Pre-Workout boosters


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Do you use anything? Last year I tried both N.O. Xxxplode and N.O. Shotgun. Reently, i have been using redline and the ABB Speedstacks but quit speedstack because of one of its ingredients.

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After reading some stuff this morning, I am swearing off all this stuff and sticking to the gatorade pre-game fuels....
Yeah the best way to go is to just try to eat real clean. fruits, veggies, and lean protein. An occational boost of enhanced protein is cool..
I do a pre-workout drink, a protein shake after working out, a weight gainer in the afternoon, and another protein shake after dinner.
Don't need em... carbs are good enough for me. I'm not even going to comment on how useless all those protein shakes are unless you just don't eat meat or something. Never got why folks would rather drink a whole bunch of shakes rather than just eat food. Two chicken breasts/steaks or two protein shakes lol...not much of a decision there for me.
Don't need em... carbs are good enough for me. I'm not even going to comment on how useless all those protein shakes are unless you just don't eat meat or something. Never got why folks would rather drink a whole bunch of shakes rather than just eat food. Two chicken breasts/steaks or two protein shakes lol...not much of a decision there for me.

Personally, I do it for breakfast with fruit because I hate eating breakfast but had to make myself start taking something. I mix Optimum nutrition 100% Whey with water to minimize fat and sugar. Those shakes are also good for drinking right after you finish lifting where your food intake is most important. The biggest problem is that rookies go buy crap like Muscle Milk that comes with a bunch of fillers.

That whole protein thing right after lifting is a myth that's been debunked quite a few times. It's almost as wrong as people that still believe that it's actually a benefit to eat 5 or 6 meals a day to "keep your metabolism going." Just an fyi, when do you think your muscles rebuild themselves, right after you lift or when you sleep at night afterwards? There is a reason why you don't get sore right after a heavy lift but you will wake up sore instead lol. Most of this stuff is what they call "broscience"...stuff that people have just randomly put together over the years but there's no real science backing it. I've bulked from 160 to nearly 180 and increased my muscle by 8% and never once have I had a shake right after I lift. Check out the bodybuilding forum, you'll see that the whole protein thing right after lifting isn't anywhere near as beneficial as people believe it is. As long as you hit 1G of protein per 1lb of lean muscle per day and lift heavy you'll be just fine whether you take the protein in the morning or at night. If you take it all at once your body is just going to waste half of it anyways.
I've used image_prodprod440156_white450px.jpg. Works great! Unknown I would go back and check my facts on the whole broscience theory. I've seen the exact opposite from reputable bodybuilding sites from pro athletes.
That whole protein thing right after lifting is a myth that's been debunked quite a few times. It's almost as wrong as people that still believe that it's actually a benefit to eat 5 or 6 meals a day to "keep your metabolism going." Just an fyi, when do you think your muscles rebuild themselves, right after you lift or when you sleep at night afterwards? There is a reason why you don't get sore right after a heavy lift but you will wake up sore instead lol. Most of this stuff is what they call "broscience"...stuff that people have just randomly put together over the years but there's no real science backing it. I've bulked from 160 to nearly 180 and increased my muscle by 8% and never once have I had a shake right after I lift. Check out the bodybuilding forum, you'll see that the whole protein thing right after lifting isn't anywhere near as beneficial as people believe it is. As long as you hit 1G of protein per 1lb of lean muscle per day and lift heavy you'll be just fine whether you take the protein in the morning or at night. If you take it all at once your body is just going to waste half of it anyways.

I am not in protein shakes right after I lift. I do a lean meat and salad because I tend to lift around 9 o clock. I prefer to lift late because the gym is empty.....

I spend a lot of time on I am not trying to bulk at this point. I have enough weight. I am moving into cutting. I spent all summer lifting heavyweights. My shoulder, elbow, and knees felt like crap for a few weeks.
I've used View attachment 1887. Works great! Unknown I would go back and check my facts on the whole broscience theory. I've seen the exact opposite from reputable bodybuilding sites from pro athletes.

That stuff gives me the runs. Drink and dayum near have to run to the restroom before get 5 minutes into workout. lol. My advice to all is to atleast cycle off for a month after 90 days to allow your body to detox.
That whole protein thing right after lifting is a myth that's been debunked quite a few times. It's almost as wrong as people that still believe that it's actually a benefit to eat 5 or 6 meals a day to "keep your metabolism going." Just an fyi, when do you think your muscles rebuild themselves, right after you lift or when you sleep at night afterwards? There is a reason why you don't get sore right after a heavy lift but you will wake up sore instead lol. Most of this stuff is what they call "broscience"...stuff that people have just randomly put together over the years but there's no real science backing it. I've bulked from 160 to nearly 180 and increased my muscle by 8% and never once have I had a shake right after I lift. Check out the bodybuilding forum, you'll see that the whole protein thing right after lifting isn't anywhere near as beneficial as people believe it is. As long as you hit 1G of protein per 1lb of lean muscle per day and lift heavy you'll be just fine whether you take the protein in the morning or at night. If you take it all at once your body is just going to waste half of it anyways.

So I spent $44 on protein power for nothing?

You said you started at 160 and ended up at 180. I'm trying to do the same thing except by starting point is 150. How did you do it?

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You need to invest in a good mass gainer.

No, he doesn't lol... not once did I take a mass gainer. If you want to gain muscle all you need to do is eat over your daily maintenance and have a good lifting routine. Go to the site and go to the nutrition section, look for the thread that teaches you how to calculate your bmr. Just eating a whole bunch of excess food and weight gainers not knowing where your bmr is you'll not only gain muscle, but a whole lot of fat to go along with it which will cause you to just have to do an excessive cut after you bulk up anyways... or leave you with a gut. All you have to do is find your bmr, eat about 500 calories over that amount for the week and have a solid lifting routine. Don't skip days and you will put on mass just fine. Half of these supplements and ish people buy and use are a waste of money, mass gainers included.

Also, solid food is a lot more beneficial to your body than taking a whole lot of protein powders as you not only get protein from meat, but nutrients also NATURALLY. Not even once have I taken pre-workouts, protein shakes or mass gainers and I didn't take anything when I did my cut down from 227 to 160 either. If you're going to do it, do it the right way. Keep in mind a lot of those bodybuilders that use all these supplements don't give a damn about what happens to their body in the long run, they just want to be big now so it doesn't bother them to take 200G of protein a day even if they'll need a kidney transplant 20 years from now. If you do it right, none of that extra stuff is necessary.

Kendrick, start here.

That thread will pretty much tell you all you need to know. Don't go out spending all that money on unnecessary supplements lol
I've used View attachment 1887. Works great! Unknown I would go back and check my facts on the whole broscience theory. I've seen the exact opposite from reputable bodybuilding sites from pro athletes.

SMH, i've done all the research necessary. Not only that, my body results pretty much speak for themselves. is pretty much the biggest bodybuilding website in the world and it's been a general concensus on there for years that timing of eating is irrelevant. You're not going to get gains quicker just because you take a shake right after you lift lol.
I feel you Unknown for the most part but some stuff does work better for some people. Trust me, when I added Multivitamins to my daily routine, I saw a big improvement in my energy levels. I used to be hardcore on supps until I found myself with a borderline caffeine addiction. Plus, some of that stuff made my heart flutter. The more I research, the more I have stayed away from certain things. I do think replacing a meal with a pure protein shake can be a good idea. However, I advise staying away from stuff like Muscle Milk.

As far as that part about people not caring about their bodies. I see that too. I know some guys who drink Monster energy drinks all day then take Jack3d before lifting and I shake my head. I do use the Gatorade pre-game fuel. I am fine on the lifting part but I need help making it through insanity :lol:. When I was taking NO shotgun, I was able to hit 3x8 on 365 lbs with relative ease.

Brooooooooooooooscience. Stop wasting your money on protein powder and eat food, it's more enjoyable.:lol:

Taking in protein powder is not Broscience, it just another way to get nutrients. Yes eating whole foods is better but protein as a meal replacement is a valid alternative to whole foods. Also drinking protien powder does not affect liver/kidney function. If that's the case then eating excess protien (whole foods) would have the same effect. Now that's broscience.
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SMH, i've done all the research necessary. Not only that, my body results pretty much speak for themselves. is pretty much the biggest bodybuilding website in the world and it's been a general concensus on there for years that timing of eating is irrelevant. You're not going to get gains quicker just because you take a shake right after you lift lol.

Guy, where do you think I read the information from? LOL!!!
That stuff gives me the runs. Drink and dayum near have to run to the restroom before get 5 minutes into workout. lol. My advice to all is to atleast cycle off for a month after 90 days to allow your body to detox.

I never had that. Felt funny the first time I took it though, but been good ever since. I don't take it everyday as suggested. Maybe 3 to 4 times a week and cycle off for 30 days after 2 months.
So what's the verdict? To drink protein shakes or not to drink protein shakes?

I started drinking protein shakes this summer after working out...I noticed an increase in size and strength...I don't drink it as often as recommended, however.

I also started using N.O. Xplode over the summer...but I haven't touched it since early August.