The 19th Thread about *rump

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Yall know who are the most employed by the Federal Government......

No we're not!

More than 1.5 million people work in the federal government. A new Office of Personnel Management report reveals that the proportions of white workers and men in the government are higher than their proportions of the US population overall. This is especially true at the senior level.

What is the racial and ethnic breakdown of the federal government workforce?
Just over 61% of the federal government workforce identifies as white, while 18.2% identifies as Black. These figures are higher than the overall percentage of Americans identifying as white (59.3%) and Black (12.6%).
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Yall know who are the most employed by the Federal Government......

The irony... most black people I know that had "summa cum laude" "talented tenth" goverment jobs would vote republican cause it fit their interest lol...I would always laugh and tell them white folks dont even want yall there and the shit will eventually bite them in their azz if MAGA gets their way...