Did Baton Rouge Cops Kill an Unarmed Man?

It appears from the video that the 2nd officer chose to fire after he heard his partner say gun. Maybe he thought he was saying that the gun was drawn and he got spooked.

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If I may ask you a question: from your previous posts regarding the killing black men at the hand of white officers, you've stated that you've either had similar situations or have had similar experiences. As a law enforcement officer, why would it be necessary to point your weapon at the head of a subdued suspect that's in a position of submission while you have backup from another police officer?

Why was it necessary to point the gun at his head if he was, based on your sources, shot in his chest and also in his back?

Now, with this second angle, can we put to rest the incorrect assumption and assertion that he had a gun pointed to his head?

I have a hard time seeing the cops be charged for anything on this....Department discipline? Yeah. Charges? Doubt it. Like I said earlier though. Without knowing exactly what transpired between the time officers arrived and the time the video started, my biggest thing is what made the officers escalate this incident to the level they did. Once that question is answered, the rest of the dominoes fall into place.
This is Baltimore manager Buck Showalter commenting in response to the demonstrations following the death of Freddy Gray. But, I think is also applies in the wake of recent events.

So again....should nothing be done or should we complain about what was not done in the past and just say fuck it set fire to our community?

What are the answers?

As someone said before, this is nothing more than lip service. When there was the situation here at MDCC involving two trustees using racial slurs and creating a hostile work environment, Bennie Thompson got the FBI to look into it. 3 years later and they are still looking into it. In other words nothing.

Or with Eric Garner I'll let his daughter tell you in her own words

Like I say all the time, justify this action with the law all you want, but reverse the races and leave everything else the same and tell from the bottom of your heart that the cops would walk like these are going to
The crazy thing is that I made a thread about Thurgood Marshall on July 2nd. I've been reading a book on him called The Devil in the Grove and it details similar things like this happening in the 40's. White folks have been getting away with this for over a century and will continue to do so until we hit them in their pockets, get more black representation in the legal system, more black representation on law enforcement, and better black representation in politics on the local and state levels.
Now this video is going viral. Something definitely needs to be done about trigger happy cops and their fear of Black people, particularly Black men.

Now this video is going viral. Something definitely needs to be done about trigger happy cops and their fear of Black people, particularly Black men.

These videos have destroyed my psyche. He shot that man after asking for license....in front of a child. As he bleeds out, the officer holds his gun at him and tells the gf not to move. Even if we comply we get killed! That cop was angry and that poor child will probably have ptsd- like symptoms after this. Sad.

Once again a black woman has to put her pain on hold in order to capture injustice as well as stay alive. America 2016.
Here's the complete story of the other shooting on CBSNEWS.


IMO, there are way too many young inexperience White police officer that are straight out of the academy that have very little experience in dealing with Black people. And most of these officers don not live in the community the serve. I bet the officers in the Baton Rouge shooting live in one of the nearby parishes (Livingston and Ascension) which are majority White, especially Livingston Parish which also well known for some of its racist citizens, such as the former KKK Imperial Wizard Bill Wilkinson.

Here are two Baton Rouge's police officers that lived in Livingston Parish caught on the police dashcam acting a fool in Livingston Parish.

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I get it, and it's all good. We can agree to disagree. :)

I'm telling you what the investigation will likely be looking at/for. Ultimately, that will determine what happens to the officers involved. The rah-rah in the streets is not going to change the legal focus, and it's pretty clear that the officers are going to attempt to use him reaching for his weapon with that hand as their justification for shooting. The standard that is applied is called the "reasonableness standard". Was the level of force reasonable for the threat perceived. On the surface, it's easy to say no. But if it's concluded that he was reaching for a weapon, it's VERY likely that the shooting would be deemed justified.

Like I said, I'm not here for people to agree with me all the time. I just try to educate people so that their determinations and opinions aren't made based on the multitude of bullshat put out there by the media and the streets.

Attempt, brother, in the video one officer has his arm (the right one) wrapped under his knee, and the other officer is on his left arm, so how in the hell is he attempting to reach for his gun?

What hood dude YOU know, or matter of fact what black man you know shoots at the police while standing there?

I'll wait... Just pulls out a gun and shoot at the police?

You're being intellect dishonest dude and this is the problem right here with folks like you trying to justify a killing..tell me why the cops had to shoot the dude in the chest??
So what happens when the black officer shows up at the doorstep of the 10-20%? I understand what you are saying, and ultimately a police force should (SHOULD) reflect the demographics of the population they serve. By the way, you DO know there are poor whites, right?

Man what is you talking about with this 10%-20%?

What is so hard about black ppl policing black communities, if the majority of the area/residential area is black, send black officers out there. You say you understand, but you still trying to pick apart what I'm saying by saying spewing some rhetoric stuff about 10%-20%. Man are you that out of touch with what's going on?

Poor whites live among poor whites, what is you saying, Poor whites don't live in the hood with black folks..
What about poor whites? Yes I know there are poor whites? what is your point you are trying to make with asking me that I know that there are poor whites?

Dude you know most whites if not all white folks are scared of black ppl, especially black men, so why in the hell would you send white cops who never been raised around black ppl (most of them) to the hood and you know they are going to arrive there already scared? What's your reason or answer for that?

Why send a white person who is scared of black men to a call-out dealing with black ppl?

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Shot the dude with the baby in the car,

Justify this one, look and see where his left arm at, you can't find, cuz it's blown off
Man what is you talking about with this 10%-20%?

What is so hard about black ppl policing black communities, if the majority of the area/residential area is black, send black officers out there. You say you understand, but you still trying to pick apart what I'm saying by saying spewing some rhetoric stuff about 10%-20%. Man are you that out of touch with what's going on?

Poor whites live among poor whites, what is you saying, Poor whites don't live in the hood with black folks..
What about poor whites? Yes I know there are poor whites? what is your point you are trying to make with asking me that I know that there are poor whites?

Dude you know most whites if not all white folks are scared of black ppl, especially black men, so why in the hell would you send white cops who never been raised around black ppl (most of them) to the hood and you know they are going to arrive there already scared? What's your reason or answer for that?

Why send a white person who is scared of black men to a call-out dealing with black ppl?

Dude that shat is ridiculous. Poor whites do live in the hood with blacks. And I used your 80% black number to say what happens when a white person who is in the 10-20% of the non blacks has a black officer show up? You have the same problem in reverse. You don't put out a fire by pouring gas on it...

Like I said, I am not here to change your mind. If that's your opinion, I respect it, even when I don't agree with it.

As for his arm being wrapped around a knee, I didn't see that in that video. Will have to watch again when I get off the range.
Dude that shat is ridiculous. Poor whites do live in the hood with blacks. And I used your 80% black number to say what happens when a white person who is in the 10-20% of the non blacks has a black officer show up? You have the same problem in reverse. You don't put out a fire by pouring gas on it...

Like I said, I am not here to change your mind. If that's your opinion, I respect it, even when I don't agree with it.

As for his arm being wrapped around a knee, I didn't see that in that video. Will have to watch again when I get off the range.

Dude aint no 10%- 20% white folks (poor) living in no dayum hood, you may have 1%-3% in the hood, and most if it's that many, the white girl is dating a black dude. Poor whites are living in trailer parks around each other or they are living in their own sundown counties in shacks, dude miss me with that..10%-20% whites live in the hood, dude stop it.

Like I said before, black ppl need black policing and white ppl need white policing, white boys coming into the hood or anywhere around black ppl and everybody know that white ppl are already scared of black ppl.

Half if not all of the white folks that wear badge couldn't care less about black folks, please defend that..they don't even give 2 shats at times about the blacks that are their cop buddies

Oh let me know when you watch the video if you can't see, I got a nice still shot of a picture where it shows both of the dude's arm pinned down..I'll be so happy to post it, so that you can get that notion out of your head that dude was reaching for his gun...We can kill that verbiage that you MAY be spewing to others, outside of the board..we don't wanna inject Bullshat out in the public like you say. FACTS right..

But just let me know I'll post the picture so you can see where the arms are when he's on the ground
I can see a pic... Not video right now... Post it. I watched both videos several times. And I clearly saw the left hand and arm completely immobilized. The right hand and arm came up and the officer looked like he tried to grab it.

Post your picture.
And the 10-20%.....you made an analogy about having an all black force to patrol GSU, and you threw out the number that they are 80% black. My comment simply asks what happens when a non-black at GSU calls the police and a black officer shows up? I used your logic, not mine.
And the 10-20%.....you made an analogy about having an all black force to patrol GSU, and you threw out the number that they are 80% black. My comment simply asks what happens when a non-black at GSU calls the police and a black officer shows up? I used your logic, not mine.

As I stated before, you can choose to have a black officer come out if you are the minority or not,

I gave you an example when whites refuse to let black nurse give aid to them or their children, you act like it's hard to say you don't want a white cop or black cop.

Oh I get it, it's bad when black folks choose to say harsh things like that, but it's somewhat ok, I'll look the other way when white folks do it huh smh