Hungry for knowledge? Presenting Dr. West's Eternal Kernels of Truth

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Ohakam said:
Lacumba, could you help your boy SU Leopard 79 out?

Let him link the South American Cat that your school uses instead of the African Cat that currently has no school affiliation.


Man, I don't know what you're problem is, but I would suggest critical psychiatric help for that thing in YOUR sig ..... damn GOP got another fool.

Alan Keyes, send help fast!
Re: Got Kernels?

Dr. West said:
And a cheater has a millions and one excuses.

But an idiot opens his mouth CONSTANTLY to let everyone else know he's "smart".

Damn, you've been talking a lot too.
Ohakam said:
I don't know this Dr. West dude, but from what I can gather, he is smart enough to not have a LEOPARD in his Signature.

Somebody help out SU Leopard 79!!!

Might want to take them glasses from Ali ..... but, hell, a leopard, Jaguar, all of them drive fits into a Blue Tiger, right Okadoke?
^^ Uhh, can somebody get LadyLeopard, BgLeopard, LeopardCynic, PsychoLeopard, Dtown Leopard ,or Papa Leopard to come in here and help this dude.


"You changed yo Sig cuz I clowned you!!!!!!"

That means you are officially.....


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Nah, he cool frat. He is relentless and it's all good.

Looks like your html is past due. I don't see this comic strip.
I've noticed that I see you almost as much as I see Dr. West. I'm starting to wonder ..... maybe some research is in order .... :ebrow:
Speaking of "signature smack"

One has to wonder about the moral environment of a school that derives pride from keeping a majestic creature of the Central and South American rainforests locked up in a cage that is too small for an animal half its size and too filthy for even a cockroach.
Me thinks this young one's mother was a victim of the 'S' on the chest and he knows not who his father is.

Your admiration is fetching.
LaCumba said:
Reduced to Signature Smack.... :shame:

Uhh, you're wrong....

This is Signature Smack....


Mistaking a Leopard for a Jaguar is just being stoooooopid. Notice how he no longer has it since I pointed it out to him. At least he realized his oversight.

BTW, remember when this happend at the University of Florida:


It made national news because the doofus proofreader didn't notice that they put a Crocodile on the cover instead of an alligator.

Now, if you jags want to PM me to explain other basic concepts like Pouring Piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the bottom of them I will.

Ohakam said:
Uhh, you're wrong....

This is Signature Smack....


Mistaking a Leopard for a Jaguar is just being stoooooopid. Notice how he no longer has it since I pointed it out to him. At least he realized his oversight.

BTW, remember when this happend at the University of Florida:


It made national news because the doofus proofreader didn't notice that they put a Crocodile on the cover instead of an alligator.

Now, if you jags want to PM me to explain other basic concepts like Pouring Piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the bottom of them I will.


Wrong again Picture boy, that's called picture smack. :shame:
Sometimes I think it would be easier to explain Quantam physics to a chimp than teach you Jags anything.

Is that not a picture in your Signature block??

Did he not have a picture of a Leapord in his signature block??

Yanno, just when I try and make you Jags look stooopid you go and steal all of my thunder by doing it yourselves.


Ohakam said:
Yanno, just when I try and make you Jags look stooopid you go and steal all of my thunder by doing it yourselves.

In that area, they don't have to buy degrees - they can rightfully issue them.
Re: Eternal Kernels of Truth

The correct Quote is:

"A Coward Dies a Million Deaths"

Too bad there aren't real soldiers on here.