Southern vs Mississippi Valley State Game Updates:

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I'm interested in how many are on the Blue & Gold side. There are a lot of Jaguars in reasonable close driving and flying range (IL, OH, MN, TN, PN, Maryland, NY, etc..)

This Jaguar who goes every year takes pictures and we shall see tonight or tomorrow.

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Clarence Cotton, Clarence Cotton, Clarence Cotton .... ohhhh, Clarance Cotton!

<---- couldn't resist that one .... I guess he be STROKIN!

Let's kick them Devil's to sleep in the second half.
Wow! The Juke sounds as loud on radio as they did in '83, the year before I came to SU. In recent years, I haven't been able to hear them over radio interviews. When I was in Birmingham last week, it sounded like they were as loud as we were in the 80's. Great! The announcer is talking about the Juke interrupting their interview... No they aren't. Keep talking, we hear both exactly!!!

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