So Bama State posters crack jokes about our AD but have this going on.

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Well mh, you shol don't have to come to the out-dated stadium where your team is going to get beat up and down the field...I'll send you some pics.

Yall don't even have a line. You know about our RBs. And TP has told you bout our OL.

This aint gon end good for yall. At all. Seriously.

Maybe if you played us later in the season, you would be a threat.. but by game 2? Your team is going be confused and all over the place.
that one way in, one way out dinosaur is not cutting edge. Just because Sippi finally threw some used lipstick on that old pig and hoodwinked you jsu folks don't make it nice. It aint. It's old, outdated, and ugly. Sorry

Again, MEMORIAL PALACE is STILL the best stadium in BCF...inside and out. It may be old but it's not outdated for our crowds and it's certainly not ugly. Many schools play in old stadiums that are better that than thing they build 1 foot off the ground in Montgomery.
I wonder how hard it was for those Bama State folks to sit there and watch Skegee kick in the front door of their new house. I mean, that will always be in your record books.

Then Skegee dropped them from the schedule. That's equivalent of getting screwed and not getting a kiss. How do you pay for an annual asswhooping?
I wonder how hard it was for those Bama State folks to sit there and watch Skegee kick in the front door of their new house. I mean, that will always be in your record books.

Then Skegee dropped them from the schedule. That's equivalent of getting screwed and not getting a kiss. How do you pay for an annual asswhooping?

D2 Skeege will always have the 1st win is that place. :smh:
Just sad when a D2 tell you that you ain't worth a crap or worth their time. Skeege been dominating them sharecroppers since 1996. Skeege is 12-4 ........err.........13-3, (Bamma State cheated 2 years ago), against Bamma State since 1996. :lmao:

SKEEGE 13-3 against them sorry sharecroppers in the last 16 years. :lmao:
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What make this even sadder is Bamma State will be be 0-2 all-time in their brand new stadium. Jacksonville State is gonna kick that azz the 1st game of the season in Montgomery. :lol:

Man what are you talkling about??? stadium...0-2? The whitefolks might take their stadium back after this fiasco. That will be 3 losses in a row in Montgomery. This is sad
D2 Skeege will always have the 1st win is that place. :smh:
Just sad when a D2 tell you that you ain't worth a crap or worth their time. Skeege been dominating them sharecroppers since 1996. Skeege is 12-4 ........err.........13-3, (Bamma State cheated 2 years ago), against Bamma State since 1996. :lmao:

SKEEGE 13-3 against them sorry sharecroppers in the last 16 years. :lmao:

So, this really is the "year from hell" for Bama Jelly! :shame:

You would think these ******s would know better. Guess that's how they was raised. Too busy trying to look up to Bama and All-Burn, that they figured they could take the shortcut to scheming they own kind out of money.

Got damn disgrace I tell ya. Us black folks got to stick together, and these ******s over there sabotaging they own kind for the sake of the mighty dollar. When will they learn!
and jsue is the opening day cupcake for Tulane. They couldn't even wait til Saturday to tap that, so they making yall arses bring it to them early. :smh:

Jacksonville(fcs) vs Bamma St(fcs) in Hornet stadium while JSU(fcs) playing FBS Tulane on the road in the Superdome.

Yep............That is a equal comparison. :lmao:
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