Woman that ran over her husband 40 times is guilty

Originally posted by LMBH

Acting before thinking seems to be the problem in so many tragic incidents.

I wish Clara Harris would have consulted the best divorce lawyer in the business to handle the business end, and let Cheaters handle the public scene.

I feel the same way. He would have been sent him to the poor house. (Reports said that the daughter was also mad at him that night at the hotel.) I think the woman snapped when she ran over her husband. But someone snapping or losing it does not mean it is OK to murder.

My biggest concern is for the two little kids and the teenage daughter. She was the whole thing happen.

But even if she gets life, something like this will happen in the future. Someone husband will cheat on his wife. The wife will get angry and will kill the husband. It has happened before and will happed again.
Originally posted by NASTYNUPE
She wasn't so sorry when she was running over him...4 times. 1 time might have been an accident. 2 times is just bizarre. 3 times...it's getting good right now. 4 times...PUT THE PEDAL TO THE METAL EARL!!!

The only thing she is sorry about is going to prison!!! Throw the book at her!!!

Lawd, not Earl huh? :lol:

I think she will get probation. As I understand Texas law, the jury, now in the penalty phase, can come back with "sudden passion". Reports say some of the jurors were crying, that means they sympathize with her.

I didn't kill my cheating husband, but he wished himself dead many a day during the physical separation and divorce proceedings. :D

Anyway, the expectation of monogamy makes people crazy...sshe did all kinds of stuff to MAKE him stay with her. Instead she should have just left him and got another man. They are just like box cars, another one will be on the tracks, just stand at the depot! :D

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Originally posted by Seeing Spots


I think she will get probation. As I understand Texas law, the jury, now in the penalty phase, can come back with "sudden passion". Reports say some of the jurors were crying, that means they sympathize with her.


It would not surprise me if she did not get life. People in the community (Friendswood and Clear Lake) do not feel that the sentence should not be severe. These are men and women who said this. But of course I do not know what the jury would do.
if it was a man it would be more like:
"he faces 40 to life and a possible death sentence"
its obvious double standards rank right up near racism and profiling as this country's biggest problems with the law system
dirty b**ches...no wonder they're outta control these days