The Rapper B.o.B Says the Earth is Flat

The Founder

Well-Known Member
Note: Sometimes I wish I had a dog who hunted fools.

(CNN)Last year, rapper B.o.B. used Twitter to jump on the 'flat Earth' bandwagon, and it looks like he's been riding it ever since.

The "Nothin' on You" star has started a GoFundMe campaign to find Earth's curve and see if our planet is actually round (and not a flat disc hanging in space as flat Earthers typically believe).

Earth's curve is a big contention for flat Earthers, who argue that if the earth was round, the "curve" would be more visible to the earthbound human eye. All he needs is a small investment of $200,000 dollars (and launch approval, of course).
This is basically a lame attempt to generate some headlines. Its a cheap, attention-seeking stunt because who's talking about his music?

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Now you see why dummies like this are the main reasons why others can easily funnel money out of Black communities. Between these type of dummies and so-called Black preachers, Black communities have become a fiscal vacuum. Maybe this dummy could use his GoFundMe funds to take a few surveying classes and understand that a straight line distance measured on the earth's surface is really not a straight line, but a curve line measured somewhere on the earth's surface. There's a reason why latitude lines are not the same length on the earth's surface with the latitude line along the equator being the longest at an approximate distance of 24,901 miles.

Now you see why dummies like this are the main reasons why others can easily funnel money out of Black communities. Between these type of dummies and so-called Black preachers, Black communities have become a fiscal vacuum. Maybe this dummy could use his GoFundMe funds to take a few surveying classes and understand that a straight line distance measured on the earth's surface is really not a straight line, but a curve line measured somewhere on the earth's surface. There's a reason why latitude lines are not the same length on the earth's surface with the latitude line along the equator being the longest at an approximate distance of 24,901 miles.


Bruh explaining that to B.o.B. is like trying to explain to a baby in their mother's womb on how to drive a 18 wheeler.
Now you see why dummies like this are the main reasons why others can easily funnel money out of Black communities. Between these type of dummies and so-called Black preachers, Black communities have become a fiscal vacuum. Maybe this dummy could use his GoFundMe funds to take a few surveying classes and understand that a straight line distance measured on the earth's surface is really not a straight line, but a curve line measured somewhere on the earth's surface. There's a reason why latitude lines are not the same length on the earth's surface with the latitude line along the equator being the longest at an approximate distance of 24,901 miles.

Not trying to help BoB, but I think you missed his argument, he's not talking about lat/long lines, he's talking about the actual curvature of the earth.
Bruh explaining that to B.o.B. is like trying to explain to a baby in their mother's womb on how to drive a 18 wheeler.

That's why when their dumb azzes start generating that kind of money, they should be required to go to college so they won't have the opportunity contaminate the young people minds who choose to follow them with their dangerous BS.
Not trying to help BoB, but I think you missed his argument, he's not talking about lat/long lines, he's talking about the actual curvature of the earth.

You do realize lat/long lines are imaginary CURVATURE lines that runs east & west and north & south along the earth's SPHERE shaped surface. If the earth is shaped like a sphere (more egg-shaped like), no line drawn on its surface is a true straight line, which is why one can only see so far out on the horizon on a straight line due to the earth's curvature. Geometry plays a major part in surveying. If one understands geometry real well, they should also be able to understand surveying.

Below is the Earth Curvature Chart in miles: (read the last line in the legend)

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You do realize lat/long lines are imaginary CURVATURE lines that runs east & west and north & south along the earth's SPHERE shaped surface. If the earth is shaped like a sphere (more egg-shaped like), no line drawn on its surface is a true straight line, which is why one can only see so far out on the horizon on a straight line due to the earth's curvature. Geometry plays a major part in surveying. If one understands geometry real well, they should also be able to understand surveying.

Below is the Earth Curvature Chart in miles: (read the last line in the legend)
Ok, first off, you mean to tell me that all those grid lines on the globes and maps arent real?? Wow no wonder when NASA sent the shuttle or a rocket up we never saw them!!!!!

Next why are you posting information to me? You the one trying to defend a point by talking about imaginary lat/long lines.

Also what you posted made no sense, "If the earth is shaped like a sphere (more egg-shaped like), no line drawn on its surface is a true straight line, which is why one can only see so far out on the horizon on a straight line due to the earth's curvature" A straight line is a straight line is a straight line, if I shoot a laser from one point to another even on a curved surface, it would still be a straight line, but again since there are no grid lines on the earth that point is moot.
Also please stop with this the earth is shaped more like an egg, We have satellite pictures that refute this Neil Degrasse Tyson explanation of how the earth is shaped.. Its language like this that give flat earthers fuel.
And one more point, I'm not sure where you got that photo from, but only a person who believes in flat earth would call the earth "imaginary ball earth".
Ok, first off, you mean to tell me that all those grid lines on the globes and maps arent real?? Wow no wonder when NASA sent the shuttle or a rocket up we never saw them!!!!!

Next why are you posting information to me? You the one trying to defend a point by talking about imaginary lat/long lines.

Also what you posted made no sense, "If the earth is shaped like a sphere (more egg-shaped like), no line drawn on its surface is a true straight line, which is why one can only see so far out on the horizon on a straight line due to the earth's curvature" A straight line is a straight line is a straight line, if I shoot a laser from one point to another even on a curved surface, it would still be a straight line, but again since there are no grid lines on the earth that point is moot.
Also please stop with this the earth is shaped more like an egg, We have satellite pictures that refute this Neil Degrasse Tyson explanation of how the earth is shaped.. Its language like this that give flat earthers fuel.
And one more point, I'm not sure where you got that photo from, but only a person who believes in flat earth would call the earth "imaginary ball earth".

I can see now you weren't a STEM major. You better stick to basket weaving, because you are beginning to sound like B.o.B. In science, there is no such thing as a TRUE line, since the thickness of a TRUE line can't be measured, basically dimensionless. Therefore, if a line is drawn to represent a TRUE line, it is an imaginary line, such as the latitude and longitude lines that parallel the earth's curvature. Same thing goes for a point somewhere out in space. Here's a question: Assuming there's no refraction and you shoot a laser beam straight out into the open horizon from where you are standing on the earth, would it beam to the opposite side of the earth or would it beam somewhere out in space??? Here's another question: If engineers were able to build a road from the United States to China, would the road CURVE around the earth from the United States to China???

Also, the imaginary ball earth term is just a term used to represent the shape of the earth, as in the earth is shaped like a ball.

You do realize the way you used the terms 'flat' and 'ball' together is an oxymoron. Once the term ball is introduced, then you can't make the claim that it is flat. Same goes for B.o.B. wanting to put a satellite in orbit around what he claims is a flat earth. The definition of orbit is the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon, especially a periodic elliptical revolution. If the Earth was flat, the satellite would go in a straight line path with four 90-degree turns, which equals 360-degrees around a flat surface. LOL!!! I can only assume you and B.o.B. have never heard of three dimensional calculus or Newton-Raphson Method for curve fitting.
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IMO, I think Putin and his team of Russians hackers are filling our kids heads with this ignorant non-sense.
I'm not sure what you do for or a living or even what you studied, but those on this board that know me, know my background. So I'm not even going to debate you, because it sounds like you're trolling!

You didn't address the egg (oblique shape) vs ball (circle shape) It's hard to have a discussion when there are photos from satellites showing a round earth and then you have a non NASA or astronaut saying the earth is not completely round!)
You do know or maybe you don't, no astronaut and nor anyone at NASA would ever, say "imaginary ball earth"
You do know or maybe you don't that satellites are programmable and that what ever orbit you put them in, they will follow that path. Regardless of the shape of the "flat earth" (you seem to be assuming a square flat earth based on the 90-degree turns The whole idea of a flat earth is that it's still circular, flat but circular, like a pizza).

To answer your questions:
A road from America to China would curve, but we on the ground would never see it.
As for your laser question; if you actually had a never ending laser, (one where the light would never degrade); and if you had no obstructions; in either scenario the laser would go into outer-space. ;)
IMO, I think Putin and his team of Russians hackers are filling our kids heads with this ignorant non-sense.
I'm not sure who started this, but it's not just our country that has people believing in flat earth, and because of the flat earth movement, folks are now saying that we never went to the moon, and that satellites do not exist! Oh and that the ISS is a hoax.
So it's having a major impact on a lot of other things. It seem like every other discussion on FB is about flat earth.
You are the one who stated B.o.B. was trying to prove the earth was flat and said I missed his argument by introducing lat/long lines. What I was trying to point out is that if B.o.B. knew anything about lat/long lines, then he would know that lat/long lines are not straight since they parallel the earth's surface that curves, which proves the earth is not flat. Lat/long lines are just another way to prove that B.o.B. flat earth theory is wrong without going out in space and taking pictures of the earth. I think you really need to understand what was type before you try to say someone missed a person's flat earth argument, because there are many ways to disprove that argument, such as lat/long lines curving around the earth.
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I'm not sure who started this, but it's not just our country that has people believing in flat earth, and because of the flat earth movement, folks are now saying that we never went to the moon, and that satellites do not exist! Oh and that the ISS is a hoax.
So it's having a major impact on a lot of other things. It seem like every other discussion on FB is about flat earth.

Just my opinion, but a plausible theory since we are now finding out that the Russians paid Facebook to advertise garbage to dumb Americans in order to help dumb Donald Trump get elected. Too many Americans are preoccupied with dumb stuff which keeps them from concentrating on the real issues, which is what the Republicans Party has done to the American public for decades.
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Also, I'm always posting high school math problems on FB just to see how many people can work an ACT or SAT type math problem. It's crazy to know that not many individuals in this country can work a simple math problem, but are always voicing their opinions on FB. This one lady straight out told me she doesn't need do that type of math, since her nursing job only require her to take care of others. Therefore, I gave her a few medical math problems that one should know if they are a nurse caring for others. It's not hard to understand why 8 elderly people died in a nursing home in Florida without electricity. The dummies working at the nursing home had know idea that high temperatures (90-degrees and above) can become deadly for elderly people.

Here are a few problems I have posted.





Here are a few medical math problems I gave the nurse that she said she let her high school granddaughter work for her. It's scary to know there are not too smart people with jobs working as a critical care nurse for the elder.

These problems are real easy if one can follow through with the units.

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You are correct about the two questions I asked. Therefore, you agree that there is no such thing as drawing a straight LINEAR line that parallel the earth's surface, no matter how small the line is. A straight LINEAR line that meets the earth surface would be considered a tangent line, which means some straight LINEAR line that touches a curve line at some point.

Below is my answer to your question concerning an egg-shaped earth, sometimes referred to as an imaginary ball.

By the circumference between the North and South Poles being slightly smaller than the circumference at the Equator, the earth is shaped more like an egg. But because there's not a big difference between the two circumferences, the earth looks like a ball from out-of-space.

The circumference between the North and South Poles is 24,860 miles. The Earth's circumference at the Equator is 24,901.55 miles.

You said something about the earth having a oblique shape. Oblique refers to the earth's tilt on its axis at 23.5-degrees from a vertical 90-degrees. The shape of the earth is more elliptical (oval), where the width and the height of the earth are not the same.

Also, a troll is someone who replies to others comments. Please scroll up and see who replied to who first, which would be the true definition of a troll.
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We know delusional thinking is definitely not astute. But I'm sure you will listen and believe these earth is flat dummies.
The ancients for the last 6000 plus years believed in a flat earth....and they weren't dummies.
Not until the European liars came along did this opinion change merely 200 or so years ago. Objective research is the key to knowledge, not what one has been taught since elementary and childhood. Then again for most, it's hard to unlearn something they've thought to have been truth for so long and it's also embarrassing.
It's amazing that so called Christians don't believe in a stationary flat earth even though their bible teaches it. They don't seem to have faith in their most sacred book.
The ancients for the last 6000 plus years believed in a flat earth....and they weren't dummies.
Not until the European liars came along did this opinion change merely 200 or so years ago. Objective research is the key to knowledge, not what one has been taught since elementary and childhood. Then again for most, it's hard to unlearn something they've thought to have been truth for so long and it's also embarrassing.

I think your history is a little off. Europeans thought the world was flat until they were able to conquer Africa and steal the technology on CIRCUMnavigating the globe. Before then, Europeans believed they would sail so far and fall off the edge of earth or get attacked by some giant sea monster. Historians are just now learning that ancient Chinese might have CIRCUMnavigated the globe in huge ships that were larger than today's modern day cruise ships. Supposedly, some of those ships were like the size of 3 or 4 Nimitz class aircraft carriers.

A rendering of what a Chinese warship platform might have looked like thousands of years ago:

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