The Rapper B.o.B Says the Earth is Flat

You can buy a kit and do the proper licensing to take pictures from space for probably less than $1500. Is this guy trying to find out the truth or is he trying to prove himself right. He should state the criteria before he starts. Otherwise he will just keep moving the goalpost as he's proven wrong. I don't understand how he is even trying to do this. The science behind weather balloons and especially satellites are all based on science that deals with the earth being round.
I think your history is a little off. Europeans thought the world was flat until they were able to conquer Africa and steal the technology on CIRCUMnavigating the globe. Before then, Europeans believed they would sail so far and fall off the edge of earth or get attacked by some giant sea monster. Historians are just now learning that ancient Chinese might have CIRCUMnavigated the globe in huge ships that were larger than today's modern day cruise ships. Supposedly, some of those ships were like the size of 3 or 4 Nimitz class aircraft carriers.

A rendering of what a Chinese warship platform might have looked like thousands of years ago:

The Europeans thought that people would fall off because they were ignorant. Africans sailed and traveled all around the world, but this knowledge has been covered up for hundreds of years by the Europeans.

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You can buy a kit and do the proper licensing to take pictures from space for probably less than $1500. Is this guy trying to find out the truth or is he trying to prove himself right. He should state the criteria before he starts. Otherwise he will just keep moving the goalpost as he's proven wrong. I don't understand how he is even trying to do this. The science behind weather balloons and especially satellites are all based on science that deals with the earth being round.
You mean a sphere. A pancake is round, but it's different than a sphere.
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You mean a sphere. A pancake is round, but it's different than a sphere.

You're right. Spherical. Thank you.

Cool fact is that most of the work dealing with the space sciences is maintained and easily found. The work of Katherine Johnson(from the movie Hidden Figures) dealt with calculating takeoffs and capsule landings and dealing with the complications of doing this with a spherical earth. The PDF is kinda of big

I think this is the report that her and Skopinski did to calculate the projections needed for Alan Shepard's trip.

Do guys like this(B.O.B.)) think that Ms. Johnson and others are lying about their experiences or are people like her part of some kind of coverup?
The Europeans thought that people would fall off because they were ignorant. Africans sailed and traveled all around the world, but this knowledge has been covered up for hundreds of years by the Europeans.

You do realize there's a reason why the two European nations (Spain and Portugal) nearest to Africa where the most successful European nations to sail the high seas. But the earth is not flat like a pancake. If it was, one would experience a drastic change in its grade at its edges, basically a straight drop like you would see at some waterfall (i.e. Niagara Falls).

I guess these people are standing on the earth's edge. LMAO!!!

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No they don't. There's no need for a huge drop off if one understood what the ancient's knew. We've been brainwashed through and through within the last 400 years by the Western man, namely the European, from childbirth to old age. It's hard to unlearn error.
Oceans and oceas of water sticking to a ball sphere, while a butterfly can fly is magical indeed, especially if one believes in a globe.

Explain this for me:
1) Why do the sun rises in the east and sets in the west???
2) Why are the days longer in the summer and shorter in the winter in the earth's northern hemisphere???
3) Why do satellites travel in an elliptical orbit???
4) What causes the Earth to somewhat wobble on its axis???
5) What is the numerical value for G-constant???
6) What creates the Earth's gravity of 9.81 m/s^2 or 32.2 ft/s^2???
7) What is the Coriolis Effect or Coriolis Forces???
8) Why does the moon have an effect on ocean tides???
9) Is the Earth closer or further from the sun during the summer months in the northern hemisphere???
10) What is the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn???
11) Why parts of the north pole experience 6 months of sunlight during summer months and 6 months of night during the winter months???

Just a few scientific things that we experience everyday that would be hard to explain if the earth was flat like a pancake. I would hate to think the Earth was some flat spinning disk like a coin spinning on its edge or some flat rotating disk like a record rotating on a turntable or a combination of the two, which means it's a disk flipflopping and spinning in space.
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Explain this for me:
1) Why do the sun rises in the east and sets in the west???
2) Why are the days longer in the summer and shorter in the winter in the earth's northern hemisphere???
3) Why do satellites travel in an elliptical orbit???
4) What causes the Earth to somewhat wobble on its axis???
5) What is the numerical value for G-constant???
6) What creates the Earth's gravity of 9.81 m/s^2 or 32.2 ft/s^2???
7) What is the Coriolis Effect or Coriolis Forces???
8) Why does the moon have an effect on ocean tides???
9) Is the Earth closer or further from the sun during the summer months in the northern hemisphere???
10) What is the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn???
11) Why parts of the north pole experience 6 months of sunlight during summer months and 6 months of night during the winter months???

Just a few scientific things that we experience everyday that would be hard to explain if the earth was flat like a pancake. I would hate to think the Earth was some flat spinning disk like a coin spinning on its edge or some flat rotating disk like a record rotating on a turntable or a combination of the two, which means it's a disk flipflopping and spinning in space.
Dude, do your own research and find the answers for yourself. It'll be mighty hard to do that if you don't go into the research with an open mind. Modern science doesn't have all the answers like one might think, but scientists think they're the "gods" of the earth, when many of their theories are just as subjective as any religious person.
You can find the answers to your own questions if you want it bad enough, but not if one thinks he has all of the answers already.
Dude, do your own research and find the answers for yourself. It'll be mighty hard to do that if you don't go into the research with an open mind. Modern science doesn't have all the answers like one might think, but scientists think they're the "gods" of the earth, when many of their theories are just as subjective as any religious person.
You can find the answers to your own questions if you want it bad enough, but not if one thinks he has all of the answers already.


Here's a simple municipal water system engineering question:

Assuming full flow, would two 4-inch diameter pipes combined have the same volume flow rate as one 8-inch diameter pipe???
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Here's a simple municipal water system engineering question:

Assuming full flow, would two 4-inch diameter pipes have the same the volume flow rate as one 8-inch diameter pipe???
The more you post, the more I see you're not serious. Your mind is already made up, so just leave it at that. Stick to your religion of science.
The more you post, the more I see you're not serious. Your mind is already made up, so just leave it at that. Stick to your religion of science.

It's not a religion when one applies math and physics. This is why lab classes are required when studying a science, so that students can test the theories they learn in their lecture classes.
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So in other words, you don't know either.

He just rather take someone else's word, such as some ancient civilization he agrees with. But when it comes to actually doing scientific calculations, he rather deflect by saying you are not serious.

It would be nice if he understood basic physics equations like the one below.

So in other words, you don't know either.
I DO know, but I'm not going to waste time explaining it. I'm tired of spoon feeding folks. Didn't your bible say to "give not that which is holy to the dogs, lest they turn again and rend you"? I'll take that advice.
Folks gonna believe what they wanna believe in the end any how.

Since yall want to ask questions, tell me how the earth can hold down billions and billions of gallons of water on a round sphere without the water flying off into space somewhere or fall to the bottom of the sphere. And don't give me this gravity thing.
He just rather take someone else's word, such as some ancient civilization he agrees with. But when it comes to actually doing scientific calculations, he rather deflect by saying you are not serious.

It would be nice if he understood basic physics equations like the one below.

Dude, all of that mess you don't halfway understand yourself. You just try and fool folks into thinking you do. Heck, even the scientist don't understand half the stuff they talk about. If they did, they wouldn't call it "theory".
Sometimes it just takes common sense to figure things out.

Now tell me how billions of gallons of ocean water can stick to a sphere and not fly off into space, yet a feather can easily fly off into space.
Dude, all of that mess you don't halfway understand yourself. You just try and fool folks into thinking you do. Heck, even the scientist don't understand half the stuff they talk about. If they did, they wouldn't call it "theory".
Sometimes it just takes common sense to figure things out.

Now tell me how billions of gallons of ocean water can stick to a sphere and not fly off into space, yet a feather can easily fly off into space.

It's called a centripetal force. Look it up and understand science for once and stop listening to others without any scientific proof. And when have you seen a feather fly out into space??? A feather is light enough to float within the Earth's atmosphere at 14.7 psi, but after it get so high up, its weight equals atmospheric pressure. Therefore, it can not go beyond the earth's atmosphere or out into space. Atmospheric pressure is created by the earth's gravity, which means per every square inch and atmospheric force of 14.7 lbs. is exerted on the earth's surface and the objects on it, such as ocean waters. I bet you didn't know that the atmosphere is water in its gaseous state, which is how planes are able to fly.

Also, I bet you have very little knowledge on how a combustion engine works, but that doesn't stop you from driving a vehicle. If it wasn't for science, you won't be able to spread your delusional flat earth theory via the internet.

Hey Jayrob, do you know the EXACT name of this part??? Hint: It's a part I changed on my SUV. Basic mechanical SCIENCE (Mechanical Engineering) of a vehicle.

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It's called a centripetal force. Look it up and understand science for once and stop listening to others without any scientific proof. And when have you seen a feather fly out into space??? A feather is light enough to float within the Earth's atmosphere at 14.7 psi, but after it get so high up, its weight equals atmospheric pressure. Therefore, it can not go beyond the earth's atmosphere or out into space. Atmospheric pressure is created by the earth's gravity, which means per every square inch and atmospheric force of 14.7 lbs. is exerted on the earth's surface and the objects on it, such as ocean waters. I bet you didn't know that the atmosphere is water in its gaseous state, which is how planes are able to fly.

Also, I bet you have very little knowledge on how a combustion engine works, but that doesn't stop you from diving a vehicle. If it wasn't for science, you won't be able to spread your delusional flat earth theory via the internet.

Hey Jayrob, do you know the EXACT name of this part??? Hint: It's a part I changed on my SUV. Basic mechanical SCIENCE of a vehicle.
Before I even waste my time trying to teach you anything, I have one question. Have you done extensive studies on the flat earth?

Just like I stated previously, you fell right into another theory. Centripetal force is theory, meaning your scientist CAN'T PROVE IT. Theory does not mean fact, but you're deceptively pawning this theory off as being fact, when it's merely a hypothesis.

And that other stuff you added has nothing to do with oceans of water sticking to a sphere. Using simple logic, it's impossible for billions and trillions of gallons of water to stick to a round sphere, spinning at a thousand miles per hour without the water flying off.
Try that with a round ball spinning at a thousand miles and see what happens.

If the earth is flat and stationary, there's no need for centripetal force THEORY.
Those Europeans really got you believing in their 300 year old theories because that's what you were taught at birth like everybody else.
Don't feel bad though, cause I did school.
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Before I even waste my time trying to teach you anything, I have one question. Have you done extensive studies on the flat earth?

Just like I stated previously, you fell right into another theory. Centripetal force is theory, meaning your scientist CAN'T PROVE IT. Theory does not mean fact, but you're deceptively pawning this theory off as being fact, when it's merely a hypothesis.

And that other stuff you added has nothing to do with oceans of water sticking to a sphere. Using simple logic, it's impossible for billions and trillions of gallons of water to stick to a round sphere, spinning at a thousand miles per hour without the water flying off.
Try that with a round ball spinning at a thousand miles and see what happens.

If the earth is flat and stationary, there's no need for centripetal force THEORY.
Those Europeans really got you believing in their 300 year old theories because that's what you were taught at birth like everybody else.
Don't feel bad though, cause I did school.

Even if the earth was flat, some force would have to act upon the water to keep it on your so-called flat earth. You would be the perfect person to test your theory by walking out in space without a pressurized space suit.
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Even if the earth was flat, some force would have to act upon the water to keep it on your so-called flat earth. You would be the perfect person to test your theory by walking out in space without a pressurized space suit.
There needs to be no force to keep water on a flat earth no more than there needs to keep water on a level surface with an edge.
European scientist 300 years ago made up theories to fit their globe earth lies that were totally alienable from the flat earth teachings which was prevalent worldwide by the Africans, Asians, Greeks and Romans for thousands and thousands of years.
There was never a worldwide belief in a globe earth until the lying Europeans came on the scene with their so-called "mathematical theories" that only they claimed to understand.
Even the bible teaches the flat earth system, but one guesses the word of the European is just as credible as the word of the one they call "god". Go figure.
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There needs to be no force to keep water on a flat earth no more than there needs to keep water on a level surface with an edge.
European scientist 300 years ago made up theories to fit their globe earth lies that were totally alienable from the flat earth teachings which was prevalent worldwide by the Africans, Asians, Greeks and Romans for thousands and thousands of years.
There was never a worldwide belief in a globe earth until the lying Europeans came on the scene with their so-called "mathematical theories" that only they claimed to understand.
Even the bible teaches the flat earth system, but one guesses the word of the European is just as credible as the word of the one they call "god". Go figure.

Maybe you can go out in space one day with a pan of water to see what will happen to the water. By the way, math theories like the Pythagorean theorem was created by Africans. It was one of the theorems used to design and build the pyramids.

Also, it seems like you have very little knowledge of spatial analysis and you would rather stick to what is simple to you. You really need to go beyond drawing stick people.
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Jag89, I think you are wasting your time. If JayRob wants to live on a flat Earth, let him.
Dude, don't try and bail him out of this. Let him answer the question.
I do live on one. Since you want to chime in, why won''t you explain how billions of gallons of water can remain on a sphere turning at a thousand miles per hour, while a feather or bird can float into the atmosphere with little effort.
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Maybe you can go out in space one day with a pan of water to see what will happen to the water. By the way, math theories like the Pythagorean theorem was created by Africans. It was one of the theorems used to design and build the pyramids.

Also, it seems like you have very little knowledge of spatial analysis and you would rather stick to what is simple to you. You really need to go beyond drawing stick people.
I know it was discovered by Africans, those same Africans who did not engage in any discussion whatsoever about any spinning globe earth in ANY of their writings, and their history goes back for thousands and thousands of years.
We're supposed to think that the greats of old knew nothing about astronomy for thousands and thousands of years until the Europeans came on the scene a couple hundred years ago? We give that European too much credit.
I'm almost convinced that the folks who speak on this subject have never done an intense and objective study of flat earth matters before they open their mouth.
Therefore, I challenge anyone to put what they've learned from elementary to high school about the shape of the earth on hold, and conduct an objective study of flat earth writings and videos. You'll be shocked at what you discover.
In the history of mankind, the Europeans were the first folks to claim a globe earth. No other culture in the history of mankind ever made this claim. Let that sink in....and then do your research.
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I know it was discovered by Africans, those same Africans who did not engage in any discussion whatsoever about any spinning globe earth in ANY of their writings, and their history goes back for thousands and thousands of years.
We're supposed to think that the greats of old knew nothing about astronomy for thousands and thousands of years until the Europeans came on the scene a couple hundred years ago? We give that European too much credit.
I'm almost convinced that the folks who speak on this subject have never done an intense and objective study of flat earth matters before they open their mouth.
Therefore, I challenge anyone to put what they've learned from elementary to high school about the shape of the earth on hold, and conduct an objective study of flat earth writings and videos. You'll be shocked at what you discover.
In the history of mankind, the Europeans were the first folks to claim a globe earth. No other culture in the history of mankind ever made this claim. Let that sink in....and then do your research.

So JSU's Department of Physics, Atmospheric Science, and Geoscience is completely wrong about the earth having an oblate spheroid shape???

To prepare graduates who compete globally by offering rigorous quality programs in physics, meteorology and earth system science that will drive them to becoming passionate lifelong learners and leaders through professional service and scholarly contributions within the world’s scientific community.
So JSU's Department of Physics, Atmospheric Science, and Geoscience is completely wrong about the earth having an oblate spheroid shape???
That's not even the point. The point is you can't explain a simple question, so you decide to divert to something completely irrelevant to the question asked.
How can trillions of gallons of water stick to a sphere that's supposedly spinning a thousand miles per hour?
In addition for religious folks, the globe model enables the big bang theory (which goes against the biblical creation story) and the theory of evolution, which says that man came from apes.
Now if one is a Christian, he cannot realistically believe in the globe model or he/she would be going totally against what the biblical god says. One can't have it both ways.
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That's not even the point. The point is you can't explain a simple question, so you decide to divert to something completely irrelevant to the question asked.
How can trillions of gallons of water stick to a sphere that's supposedly spinning a thousand miles per hour?
In addition for religious folks, the globe model enables the big bang theory (which goes against the biblical creation story) and the theory of evolution, which says that man came from apes.
Now if one is a Christian, he cannot realistically believe in the globe model or he/she would be going totally against what the biblical god says. One can't have it both ways.

You are on here arguing with me and others about your flat earth theory while the person (an Iranian who studied in England) who is over JSU's Department of Physics, Atmospheric Science & Geoscience continues to systemically expound something different. I'm sure her salary is partially funded by the State of Mississippi taxpayers. IMO, if you were really serious about your argument, instead of arguing with me and others about this, you would be writing politicians in the State of Mississippi and the Mississippi IHL Board about your findings, so that they can correct the wrong information that is being taught at your own university. And for answering one's questions and diverting, you still have yet to answer my two simple questions, which are the exact name of the car part I showed in my hand and the two 4-inch diameter pipes versus an one 8-inch diameter pipe.

Also, it appears that some JSU's grads on this site are saying that they don't know you and JSU's Department of Physics, Atmospheric Science & Geoscience doesn't teach your flat earth theory.

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