It's that time of yr again chillunz': Feb 14th St Valentino's day lol

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Sad.. I just spent a bunch of dough on a ring, an engagement party and now, I have to buy a vday gift... smh

Is a engagement party one of these new kids things? :lol: Then you kicking out loot for V-day? Man you are already in trouble. :emlaugh:
Let's be honest. Holidays and marriage were created for women. They get all the benefits of it to the full degree of it. :wavey:

The problem with that is women were created for men.

Things get all out of whack when order is perverted and we are coerced into serving women.


The perfect Valentine's Day present.

I honestly thought I was the only person who did this......actually it's kinda funny. Last year, I stopped by one of the steakhouses in LR and I observed the couples coming in while I waited our order. One guy came in drunk with his girl and she was hot!:kaioken: And another couple were arguing; apparently she didn't want to eat there and he didn't want to take her anywhere. I heard him tell her, "If you don't like this, I can always take yo azz home!"

:emlaugh: :bawling: :emlaugh: :lmao:
I'm one of those fully capable reciprocity believing chicks

But ct, you're more <b>uncommon</b> than common. :smh: These black things running around texas pretending to be females aren't like that, from what I've researched in my <b>entire life</b>, at all. :| If a female here speaks to me, there's a 99.9% chance I'd cuss her out. I don't have friendly words for females of color here. lol :emlaugh:
Sad.. I just spent a bunch of dough on a ring, an engagement party and now, I have to buy a vday gift... smh

But you don't have to buy a big, expensive gift Pops. You're already probably putting a lot of money on the wedding and the engagement party and the reception and honeymoon. If you think your wife-to-be would be upset that you didn't get her a Valentine's Day gift (and she really shouldn't considering you're on a tight budget with upcoming nuptials), then buy something small, practical YET considerate.
I think the problem is you guys are SO unimaginative. Showing somebody you care doesn't have to cost an arm or a leg. If you pay attention and plan well, usually the cost of a meal for one at even a buffet. I mean BIG stuffed animals were $15 in they are $40...but there were there. A bunch of red roses ordered online last month for delivery Feb 14th- $20; now $70. Heck , a book of coochie coupons- $5; a big assed hersey kiss- $4...Its doable...but once again, y'all dudes got fifty eleven dozen reasons NOT to do anything for your woman...yeah, stay single.

POP, don't get in this rut! I'm rooting for you dude!
This day is for dudes who don't do stuff any other day. If you do this type of stuff frequently, then you don't have to do it on V-day.
I think the problem is you guys are SO unimaginative. Showing somebody you care doesn't have to cost an arm or a leg. If you pay attention and plan well, usually the cost of a meal for one at even a buffet. I mean BIG stuffed animals were $15 in they are $40...but there were there. A bunch of red roses ordered online last month for delivery Feb 14th- $20; now $70. Heck , a book of coochie coupons- $5; a big assed hersey kiss- $4...Its doable...but once again, y'all dudes got fifty eleven dozen reasons NOT to do anything for your woman...yeah, stay single.

POP, don't get in this rut! I'm rooting for you dude!
What I don't understand is if V-Day is supposed to be a time where lovers express their shared affection for each other, how come commercials, sales papers, advertisements or random people at the bus stop NEVER implore the female to purchase or do anything for the male?

All I hear, see and read 24 hours a day leading up to the holiday (which was started to recognize Christian martyrs by the way) is buy her, treat her, do this for her, she would love this or that. However, NOTHING about buy him or do anything for him at all.

And another thing...
Slippery slope, man. Just get her a heartfelt card, flowers and dinner and be done. Cook the dinner and save yourself from the crowds.


If I just got the ring and there was an engagement party, I would certainly understand on taking it much lighter for V-Day.
I'm listening to this ad that is promoting six-foot-tall roses and eight-foot-tall stuffed teddy bears. Man, I can't believe all the suckers who are going to waste their money in the next seven days. LOL

I'm listening to this ad that is promoting six-foot-tall roses and eight-foot-tall stuffed teddy bears. Man, I can't believe all the suckers who are going to waste their money in the next seven days. LOL

will they deliver the 12 six foot tall roses?

If I just got the ring and there was an engagement party, I would certainly understand on taking it much lighter for V-Day.

You need to go back and read where Panther88 said, you are not the norm!!!

This day is for dudes who don't do stuff any other day. If you do this type of stuff frequently, then you don't have to do it on V-day.

And Cee hit the nail on the head. As long as you're showing love throughout the year, then V-day is just another day, (it really is just another day, but a truly commercial day/event, I refuse to call it a holiday, as it isnt a holiday)
This day is for dudes who don't do stuff any other day. If you do this type of stuff frequently, then you don't have to do it on V-day.

Its a good habit to try to make EVERYday special. I done said it before and I'll say it again...Y'all don't seem to EVER have been loved properly. Hope you are before you take your last breath! :tup:
CT I have been loved properly and loved someone properly, that is why V-day means nothing to me. I have nothing against folks who celebrate this day, but I don't do it.
Its a good habit to try to make EVERYday special. I done said it before and I'll say it again...Y'all don't seem to EVER have been loved properly. Hope you are before you take your last breath! :tup:
Its a good habit to try to make EVERYday special. I done said it before and I'll say it again...Y'all don't seem to EVER have been loved properly. Hope you are before you take your last breath! :tup:

As long as Jesus loves you that's all that matters.
CT I have been loved properly and loved someone properly, that is why V-day means nothing to me. I have nothing against folks who celebrate this day, but I don't do it.

I respect that.

Couples should love on each other regularly throughout the year. There's nothing wrong with showing love on V-Day either. Folks should do what makes each other happy. If a man knows his woman still wants to be shown love on V-Day, do it. If it doesn't matter, then that's fine too.

Me, personally, I wanna be loved 365/24-7. :D
Baby I would love you 25/8 :ebrow:

I respect that.

Couples should love on each other regularly throughout the year. There's nothing wrong with showing love on V-Day either. Folks should do what makes each other happy. If a man knows his woman still wants to be shown love on V-Day, do it. If it doesn't matter, then that's fine too.

Me, personally, I wanna be loved 365/24-7. :D
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