The Republicans or more so the MAGA's are going to say:
She can't run, because her parents are not natural born citizens of the US. (our Constitution states only the person running has to be US born),
She prosecuted Black men as Attorney General, (so Black men [people] should not vote for her, (think Biden Crime Bill)
She slept her way to the AG position, (so she is morally unfit for office)
She is not Black, she is Indian and Jamaican, (so Black people should not identify with her)
She didn't do anything as VP, (so what makes her qualified to be president)

These are just the things I saw and heard, before today's announcement.
The Republicans or more so the MAGA's are going to say:
She can't run, because her parents are not natural born citizens of the US. (our Constitution states only the person running has to be US born),
She prosecuted Black men as Attorney General, (so Black men [people] should not vote for her, (think Biden Crime Bill)
She slept her way to the AG position, (so she is morally unfit for office)
She is not Black, she is Indian and Jamaican, (so Black people should not identify with her)
She didn't do anything as VP, (so what makes her qualified to be president)

These are just the things I saw and heard, before today's announcement.
No shit. lol of course. Just like the left is mentioning project 2025 and Trump's felonies every chance they get.
I dont like it in the least bit. If you think white America is about to show up in large numbers to vote for a black woman when they didn't even want Hillary? I just don't see it. I do not think she can beat Trump.
I dont like it in the least bit. If you think white America is about to show up in large numbers to vote for a black woman when they didn't even want Hillary? I just don't see it. I do not think she can beat Trump.
Hilary won the popular vote in 2016. Trump won by electoral college.
I dont like it in the least bit. If you think white America is about to show up in large numbers to vote for a black woman when they didn't even want Hillary? I just don't see it. I do not think she can beat Trump.
We don't know if Hillary would have won.
What we do know is that when James Comey went on national TV and said he was reopening the email case against Hillary Clinton days before the election, that probably tanked any chance she had of winning the election.
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Kamala Harris Victory GIF by Election 2020
$148 million (and counting) small dollar donations since the announcement. On top of that, $150 million from big donors/pacs. This doesn't even include the money that the Biden campaign had raised to date. She will have the resources
Hillary outdrew Trump in donations..cant really say I care much about that. The biggest determining factor will be who she chooses as her running mate.
She will need the governor from either Pennsylvania or Michigan to win. Either one will help defend the Blue Wall in the Midwest.
She will need the governor from either Pennsylvania or Michigan to win. Either one will help defend the Blue Wall in the Midwest.
She's not picking Gov Whitmer, no way a ticket with two women is going to win. All this talk from the Rep, thinking Hillary or Michelle, will be the VP pick, they're smoking some of the good stuff. Well they're in the South, they're drinking that good hooch!!!
those are the two I picked or even the white dude in Kentucky, don't matter the white dude, just pick one in a swing state she can't carry
It's going to be a white dude, I see her picking Senator Kelly. He's a former astronaut and United States Naval captain.
Now if Michelle Obama was interested game would be over for Trump for sure. say what you want but educated women love Michelle Obama. The racist butches will always be who they are. They will be giving a blk dude a blow job and still call him a ninja. 😂