If some of you are really his friends please talk to him and ask him to get some help. For real!!
Also, I wonder if he realizes that these threats could land him in jail. God forbid, but if anything ever happened to any of these people that he keeps threatening his azz will be up the creek without a paddle. Even if he had nothing to do with it.
Kevin Maurice Robinson say his TSPN Sports HIT LIST....is that Spineless Always talking SHAT, AINT ABOUT SHAT, telling lies 24-7 Black Brunt Crispy Crack Rock inhaling, Sugar in his TANK.....Smoke from Alabama State...BKA....Fredreka......the COWARD......Still spinning those tale tales. Yet...What was that ....Fuc Me....Fuc my Family....Fuc ...My Mother u said.....Naw dude.....I going FOCK YOU. Now run and tell that SMOKEFINA..
about an hour ago · Comment · LikeUnlike
Quinton Cooper
Counseling would really help bruh.
about an hour ago
Tracey Jackson
Sarge....its time for you to LET IT GO!!!! And im saying this with all the love in my heart!
about an hour ago
Kevin Maurice Robinson
.......Not till that Black piece of crap pays.....PERIOD......I tried letting it go. Everytime I see that piece if trash I want to bash his skull in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about an hour ago
Meishalette TooCute Bassett
about an hour ago
Meishalette TooCute Bassett
about an hour ago
Kevin Maurice Robinson
......Like yeah.........Former Army plus being a current Postal worker.
about an hour ago
Tracey Jackson
dont go postal sarge....until you let that go..its going to consume you...trust me...being consumed is no FUN..and no fun to the people that are around you.

about an hour ago