Pre-Workout boosters

Personally, they have helped me. When I was in undergrad, I used a mass gainer and put on 10 lbs of muscle one summer.

speaking of mass gainers, I went into the vitamin world and asked about such products. and the first thing the salesperson shows me is like this 15 pound bag of powder that cost 60 bucks. he goes, this is the best on the market right here. it's got everything you need from protein, carbs, creatine, glutamine. boy, I don't know this was so involved. I was like, I'll come back a little later. lol.

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carbs are good enough for me. I'm not even going to comment on how useless all those protein shakes are unless you just don't eat meat or something. Never got why folks would rather drink a whole bunch of shakes rather than just eat food. Two chicken breasts/steaks or two protein shakes.
carbs are good enough for me. I'm not even going to comment on how useless all those protein shakes are unless you just don't eat meat or something. Never got why folks would rather drink a whole bunch of shakes rather than just eat food. Two chicken breasts/steaks or two protein shakes.

Convenience and a pure protein shake mixed with water comes with a lot less extra stuff.
carbs are good enough for me. I'm not even going to comment on how useless all those protein shakes are unless you just don't eat meat or something. Never got why folks would rather drink a whole bunch of shakes rather than just eat food. Two chicken breasts/steaks or two protein shakes.
A cat like me just don't have the time to do all that cook and eating. For what I'm trying to do I gotta consume 2700 to 3000 calories a day. If I can get half of that in a day drinking a couple of shakes, I'll do it. Plus, that a lot dang eating to try to consume five or six meals a day. That's hard as hell, mane.