Women's Scores - 3/8

with Fredika Lewis and Monroe on the bench with 2 fouls for the majority of the 1st half. Let go Jags.:tup: :tup:

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SUjagTILLiDIE said:
way to go Lady Jags.:tup: :tup:
I am dissapointed in the SWAC Refs! :redhot: I was like dayummmm all these fouls. But congrats to the Lady Jags for advancing to the Semi Finals. I was thinking about going to Jackson St and UAPB game but I said I will chill at the room for tonight. I have to make the Bama St and Jackson St game tommorrow at 10:00AM. :nod: :nod:
66 foul calls= both teams fouling out and going into double bonus three times a piece :smh:
Jag-BR said:
SU D why didnt you go?

We suppose to be leaving Friday Morning for B'HAM but i have a MID TERM I have to take.

And MR.J said he only taking 30 so i decided not to be one of the ones trying to get on the bus