2024 Presidential Election

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Social media reacts to Fox News saying Milwaukee is in Minnesota: 'I know it well'​

Rejoice Minnesota Vikings fans living in enemy territory.

Apparently, Milwaukee is part of Minnesota. This, according to Fox News' Laura Ingraham.

"If you know Minnesota well, and I know it well — especially Milwaukee — it's changed," she said during her program on Wednesday. "It has never recovered from 2020 and it is not the same place. And Tim Walz was empathizing with all the DEI initiatives that were swirling about."

Ingraham and her panel were discussing positions of diversity, equity and inclusion that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz holds. Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, picked Walz as her running mate on Tuesday. During his time as governor, the murder of George Floyd and subsequent riots happened in Minneapolis.

What followed was a national racial and social justice movement that emphasized diversity, equity and inclusion. Many organizations, both public and private, adopted initiatives or policy changes that they believe helps bring about more diversity, racial equity and inclusion.
I keep hearing about these negro republicans for trump, but here in the memphis tennessee area, i don't see them, so where are these negro republicans hiding at?
I actually know a couple, but the rest are mainly on social media.
Here's what I don't get. they always ask the question of, what policies do the Dems offer Black people, but never answer the question of what the Reps offer Black people.
Neither offer any specific polices for our people.

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I keep hearing about these negro republicans for trump, but here in the memphis tennessee area, i don't see them, so where are these negro republicans hiding at?

They are mainly in MAJORITY WHITE communities. Notice the ones that hold office are in majority white areas.

They are not in the hood and if they are-they are NOT making it known.

I went to vote at the library and it listed how many votes were casted down party lines.

Democrats 700
Republican 1
I actually know a couple, but the rest are mainly on social media.
Here's what I don't get. they always ask the question of, what policies do the Dems offer Black people, but never answer the question of what the Reps offer Black people.
Neither offer any specific polices for our people.

Because Republicans don't offer anything.

Democrats.... You pretty much have to read in between the lines. Like Harris mentioned money for first time home owners.
WHO has the lowest home ownership? BLACKS. So who is most likely to benefit? BLACKS.

Same with John Lewis voting acting and Floyd bills. They get pushback and blocked by Tim Scott because the GOP only thinks black folks will benefit. YET when you start breaking down data-that Floyd police bill (endorsed by police unions) will benefit everyone.

Because what doesn't get told is how much abuse white folks get at the hands of cops.

We have seen black folks refuse to show ID and CITE the LAW that says they don't have to. And don't talk mess to cops. Still get arrested.
We got whites who have done the same and have talk MADE mess to a cop and got those hands put on them.
Black folks go to court and fight back and sometimes win. White folks don't.
I keep hearing about these negro republicans for trump, but here in the memphis tennessee area, i don't see them, so where are these negro republicans hiding at?
They exist (I've spoken to quite a few of them over the years) but are not as visible or publicly vocal as their white counterparts.

Conservatives Have Invented a Conspiracy About Tim Walz’s Dog​

Like dogs with a bone, the right won’t drop their efforts to malign Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

On Monday, prominent conservatives circulated an absurd allegation that Walz was faking the identity of his family’s dog Scout.

“This is Tim Walz tweeting about his dog Scout. Only problem is that these are two completely different dogs,” Dustin Grage, a columnist at the right-wing website Town Hall, wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

The post contrasted two images of Walz. One was of Walz with Scout — a black labrador mix — celebrating the pup’s birthday in June of 2022. The second showed Walz petting a different dog on October 19, 2022. “Couldn’t think of a better way to spend a beautiful fall day than at the dog park. I know Scout enjoyed it,” the governor captioned the image.

The same day, Walz posted a video on Instagram featuring Scout and several other dogs at a dog park. In the video, the governor is sporting the same jacket, beanie, and dog toy seen in the photo, and the dog featured in the X post is also clearly visible. In the clip, Walz jokingly asks Scout if he’s “jealous” of the attention he’s giving other dogs before giving him an affectionate rub. The photo of Walz at the dog park has seemingly been removed from his X account.

The Supreme Court Just Signaled What It Will Do If the Election Is Close​

The legal warfare over the 2024 election is well underway. The MAGA shenanigans of the Georgia election board have overshadowed disturbing developments in Arizona. Last week, the Supreme Court signaled it would revisit an issue it had settled over a decade ago, allowing a new Arizona law to go into effect requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote. Reopening the issue at the last minute and after registration has begun, the justices are fomenting a false public narrative that noncitizens are a threat to U.S. elections. This is the latest signal that the justices are in cahoots with former President Donald Trump and may be prepared to meddle in the election—unless it is decided by margins too large to tamper with.

The case is Republican National Committee v. Mi Familia Vota, where the Republican National Committee requested eleventh-hour “emergency” changes to Arizona’s voter registration laws—even though the state’s vote-by-mail registration window has already begun. The lawsuit strikes at the heart of voting rights and fair elections: Not only does the RNC seek to prevent tens of thousands of eligible Arizonans from lawfully casting ballots, but they also advance the canard that noncitizens are voting in U.S. elections. As the libertarian Cato Institute noted: “there is no good evidence that noncitizens voted illegally in large enough numbers to actually shift the outcome of elections.” This high-court intervention is wrong, and the stakes could not be higher: Joe Biden won Arizona in 2020 by only 10,457 votes, and it’s unclear what impact the court’s new ruling could have in November.


JD Vance takes 'Worst VP pick EVER!' crown from Sarah Palin, and gets less likable every day​

That’s it, folks, I’m calling it: Let it be known, in September of the year 2024, that JD Vance ‒ aka “The Bearded Weird” ‒ is officially the worst vice presidential candidate pick in all of U.S. history.

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, please turn in your crown. Vance will accept it while saying something unfunny that makes normal people feel uncomfortable. It's kind of his thing.

With a seemingly endless stream of “previous podcast appearances” in which he speaks of women as faceless baby pods and with ongoing public appearances that show him struggling with the basics of human interaction, Vance has proved himself almost staggeringly unlikable.

He’s the guy nobody wants to get stuck next to at the office party. Or at the bar. Or in the grocery store line. Or anywhere, really.