We've lost one of our own. Rest in peace Michael "Robber" Robinson.

Wow....my heart and thoughts and prayers go out his family. He was an attorney right. He had some great points on this board. Wow...
We all remember the scene from Good Times when Florida is cleaning-up after James' funeral and picks up the punch bowl and......................

THAT'S how I feel about losing Robber......

Gone much too soon.
Wait, I'm just hearing about this now. Wow! I'm completely stunned by this news, and can't believe it. He was my favorite JSU poster, and was always objective and cordial. 1st class brother that I was hoping to cross paths with one Saturday afternoon or at a SWAC get together. My deepest sympathy and condolences go out to his family, and those that knew him best on this board.

R.I.P. Robber.
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R.I.P. my brother! I always eagerly awaited his posts. His voice with be deeply missed on this forum.
RIP Robber. I'm in shock and disbelief at reading the news about such a well respected guy. We go all the way back to when he couldn't believe I was willing to trade the great Kurt Warner for up and coming Peyton Manning. The trade worked out well for both, thank goodness. I had the opportunity to meet him at PV/JSU game and later at a JSU/TSU game and he was such a genuinely nice guy. I always looked forward to reading his posts and wondered if we were somehow related since our thoughts were so similar. When I signed up for our TSPN fantasy team this season the first team I looked for was Jacktown Express.

My condolences to his family for your loss and may the comforting ministry be your strength.

Thank you for sharing this with us GR.

I can only imagine how hard this may be for you. I didn't know Michael as well as a lot of others on here did, but it wasn't hard to tell that the friendship you two had was beyond strong. Jesus told us that "whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven". Please know that friendships like yours and Michael's are so strong that not even death can end it......that friendship has now been extended up to Heaven. You have an awesome friend named Michael Robinson that has been promoted to your guardian angel now watching over you.....and he STILL has your back!
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We still got you in our hearts....
