Jackson's Mayor Accused of......WTH!!!

Here's a council member's response to all the mess....The City of Jackson, MS is out of control. It seems like the city's budget is coming up short on hoe funds......I meant to say monies for executive positions. LOL!!!

He may as well had just said.."I be getting some side chick booty too so let's just leave this the fugg alone!".... LOL
I'm sure some simple-minded man would what this after Donald Trump is done with her.

He may as well had just said.."I be getting some side chick booty too so let's just leave this the fugg alone!".... LOL

Basically!!! But you know he had to calm the fears of his hoes. They were probably blowing up his phone on how this would affect them. LOL!!!
Maybe they can get Jesse Jackson to come to Jackson, MS to pray for them like he did for Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. I'm sure Jesse doesn't want to give another prayer like that. Not long after praying for Clinton, his outside child was revealed. LOL!!!
So city leaders wanting something like jobs and childhood development for youths is a "hoe fund?'

You are sick in the head.

Let me help you see things in a different way. Youth job programs are mainly for underprivileged youths, which are mostly youths that are raised in single parent households. Which youths do you think will have first dibs at those jobs? The youths who's mothers are having an extra-marital affair with some politician and maybe that politician's secret outside child or the youths of a single parent who is not having an extra-marital affair with some politician??? Same goes for early childhood development or any program for the disadvantage. The dude said nothing about monies in the budget to grow Jackson, MS economy, which IMO is very important when it comes to high paying jobs that require more skills and education.
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Bottom line is you have to let these broads know they are slump buster chicks. I mean let's be real sometimes you just need some cat to beat down to make time past.......
Bottom line is you have to let these broads know they are slump buster chicks. I mean let's be real sometimes you just need some cat to beat down to make time past.......
Yeah. but it looks like he had the attorney and a chick using campaign funds to get him vagina on the road.... He didn't need to hire his sidechick...
Oh and I predict feds will bring campaign finance violations charges in the next 18 months. Unless them strippers were giving up sex as a campaign contribution, they had to be paid somehow.
Let's assume that even an iota of this is true....Should he remain in office and let the legal proceeding continue and let the City of Jackson represent him and thereby bear his legal defense expenses via the Assistant City Attorney or should he do the unthinkable and resign? I don't know if the citizens can demand a recall election...regardless the next City Council meeting should be interesting to say the least.
Let's assume that even an iota of this is true....Should he remain in office and let the legal proceeding continue and let the City of Jackson represent him and thereby bear his legal defense expenses via the Assistant City Attorney or should he do the unthinkable and resign? I don't know if the citizens can demand a recall election...regardless the next City Council meeting should be interesting to say the least.
He has to go man.
The sad part is black leaders many times fail our communities worst then what the rednecks. This is why it's so hard for many to over come the systematic problems in our communities. We give up because we see so much failure from both sides.
Yeah. but it looks like he had the attorney and a chick using campaign funds to get him vagina on the road.... He didn't need to hire his sidechick...

He did it to keep her mouth shut, which is why she is telling all now. He should have known when things went sour with her, she wasn't going away quiet. I bet he thought since she was married, she wasn't going to say anything, but in this case, her husband just might have been her pimp and knew what was going on. It's a crazy world when folks use whatever resources they have to make it to the top. It sounds like she was using the mayor's office to help her husband run for Hinds County tax collector. It's very interesting that the Jackson media haven't seek out the husband's opinion.
The sad part is black leaders many times fail our communities worst then what the rednecks. This is why it's so hard for many to over come the systematic problems in our communities. We give up because we see so much failure from both sides.

This is exactly what is happening with most Black communities. And what's really sad, this allows everybody and their mommas to think that they are capable of being some type of community leader, basically a bunch of unqualified people straight from the streets and strip clubs running our communities. Once some of these folks are elected into office, we end up with Hurricane Chris as our main entertainment. Due to the lack of knowledge, these people have really poor judgement on what's right and what's wrong.

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He did it to keep her mouth shut, which is why she is telling all now. He should have known when things went sour with her, she wasn't going away quiet. I bet he thought since she was married, she wasn't going to say anything, but in this case, her husband just might have been her pimp and knew what was going on. It's a crazy world when folks use whatever resources they have to make it to the top. It sounds like she was using the mayor's office to help her husband run for Hinds County tax collector. It's very interesting that the Jackson media haven't seek out the husband's opinion.
when she tried to break things off, I don't think she would snitched had they not fired her. It looks like all he had to do with walk away.
when she tried to break things off, I don't think she would snitched had they not fired her. It looks like all he had to do with walk away.

Now you know she just couldn't break things off. She was getting paid right at $50k to be his personal on the job piece of ass. In Jackson. MS that's probably a decent salary for someone with little to no skills at all. What else could she do? And he just couldn't let her sit around and do nothing, especially with his other side pieces knowing about her. She said it herself, she wouldn't be able to find another job making that kind of money to support her family. One good thing, I hope this is an eye opener for the good people in Jackson, MS when it comes to electing the characters to run their city. IMO, Black communities need to come up with a good vetting process for their community leaders. Too many of our Black leaders have used the church and other means to try to hide their moral indiscretions. Just like any election, once a person enters his or her name for political office, we as Black people should demand to know everything about them and their past.

Correction: Her and her husband are not together, therefore Yarber should have known she was eventually going to spill the beans.

Bracey indicated that Yarber manipulated the split between her and her husband, a couple whose wedding Yarber — a minister — officiated, Bracey said.

"He was my husband's friend," Bracey said.

The complaint suggests Yarber engaged in sexual relationships with several other women during this time, and that City Attorney Monica Joiner was pursuing a sexual relationship with Yarber. In July, the complaint says, Bracey attempted to end the sexual relationship with the mayor, suggesting any activity beyond that point was not consensual.

"Yarber began forcing Plaintiff to continue the sexual relationship by making it clear that she could be terminated if she did not have sex with him," the complaint states. "Plaintiff was the sole source of income for her family at this time, and could not easily find comparable work."

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It sounds like the mayor setup one of his friends with one of his side chicks and married them. Pretty much the same thing happened with two Bruhz in my hometown. One Bruh setup his LB with a female that he was seeing at one time and his LB eventually married her. I see that as somewhat an awkward situation. No way I can marry a female who slept with one of my line brothers. I think it is asking for trouble, especially if they ever had some type of family gathering that involves the wives. But the two Bruhz back home seem to be doing okay with the situation.
Man, Yarber has been doing mess Luke this for years...even when he was in the school system.

His senior admin knew the deal when she got the job. She's been screwing the guy even before he became mayor. Monica Joiner just joined the club like a idiot. Smart girl too.

I knew when she became City Attorney that fast it had to be some "maneuvering" and negotiations. Now all 3 could be facing some serious charges if it is discovered he indeed utilized city funding to promote his infidelity.

When are our black leaders ever going to learn to stay away from the pussy and stop putting obvious targets on their backs.
When are our black leaders ever going to learn to stay away from the pussy and stop putting obvious targets on their backs.

It's called THOROUGHLY vetting (tax information, business dealings, relationships (business and social), etc.) these fools before electing them into office. The information about his previous affairs should have been enough not vote for him for mayor.
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Man, Yarber has been doing mess Luke this for years...even when he was in the school system.

His senior admin knew the deal when she got the job. She's been screwing the guy even before he became mayor. Monica Joiner just joined the club like a idiot. Smart girl too.

I knew when she became City Attorney that fast it had to be some "maneuvering" and negotiations. Now all 3 could be facing some serious charges if it is discovered he indeed utilized city funding to promote his infidelity.

When are our black leaders ever going to learn to stay away from the pussy and stop putting obvious targets on their backs.


It sounds like the mayor setup one of his friends with one of his side chicks and married them. Pretty much the same thing happened with two Bruhz in my hometown. One Bruh setup his LB with a female that he was seeing at one time and his LB eventually married her. I see that as somewhat an awkward situation. No way I can marry a female who slept with one of my line brothers. I think it is asking for trouble, especially if they ever had some type of family gathering that involves the wives. But the two Bruhz back home seem to be doing okay with the situation.
It take a lot of maturity for that to work.