Texas Southern vs Florida A&M: Game Updates - 11:00am CST

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Just able to log on from my phone. This team is playing like gabage (No r). That safety was sickening. Give them 2 and give the ball back. This staff hasn't done shat. This team looks horrible and their football acumen is a negative number.

Hayward ain't showing me nothing.

I have been hood winked!
Tried to tell you bruh, but you just wouldn't listen. Oh well....
No he's about the same. He threw one gimme TD and fumbled on two runs against us. Not impressive at all. I kept tellin ya'll the backup is the one that actually looked good against us. Folks just insisted on blaming the loss on Christophe going out.
I always heard people use a little truth to prop up a lie.
I really wanna believe Haywood is using this game to try some new ish with the freshmen and not show his hand before LDC....but naaaaaa i dont know
Biting ya'll in the ass though now. One TD pass to prop up hopes for a whole season?
Michael Vick in his hay day couldn't help this team with the protection J.C. is getting.

But no excuses, J.C. looks to have regressed. His passes are not even close to accurate.

I can't believe how horrible this team looks.
Just disgusting...no acceptable excuse for this showing.

Even the commentators are talking about how poor the planning and execution is. Asking why run the guys out from the backfield when your QB is getting pounded? Keep them in to block dag gummit!!!

This team looks horrible.
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Have you seen that line lol. They ain't bragging on hiring Matt for 75k now lmao.. thanks Haywood

Lmao. They look worse...and im so confused. They have full scholarships, signed a touted class, and supposedly a great coach. Make no mistake...famu is like a 5 win team. Maybe.

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Bruh in all honesty Mike Haywood is looking like James Bell right about now. His coaching skills are really being question

He's only had 3 seasons as a head coach and has 13-23 record. But because he came from a white school, folks were acting like he was the second coming. I said before that folks were giving him too much considering his short body of work.
now the quesion is, is this just a txso problem or does this show the strength of the conference to be 0. will they step back in the swac and play like world beaters? will anyone in the swac (other than gram...maybe) win a nonconference game against a fcs opponent?
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