. The only way she can be one of the least richest people they have to deal with is if all 691 of them shopped at that store and that was their only clientel.
I think what people fail to realize is that this isn't your mom-and-pops corner store. Everybody that shops there has money, hell they won't even let you in if you don't even look like you can afford to buy something. Oprah may have spent $78,000 in the store, but she's only one of many people to have done so. I'm sure if she would have called ahead and made arrangements the store would have been more than gracious, but a store like this isn't going to going to bend over backwards for her just because she's Oprah.
JaguarNation99 said:
I think what people fail to realize is that this isn't your mom-and-pops corner store. Everybody that shops there has money, hell they won't even let you in if you don't even look like you can afford to buy something. Oprah may have spent $78,000 in the store, but she's only one of many people to have done so. I'm sure if she would have called ahead and made arrangements the store would have been more than gracious, but a store like this isn't going to going to bend over backwards for her just because she's Oprah.

And that's the point I made in one of my FIRST post's..........#8 to be exact..............but if ya'll like celeb butt kissin .........to each his own. :cool:
BandFan said:
If Oprah would have gotten that watch she wouldnt have ran to her show and told the world about it. Hell Oprah probally shops at Walgreen, or TARGET but she doesnt go on her show and promotes them. Oprah sneezes with Kleenex, but she doesnt go on her show and promotes them does she?

She is a HUMAN being. The store wasnt open when she got there, come back tomorrow. BYE!!!!!

What if this happened to some of us "REGULAR, non Billionair folx". Some of yall wouldnt think one word about it and chaulked it up to the game.


She has shopped in Walmart. She had a show on her in Walmart shopping. She also plugged Walgreens for fake eyelashes! She said, until recently, people tried to get her to buy these expensive ones but she'd clean the shelf in Walgreens for the $2.29 pair....Now someone introduced her to a mink kind...but still she did plug Walgreens!!!!

I haven't seen where anywone said she was not human. And I have not seen where anywhere said she was above the law and I did not find that anyone here was mad about it.
Bengal E said:
Face it the brother just ain't got customer service sense. But we already knew that. (No disrespect BF) IMO the bottom line is like CT and j4j said. It's just simple common courtesy and business sense. Shoot if I arrive to my cleaners to pick up a pair of shoes that I had shined there and I do this weekly and he knows me. I would expect him to let me in to handle a 2 minute transaction. It's just good business. I'm not a celebrity, just a person who comes there every week to get my shoes shined and I would expect him to appreciate my business. Just like if he said, " I gotta get to my kids game, come back tomorrow" cause I did get there late or if he says "I've already closed down my register and cashed out". But if he's just sitting there closing shop, it won't hurt and I still keep coming back. Because if I feel unappreciated.....well word of mouth goes a long way in business.

And no I'm no Oprah fan (the females know it) but they could have let her get the watch.

That's all most people were saying. THANK YOU for seeing the light even if you did not like Oprah. ;)
Some of yall are confusing celebrity with spending power. Do yall realize there are only EIGHT women in the world that are worth more than her? 8 in the world!! And you're trying to tell me that we arent going to sell our merchandise to her becuase she showed up 15 mins after closing.

Kneegrow please. She'd have my personal number. Call me anytime you want me to open the store and I'll come do it myself. Dayumm a sells clerk and store manager.

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staggalee83 said:
Yep ..............the said they sorry. IT's is a business after all.

The suck-up factor only go so far when dealing with a "BRAND" like this store is. There are other clients.

And as far as the beef thing .................I don't recall people not eating steak because of it. Hell, if MAD COW DISEASE didn't stop people from grilling hamburgers, OPRAH dang sure didn't.

Ya'll reading to much into this.

You are correct. Nobody stopped eating their meatballs because of her...that was the war these Texas Cowboys waged against O!
Venom Skywalker said:
Some of yall are confusing celebrity with spending power. Do yall realize there are only EIGHT women in the world that are worth more than her? 8 in the world!! And you're trying to tell me that we arent going to sell our merchandise to her becuase she showed up 15 mins after closing.

Kneegrow please. She'd have my personal number. Call me anytime you want me to open the store and I'll come do it myself. Dayumm a sells clerk and store manager.

That's all I'm saying.

Also, she just had a legends weekend at her home in CA. She invited 64 of our famous black women each one got a pair of platinum & black diamond earrings...not earring studs either...a hoop encrusted with white & black diamonds. EACH ONE. I think Hermy Herm should have opened the darn store... :D
Venom Skywalker said:
Some of yall are confusing celebrity with spending power. Do yall realize there are only EIGHT women in the world that are worth more than her? 8 in the world!! And you're trying to tell me that we arent going to sell our merchandise to her becuase she showed up 15 mins after closing.

Kneegrow please. She'd have my personal number. Call me anytime you want me to open the store and I'll come do it myself. Dayumm a sells clerk and store manager.

Again, this isn't your normal store. There may only be 8 women worth more than Oprah, and there are plenty of wives, daughters, mistresses, etc of men who are worth that much. I was talking to my girlfriend about it (she's an expert on buying riduculously overpriced things :rolleyes: ), some of their more popular bags (like something Oprah would have probably gotten) have an 8 month wait list. That means even if they let her in and she picked something out, she wouldn't have gotten it until February even though she would have paid that day. Do you really expect a store like that to break up its PR gala just because one woman came in after hours?
chocalate_topaz said:
BF you work with clients regularly. I'm surprised at this attitude...but then again it might help me understand why you always seemed to have so many jobs but your are a financial consultant(?). Might want to have one of those MAN IN THE MIRROR talks (and I'm not referencing MJ).

Let me add this. It may be over simplified, but it is based on a true story. Unless you understand what they are talking about, you have a lot to learn about America.

The story goes that F. Scott Fitzgerald once casually remarked, over
drinks, to Ernest Hemingway: "The very rich are different from you and
me." To which EH is said to have replied with the obvious: "Yes, they
have more money."
Never underestimate wealth, it not only rules America, but the world. We may all be created equal, but after that, everything is subject to change.
THAMES said:

Let me add this. It may be over simplified, but it is based on a true story. Unless you understand what they are talking about, you have a lot to learn about America.

Never underestimate wealth, it not only rules America, but the world. We may all be created equal, but after that, everything is subject to change.

And When you die you cant take none of it with you.
Its how your treated people regardless of class, station, weath, & statue that shows the Character of person.
staggalee83 said:
And OPRAH could do like the OTHER celeb's ..................call ahead and they would have been glad to "open" the store just for her after hours.

DIVA could have had the whole store to herself with no problems.

Sorry .....but there are people in this world that DON'T KNOW HER. :look:
Now she is chosing not to shop there so that is the consequence that they will have to deal with, and I am sure there will be residual affects from her boycott.
OK........................... :idea:

Let's review this in 6 months and see if this store drop's off..................doubt it. I doubt you will see the UPPER CLIENT's joining her on the "picket line".

Like ya'll say ..................THESE PEOPLE LIVE IN ANOTHER WORLD. The people that watch her show are not part of it.

Until then ..........it's business as always.

out. :D
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