Texas Southern vs Jackson State: Game Updates

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So, if SU's defense would have had this showing with the same offensive showing, who win the game? Exactly!!!! SU's defense is horrible and the stats show it so you guys scoring 49 points wasn't shocking but the fact, that we lost the game on the last damn play is what piss me off.

Why are you still talking about that game!
Can someone do me a favor????

Every now and then, could some1 post the score AND TIME and QTR????

I can't hear the game. Thank you in advance.
Because I am making a statement. I was talking JSU vs TxSU all on this thread until you said Y'ALL BEAT OUR AZZ.

But hey, to each its own.

Well we kicked your ass.... now let Texas So and JSU have their thread back.
Because I am making a statement. I was talking JSU vs TxSU all on this thread until you said Y'ALL BEAT OUR AZZ.

But hey, to each its own.

Ok let me re-phrase it instead of we beat your azz..I can say your azz got beat can you understand that you lost...

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Dayum you Fat Pat!!! Man, I cant be mad about Hayes running a zone on that 3rd down. We just need to get more pressure on the QB.
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