Did Baton Rouge Cops Kill an Unarmed Man?

I can see a pic... Not video right now... Post it. I watched both videos several times. And I clearly saw the left hand and arm completely immobilized. The right hand and arm came up and the officer looked like he tried to grab it.

Post your picture.

And you see the gun being aim'd and the shots comes after, so if they both have his hands, Please tell me why the hell the cops shot the dude in the chest 2 times?


It's time to stop putting your dollars in these whites businesses.

Stop sending your kid to these white schools and universities

How can your enemy teach you anything about life?
As I stated before, you can choose to have a black officer come out if you are the minority or not,

I gave you an example when whites refuse to let black nurse give aid to them or their children, you act like it's hard to say you don't want a white cop or black cop.

Oh I get it, it's bad when black folks choose to say harsh things like that, but it's somewhat ok, I'll look the other way when white folks do it huh smh

Not what I said. But you got it dude.
And you see the gun being aim'd and the shots comes after, so if they both have his hands, Please tell me why the hell the cops shot the dude in the chest 2 times?

They grabbed his hand, but he was still able to move it right after this. I acknowledged that in my other post. A stil shot can tell any story you want it to.
They grabbed his hand, but he was still able to move it right after this. I acknowledged that in my other post. A stil shot can tell any story you want it to.

So he was able to move his right arm, got it, but check this out, if he's shot, which the shot came after this as you can see the gun out and aim at his chest, he was still able to move his right hand? I thought when he got shot (as you see in the stil picture) the arm fell to the side after the cop let go of his arm? The right arm was no where near his pants pocket, in fact the officer went inside his pants to get the gun?

I gave you a stil shot with both of his hands pinned down and you haven't produced anything to back up your post other than what you 'think' what happened cuz you wanna justify the killing, you being intellectual dishonest dude and it's sad but aye that's your opinion. Who pay you, white daddy? cuz anybody trying to justify something like this has to be under white daddy or white mommy.
Aint no way in hell someone trying to justify this killing here in this situation is for their people and spewing B.S. such as he moved his right hand when the dayum picture shows both of the dude's hands are pinned down.
No...I'm telling you what I saw when I watched the video over and over. I even said that there is a good chance this won't go the officers' way, and honestly, much of it has nothing to do with the ending sequence of events. But like I said, you showed me a still shot with an officer grabbing his arm. I still say, IMO, after that grab, his arm moved...I'm not saying that he reached for a weapon. That would be pure speculation. I just said his arm wasn't "pinned" as you keep saying. You don't agree, and that's fine with me. You DO know that the shots came from the other officer, and not the officer you see with the gun to his chest right? Meaning it was the officer that was grabbing his hand was the same one that shot him. I am n to trying hard to justify ANYTHING.
No...I'm telling you what I saw when I watched the video over and over. I even said that there is a good chance this won't go the officers' way, and honestly, much of it has nothing to do with the ending sequence of events. But like I said, you showed me a still shot with an officer grabbing his arm. I still say, IMO, after that grab, his arm moved...I'm not saying that he reached for a weapon. That would be pure speculation. I just said his arm wasn't "pinned" as you keep saying. You don't agree, and that's fine with me. You DO know that the shots came from the other officer, and not the officer you see with the gun to his chest right? Meaning it was the officer that was grabbing his hand was the same one that shot him. I am n to trying hard to justify ANYTHING.

How in the Hell does the dude have a hole in his chest if the officer wit the gun in his chest didn't shoot him???
Man bruh just quit bruh, you doing to much crawfishing and you got too many holes in what you're saying and bubbling a whole lot of nothing posts that you don't even know what you are talking about..don't even make sense...Dude has a big ass hole in his chest but you saying the officer that's on top of him with the gun in his chest where the hole exist didn't shoot him, the one who has the gun directly where the hole is at, the one who said "don't move, or I will shoot you, swear, he will shoot him...Man bruh, and I bet you spewing that stuff outside of this forum too..smh..bunch of BS instead of the FACTS like you say

If you are not saying he isn't reaching for his weapon, why the hell you keeping stating that his arm is doing this that and the 3rd?
If he is not reaching for the weapon as you say, and the video and stil shot indicates, why are you trying to state again, what the other arm is doing? and again, if he is not reaching for his weapon (as you say) and we see, why the dude get shot 4 times, you still haven't explained that nor the other video I posted in regards to the shooting that happen earlier today.

His arm wasn't pinned as I say, dude it's in the dayum picture that his arms are being held...man, they really got black folks out here defending this shat..
Sad smh
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His arm is not under control. The left one is. The right one isn't. You realize that there are two officers there, right? The one closest to the camera hash is gun pointed at him. The other officer is trying to grab his hand. The other officer is the one that fired the shots, not the one who you see initially with his gun pointed. Why do you think he rolled over him after the shots were fired.

The video of ol boy getting shot in Minneapolis, IMO, based on what is known right now, is more troubling to me than this one. That could change as more is released on both incidents. Whatever the case, you don't have to reference me in any more of your posts, and I will do likewise. Not gonna argue my opinion, nor yours. I understand what you believe, and agree to disagree on certain points. I will just leave it at that.
Aye bruh, you'll get your nikka wake up call later on in life, you are to far up under white daddy and white momma I see, I only sense that from your post throughout this thread dude..

You really sitting up here trying to justify these 2 situations is pure sad.

Good luck to you brotha
Bruh, you don't know SHIT about me to make a statement like that about me. You don't know what I do both in and out of police work, you don't know the shit I have done in my life and career BEFORE policing, and you don't know SHIT about what I do in the community. So you can take your opinions about how much of a "nikka" I am and shove em right back in ya ass homeboy.
And you see the gun being aim'd and the shots comes after, so if they both have his hands, Please tell me why the hell the cops shot the dude in the chest 2 times?

I'm only guesstimating and not attempting to justify one way or the other because there is a LOT of blame on all 3 parties that is due but it appears as though when the panicking officer hears "GUN!" "GUN!" loudly in his ear and his adrenaline is prolly already @ MAX while yelling "DON'T MOVE!" and then there's STILL [physical] non-compliance - physical movement, his trigger finger is ON the trigger of a loaded weapon READY to fire w/ one chambered, he panicked. And once that FIRST one goes off, the 2nd one immediately follows almost instinctively. Panic + adrenaline + emotionalism = horrible outcome. I really believe the officer panicked. in front of an audience

Naturally, most normal people will focus on what precipitated the situation. Lack of [verbal] non-compliance. Failure of discharged tasers not working. Failure of [verbal] compliance. Failure of [physical] compliance. Failure of [physical] compliance - the actual fight. Failure of [physical] compliance - failure to handcuff. Failure of intelligence over emotionalism - drawing weapon and placing it in chest w/ subject STILL resisting. What should the outcome have been? More video proof/posting of white officers subduing white assailants physically w/out death? lol Seriously, what do you think the outcome of so many mounting failures w/ a black male assailant by white officers would have been? Think and rationalize vs emotionally speaking. This requires a special skill that many obviously do not harbor called "critical thought."
Bruh, you don't know SHIT about me to make a statement like that about me. You don't know what I do both in and out of police work, you don't know the shit I have done in my life and career BEFORE policing, and you don't know SHIT about what I do in the community. So you can take your opinions about how much of a "nikka" I am and shove em right back in ya ass homeboy.

Dude I couldn't care less to know you, I said reading your post gave me that insight, nothing about anything you do in your personal life. I put all that together on how you are defending the situations in your posting.

If you a black man and you trying to go out to find ways to justify the black man being killed, that let's me know that you are up under white mommy and white daddy to see the truth and feel you need to justif. You don't wanna see the truth, so instead of getting mad at me for pointing out characteristics of a c**n, you should understand that statement and live life.

You a police officer but you haven't said that those officers were wrong, Do you think they were wrong and out of line??? Do you think they should go to jail for life? Dude please miss me with the tough talk, cuz that's not where it needs to go, you really need to be honest and again going through and reading your post, your thoughts and feelings, to me, you're under white mommy and white daddy to even understand the pain that's going on in both situations..

I digress bruh

you got it
Bruh, you don't know SHIT about me to make a statement like that about me. You don't know what I do both in and out of police work, you don't know the shit I have done in my life and career BEFORE policing, and you don't know SHIT about what I do in the community. So you can take your opinions about how much of a "nikka" I am and shove em right back in ya ass homeboy.

lol :D Calm down sphi. This is a prime example of how situations can escalate [words, implications, perception, et al]. Take the emotionalism out of it and return to the foundation sir: intelligence.
Dude I couldn't care less to know you, I said reading your post gave me that insight, nothing about anything you do in your personal life. I put all that together on how you are defending the situations.

If you a black man and you trying to go out to find ways to justify the black man being killed, that let's me know that you are up under white mommy and white daddy to see the truth. You don't wanna see the truth, so instead of getting mad at me for pointing out characteristics of a c**n, you should understand that statement and live life.

You a police officer but you haven't said that those officers were wrong, Do you think they were wrong and out of line??? Do you think they should go to jail for life? Dude please miss me with the tough talk, cuz that's not where it needs to go, you really need to be honest and again going though and reading your post, your thoughts and feelings, to me, you under white mommy and white daddy to even understand the pain that's going on..

I digress bruh

you got it

C'mon BH. His position will not allow him to convey w/out FACTs. He cannot E-V-E-R respond emotionally but it has to be on FACTual [evidence]; THAT is a requirement. Seems like a LOT of us should follow suit and do likewise. I cannot begin to explain how many times I've been pulled over, acted/spoke rationally, in the middle of nowhere Kentucky, Texas, Tennesse, Maryland, Virgina, California, Washington, Oregon, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Indiana and am still alive today to speak on what I know. Intelligence should prevail over emotionalism but most times it doesn't. That's what segregates some of us from most.

lol :D Calm down sphi. This is a prime example of how situations can escalate [words, implications, perception, et al]. Take the emotionalism out of it and return to the foundation: intelligence.

Tell him to use those emotions and call out the bad cops on his force and march for justice cuz I know there are some that he works with everyday...just like he said my post about black ppl policing black ppl was stupid, he knows he has some scary ass white cops on the force that he works for shouldn't be going out in black communities policing black ppl but he says it's ridiculous to make changes.
Dude sitting up here talking about a dude's arm being this way and that way, when the dude has ass big hole in his chest..like really dude, and you a cop, trying to defend this crap..man whatever man...smh
C'mon BH. His position will not allow him to convey w/out FACTs. He cannot E-V-E-R respond emotionally but it has to be on FACTual [evidence]; THAT is a requirement. Seems like a LOT of us should follow suit and do likewise. I cannot begin to explain how many times I've been pulled over, acted/spoke rationally, in the middle of nowhere Kentucky, Texas, Tennesse, Maryland, Virgina, California, Washington, Oregon, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Indiana and am still alive today to speak on what I know. Intelligence should prevail over emotionalism but most times it doesn't. That's what segregates some of us from most.

His position, so a position controls your humanity/soul now, man go somewhere, so you saying sell-out and remain quiet, when I produce the FACTS, he was the one talking about BS being spewed, and he's the main one spewing the BS when I gave him a stil shot with the dude's arm being pinned down..
Man wrong is wrong and right is right, Dude hadn't touched his pockets, wasn't going for his gone, but he on here posting "I'on know, it looks like his right and left arm his doing something" yea they are twitching from being shot..smh...

Dude if you know someone at your job, the same job you do has done a piss poor job, why not call them out and be real about the situation, instead of trying to make the situation not so bad,

Aye bruh, you can listen to dude spew his post on here, but I'ma call that BS out, he went at the @lioness with that f shat but he aint about to spew that BS towards me...
Tell him to use those emotions and call out the bad cops on his force and march for justice cuz I know there are some that he works with everyday...just like he said my post about black ppl policing black ppl was stupid, he knows he has some scary ass white cops on the force that he works for shouldn't be going out in black communities policing black ppl but he says it's ridiculous to make changes.
Dude sitting up here talking about a dude's arm being this way and that way, when the dude has ass big hole in his chest..like really dude, and you a cop, trying to defend this crap..man whatever man...smh

But he's not defending though BH. lol
His position, so a position controls your humanity/soul now, man go somewhere, so you saying sell-out and remain quiet, when I produce the FACTS, he was the one talking about BS being spewed, and he's the main one spewing the BS when I gave him a stil shot with the dude's arm being pinned down..
Man wrong is wrong and right is right, Dude hadn't touched his pockets, wasn't going for his gone, but he on here posting "I'on know, it looks like his right and left arm his doing something" yea they are twitching from being shot..smh...

Dude if you know someone at your job, the same job you do has done a piss poor job, why not call them out and be real about the situation, instead of trying to make the situation not so bad,

Aye bruh, you can listen to dude spew his post on here, but I'ma call that BS out, he went at the @lioness with that f shat but he aint about to spew that BS towards me...

BH, I only ready your first sentence. We're on a public site giving our personal opinion/view. We're not on jury trial here lol. If he sees it that way, that's his right. Right? You see it your way. He sees it his way. Right? We have to respect both, intelligently. Afterall, that's what segregates US from....---------------------> them. ::read::

For me, and because I'm what you call a tightwad-straight line guy from day one, always have been, I do not like to see men emotional w/ actions vs intelligent w/ actions. Those stronger black people of yesteryear had to act INTELLIGENTLY vs emotionally in order for us to be here and enjoy those things this great country offers - freedom to choose vs being oppressed and directed.
But he's not defending though BH. lol

man go back and read that dude's post, just because he hasn't clearly stated that he's isn't defending the situation, you can pick up on buzz words/statements that anyone with a mind would say "this nikka really sitting up here really spewing this shit on here" Then you give examples of what could be done and you get this back-lash or resistance towards your statement without a recommendation/solution from him..and he the dayum law..Every white cop that puts on that badge is a complete racist towards black ppl, the shat is in them, they can hide it, smile wit you, but I will not believe that those white cops that put on that uniform is all for helping any black person out in the community.
BH, I only ready your first sentence. We're on a public site giving our personal opinion/view. We're not on jury trial here lol. If he sees it that way, that's his right. Right? You see it your way. He sees it his way. Right? We have to respect both, intelligently. Afterall, that's what segregates US from....---------------------> them. ::read::

For me, and because I'm what you call a tightwad-straight line guy from day one, always have been, I do not like to see men emotional w/ actions vs intelligent w/ actions. Those stronger black people of yesteryear had to act INTELLIGENTLY vs emotionally in order for us to be here and enjoy those things this great country offers - freedom to choose vs being oppressed and directed.

I understand that, and I said I respect his opinion but if his opinion resemble c**n characteristics I'ma call it out, if he's under white mommy or white daddy, I'ma call it out,
Man you gotta call that shat out...well not you, but I'ma do it and if he gets mad or whoever, so what, I couldn't care less..give a shit about somebody feelings when they displaying certain type of characteristics, especially in a situation like this..
Dude in the other thread, talking about "freaked out" what the hell does that even mean..

They only freak out when they involving with black folks...man just say that the white officers most are scared of black folks and they shouldn't be policing black ppl

Man look, and you see why the black community can't stand the police, read this thread closely and you'll understand, shat like that...
Oh here you go,

She a cop and she giving her opinion, it tore her up...

She wanted to quit the shat was so bad, and we have this dude in here trying to say this and that about these situations..

Point out the ones that are wrong

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Bruh, I'm good. Like I said, I'm not here to change folks mind. I hope to offer a perspective based on experience. I have feelings about ALL of these situations that I chose/choose not to share here because some of you do not possess the capability to distinguish analyzing a situation from defending it. Me analyzing what I have seen has absolutely nothing to do with my personal opinions of any of this. I just try to give you a perspective that most don't have so that YOUR next interaction, or your children's next interaction with an officer doesn't become the next national story. Take it or leave it. I don't have to prove my "nikka" to him, or anyone else. Black is what I am, have been for 36 years, long before I EVER put on a badge, and will be when I take my last breath.
man go back and read that dude's post, just because he hasn't clearly stated that he's isn't defending the situation, you can pick up on buzz words/statements that anyone with a mind would say "this nikka really sitting up here really spewing this shit on here" Then you give examples of what could be done and you get this back-lash or resistance towards your statement without a recommendation/solution from him..and he the dayum law..Every white cop that puts on that badge is a complete racist towards black ppl, the shat is in them, they can hide it, smile wit you, but I will not believe that those white cops that put on that uniform is all for helping any black person out in the community.

Dayam BH! You just guilted every single OL on my starting offense my jr and sr HS yr that protected me during my HS playing days because all of them are officers, along w/ a few of their backups. All anglos, by the way. And they have to again be on some type of prayer-list because they all have not shot not ONE black male in our community-county over the last 30 years. WTF?! I'm tempted to call one of them now and tell them to wait @ that border w/ the big city (Houston) and pop a black dude from that area so that they can make your dream come true. lol

That's funny though. Back in the gap, I'm being protected by these guys who told me "no f'ing body will EVER touch you" while blocking for me the qb, I'm showering in a group shower w/ these guys, broke bread w/ them @ their parent's house and my mother's house, slept over @ their house and they slept on my mom's floor lol, they've (most) gone by through the decades not years and STILL go by my mother's house unannounced to visit her and check on her [out of respect I guess], and will phone me [vice-versa] out of the blue to say "what's going on RJ?" Maybe me and parts of my family are excused and are considered the exceptions or "uncle toms" huh? lol :D Maybe some of them will turn coattail on me during that Prairie View/Texas A&M football game during their tailgate. "LETS PLAY BONG THE NI$$ER!!!!!" lol :D So you're saying that I shouldn't turn my back on them when I have over 40+ years of history w/ these same guys? Comical. I know them. I don't know you and some of the rest of you posting here. Pure comedy. :D