Oprah Snubbed

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CriTAUcal said:
Baby, you don't get it!
It has nothing to do with being star struck! :lol: It has everything to do with BUSINESS and using some common sense. The woman is a dayum media mogul who has some POWER, whether we want to acknowledge it or NOT! The woman doesn't have a show on national TV (which has been on air for the last 19 years), a producation company and a magazine by luck! Power! I don't care what ya'll say, she ain't your average super star!

And I don't know if you know it, but it NOT uncommon for stars to go by stores after hours, whether they put in a call or not!

And I'm sure your employers can STILL fire you, find a loop hole by saying something as simple as you didn't follow their mission, which is to serve. Either way, you could be out of a job!

And it still could've been handled better. If nothing but giving her special accomodations to shop freely alone in the store on the next busy day, during operating hours and having personal store assistants and champagne waiting on her!!

Just use some common sense, especially when it comes to high clientele--- because those are the ones who are gonna help keep your pockets deep!

Boo, I love like an-EX wife who didnt put Child Support on me, but Oprah goes to the bathroom after she eats, just like everyone else.
And its s_d that everyone will probally not shop at this store cause the employees were DOING their job.
Oprah got big BANK and props, but when you pull some boycott and misuse & abuse your "POWER" , what kind of example are you setting.
I could understand if they called her a "NI99a" and call the cops or something, but that aint the case.

Just answer me this for me Crit, If this were you and you went McDonalds and they had just closed 15 mintues ago.......What would you do?
chocalate_topaz said:
BF you work with clients regularly. I'm surprised at this attitude...but then again it might help me understand why you always seemed to have so many jobs )

I dont work with clients, I work with other Analyst, Brokers, & Specialist. I have no contact with my clients directly. (Thank God).

That would be Parttime jobs. I have EdwardJones for the past 4 and half years. Taking care of 2 boyz, trying to relocate, building my portfolio, and traveling takes some money.
I dont have money like OPRAH.


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BandFan said:
I have no contact with my clients directly. (Thank God).

You know, I believe we are in agreement here... :p

And you should have put YET behind 'I don't have money like Oprah.' Like the old folx say, "If you don't believe then who the hell else will?"
BandFan said:
Just answer me this for me Crib, If this were you and you went McDonalds and they had just closed 15 mintues ago.......What would you do?

Move on. :lol: 'Cause I recognize I'm just an average person.

Oprah is not your average person, BF. Yeah, she puts her pants on one leg at time and probably pisses with the seat down, too. But she doesn't live an ordinary life. H3ll, she doesn't even have ordinary bank!

Don't you realize people like that (with that kind of money) have access and are privledged to things we aren't?
The name of the game is power and influence!
chocalate_topaz said:
You know, I believe we are in agreement here... :p
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

chocalate_topaz said:
And you should have put YET behind 'I don't have money like Oprah.' Like the old folx say, "If you don't believe then who the hell else will?"


YET :tup:
BandFan said:
What if this happened to some of us "REGULAR, non Billionair folx". Some of yall wouldnt think one word about it and chaulked it up to the game.

How many regular folk have spent at least $78,000 in that store in one transaction? And yes the article stated she has done that before at that particular store.
Venom Skywalker said:
How many regular folk have spent at least $78,000 in that store in one transaction? And yes the article stated she has done that before at that particular store.

And THIS is WHY they get the special accomodations!!!!

I'd close down my store too to assist someone, who could bring in more money by themselves than what I can cash in on from the whole day! Not to mention, stars like Oprah bring in more clients, just for the simple fact that she shops there! Influence!
CriTAUcal said:
Move on. :lol: 'Cause I recognize I'm just an average person.

Oprah is not your average person, BF. Yeah, she puts her pants on one leg at time and probably pisses with the seat down, too. But she doesn't live an ordinary life. H3ll, she doesn't even have ordinary bank!

Don't you realize people like that (with that kind of money) have access and are privledged to things we aren't?
The name of the game is power and influence!

The name of the GAME is RESPECT & HUMiLITY.

YOu are more like OPRAH than you give yourself credit for you. YOu are a young, beautiful, smart woman from an HBCU. She is not different and definitely NOT better than you.

So if you cant get a hamburger after the store closes, and Oprah cant get a watch after the store closes......what do you do..............GO TO ANOTHER STORE & chop it up as LOSS.

Remember CRIB, you are not AVERAGE!!!!!!!!
Venom Skywalker said:
How many regular folk have spent at least $78,000 in that store in one transaction? And yes the article stated she has done that before at that particular store.

And now name one human that dont SH#T and not wipe their @zz.

Thought so.
BandFan said:
And now name one human that dont SH#T and not wipe their @zz.

Thought so.

And what does that have to do with me selling a product and her being able to buy more of it by herself than 10 regular customers put together?
SU's Finest '93 said:
btw guys/gals, Oprah DOES shop at Target. :p Just thought I'd throw that out there.

She needs to start name droping TARGET on that show then. So they can go through the roof.

I do agree with those that say Oprah aint nothin but a human being. I don't buy into that special celeb treatment....


It doesn't matter. Oprah will say she is boycotting and half of America will do it with her....remember that beef fiasco. You aint gotta respect her as a celeb but you have to respect the fact that she can make or break your business if you want to succeed.
BandFan said:
The name of the GAME is RESPECT & HUMiLITY.

YOu are more like OPRAH than you give yourself credit for you. YOu are a young, beautiful, smart woman from an HBCU. She is not different and definitely NOT better than you.

So if you cant get a hamburger after the store closes, and Oprah cant get a watch after the store closes......what do you do..............GO TO ANOTHER STORE & chop it up as LOSS.

Remember CRIB, you are not AVERAGE!!!!!!!!

Thank you, and I feel what you're saying.
I don't think I'm putting her on a high pedestal; I recognize that she's human, too. But I'm not blind to the fact that this woman has major pull!

I'm ALL for respect and humility!!!! Trust! :tup: :tup:
But don't be a dumb arse when it comes to business and recognizing when something can either help or harm you.
Venom Skywalker said:
And what does that have to do with me selling a product and her being able to buy more of it by herself than 10 regular customers put together?

EVERYTHING, If Im working with 2 other customers and Oprah walks in, am I supposed to say Fugg the 2 Im working with to kiss Oprah behind?

NO, she's human just like everyone else. She will get the same coursey, kindness & RESPECT that EVERYONE else diserves.
Im supposed to jump up and down cause Oprah walked in?????????

Yall are STAR STRUCK!!!!!

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well, BF, I will agree that we do have a lot of Oprah fans in this forum, but I also agree w/what most of those Oprah fans are saying. Which is, the situation could/should have been handled better.

Either way, this will affect/effect the stores sales...bottom line. Folks will boycott, just b/c of this situation.
CriTAUcal said:
Thank you, and I feel what you're saying.
I don't think I'm putting her on a high pedestal; I recognize that she's human, too. But I'm not blind to the fact that this woman has major pull!

I'm ALL for respect and humility!!!! Trust! :tup: :tup:
But don't be a dumb arse when it comes to business and recognizing when something can either help or harm you.

Lets agree to disagree then.

I think BlaquePrince said it best, but I know Phil wouldnt kiss her butt though.
He'd probally shut the door quicker than I would if she came in 15 minutes late. :lol:

Oprah better sit her @zz down somewhere and help her friend Avante (whoever) get some money like Dr. Phil. :tup:
BandFan said:
EVERYTHING, If Im working with 2 other customers and Oprah walks in, am I supposed to say Fugg the 2 Im working with to kiss Oprah behind?

NO, she's human just like everyone else. She will get the same coursey, kindness & RESPECT that EVERYONE else diserves.
Im supposed to jump up and down cause Oprah walked in?????????

Yall are STAR STRUCK!!!!!

Stop typing, OK! :lol:
You still don't get it! It's not about being star struck! It's about recognizing influence, BF.
Stop it! :emlaugh:
I do agree with those that say Oprah aint nothin but a human being. I don't buy into that special celeb treatment....


It doesn't matter. Oprah will say she is boycotting and half of America will do it with her....remember that beef fiasco. You aint gotta respect her as a celeb but you have to respect the fact that she can make or break your business if you want to succeed.

Yep ..............the said they sorry. IT's is a business after all.

The suck-up factor only go so far when dealing with a "BRAND" like this store is. There are other clients.

And as far as the beef thing .................I don't recall people not eating steak because of it. Hell, if MAD COW DISEASE didn't stop people from grilling hamburgers, OPRAH dang sure didn't.

Ya'll reading to much into this.
BandFan said:
I think BlaquePrince said it best

Maybe it's your interpretation, 'cause BlaquePrince just said the same thing that CT and I have been saying, which was:

You aint gotta respect her as a celeb but you have to respect the fact that she can make or break your business if you want to succeed.
staggalee83 said:
Yep ..............the said they sorry. IT's is a business after all.

The suck-up factor only go so far when dealing with a "BRAND" like this store is. There are other clients.

And as far as the beef thing .................I don't recall people not eating steak because of it. Hell, if MAD COW DISEASE didn't stop people from grilling hamburgers, OPRAH dang sure didn't.

Ya'll reading to much into this.

Co-sign. Oprah has a lot of pull, but in reality, most of the people she would have influence on aren't shopping there anyway. Hermes has plenty of well-to-do clients. The company probably could have done without the negative publicity, but it isn't the type of company that Oprah can make or break.
staggalee83 said:
In other words Critaucal ......fall to your knees and start kissing when a celeb has a temper tantrum. :(

Back away from the keyboard, 'cause you don't get it either! :smh:
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