Somebody...Anybody...WHY can't we all get along?

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The funny part is you puddins like to throw insults around, but can't take them if they are throwed back at you. Now this can get ugly. So don't jump in the fire if you can't take it. Soft skins aren't allowed. Let's crank it up a notch if that's what you gals want. You know you get to shutting threads down when you can't take the heat.
The funny part is you puddins like to throw insults around, but can't take them if they are throwed back at you. Now this can get ugly. So don't jump in the fire if you can't take it. Soft skins aren't allowed. Let's crank it up a notch if that's what you gals want. You know you get to shutting threads down when you can't take the heat.

:read: :uhoh:


The funny part is you puddins like to throw insults around, but can't take them if they are throwed back at you. Now this can get ugly. So don't jump in the fire if you can't take it. Soft skins aren't allowed. Let's crank it up a notch if that's what you gals want. You know you get to shutting threads down when you can't take the heat.

Cee Dog don't do it! Don't do it!!!!! :lol:

Itz hot enough on the low low...up in here...

We don't need no water... :)
Cee Dog don't do it! Don't do it!!!!! :lol:

Itz hot enough on the low low...up in here...

We don't need no water... :)

I know they are funny. :lol: I'm trying to tell them I'm a sh*t talker. I can go at it all day. I like talking trash. Making people mad is a part of life for me. :lol:
The funny part is you puddins like to throw insults around, but can't take them if they are throwed back at you. Now this can get ugly. So don't jump in the fire if you can't take it. Soft skins aren't allowed. Let's crank it up a notch if that's what you gals want. You know you get to shutting threads down when you can't take the heat.

Whats sad is, there are people on here that likes to stir isht up... with big wooden spoons.
LMAO! :emlaugh:

ISHT CEE! Take this isht to another level! It's time for ALL of us to confess... *stepping in the TSPN pulpit*

I, Panthrowed, formerly known as "PISON!", do solemnly swear that if I were single when <u>TSPN</u> FIRST hit the scene, I would've had <u>sex w/ more than 63.718% of you puddins</u> already and not one, NO not ONE of you, would've known about the other because that's the way that I carried my business @ the time and you would've understood what "real" manhood was (or is :swink: ). :|

However, now that I am single, I have zero desire to do the fool. :lol: I've learned the error of my ways and have nothing but the utmost respect for ALL women. Therefore, I don't have the desire to get to know you just to get your kitty-kat. :) I'd like to get to know you because I'd like to discover the GOOD side/human side of you w/out having to put this 225lbs on top of you. :)

Tony send help! :uhoh:
Whats sad is, there are people on here that likes to stir isht up... with big wooden spoons.

You think? :idea:

Some things you'll never understand:smh:...What you or some may perceive as stirring, is really all about the on the TSPN.
The funny part is you puddins like to throw insults around, but can't take them if they are throwed back at you. Now this can get ugly. So don't jump in the fire if you can't take it. Soft skins aren't allowed. Let's crank it up a notch if that's what you gals want. You know you get to shutting threads down when you can't take the heat.

You are so right CEE DOG. There are certain Puddins that hate folks in public to eliminate females from having interest in them all because the certain spoon don't want to holla at them because they've been around like 495 in DC...better known as the BELTWAY!!!!:lmao:
Another funny thing.

How you goin hate someone you never met.

How you know someone's sexuality or even concerned if you not wanting or trying to fugg em?

Lastly...if you happy and you know it clap ya hands!!!!

*clap clap*
that was nasty DSN!!!!

Hey I'm on a roll with funny things....

If you are a man and constantly calling another man gay, what's your logic? You trying to get the dick down?
Vinita did I mention any names. DSN ain't mention no names.

Funny Thing though....

If you hate someone and never met them nor probably will ever meet them, how is hating them aiding your personal goals, career goals, and for the LOVE OF GOD....SPIRITUAL GOAL....cause ole DSN ain't never seen this many Holy rollers in his life.
Tony send help! :uhoh:


:lecture: If I were around in 19whenever, when this board was 1st started I would have
Pursued you with all my might. I would have allowed you to escape the mediocrity that you have come to know, expect and love. I would?ve taught you all about miracles, and
And freed your soul, and let it fly, so that you would know, Most certainly, what good love feels like.
But alas, you?re an old woman now, afraid of learning, afraid ecstasy, afraid of yourself.
So I leave you alone in peace. May your days be sunny and bright.

:lecture: If I were around in 19whenever, when this board was 1st started I would have
Pursued you with all my might. I would have allowed you to escape the mediocrity that you have come to know, expect and love. I would?ve taught you all about miracles, and
And freed your soul, and let it fly, so that you would know, Most certainly, what good love feels like.
But alas, you?re an old woman now, afraid of learning, afraid ecstasy, afraid of yourself.
So I leave you alone in peace. May your days be sunny and bright.

Continuation of Poem

Because yo ARSE is a MESSY HO!!!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
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