North Koreans have missle that can reach United States

oh, but before you go away,,,

North Korean interception of anything American?? :lmao: AND????!!! Why are you concerned? You would protest if the U.S. contested their interception. You make me want to puke. :rolleyes:
Looks like NK is stepping up their security....

Uninformed unknown: How did you come up with the silly azz thought that N.korea is stepping up their security?

Just asking!!!!

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I wonder if this administration will consider the North Korean situation a problem while they are sending forces to the Persian Gulf.

When a North Korean official talked to a U.S. politician last month, why was it the governor of New Mexico, who served during the Clinton administration, and not an official of the Bush administration?
Re: Looks like NK is stepping up their security....

Originally posted by ALCORNITE 86
Uninformed unknown: How did you come up with the silly azz thought that N.korea is stepping up their security?

Just asking!!!!

Since you're positioned in SK, if you see a mushroom cloud go up anytime in the near future, I guess you'll know.
Thanks For The Warning

If you want to reunify a country, take over a piece of land, why would you turn it into a "Dirty Battlefield?"

Dude, the N.koreans are trying to provoke the U.S into a one on one confrontation. The N.koreans violates provisions of the 1953 Armistrice on a daily basis. Schnit happens daily on the peninsula.

In a few days, you will probably side with the N.koreans as they begin to protest louder because of an Annual Exercise that has been going on for years begins with an influx of troops and augmentees from the U.S.

Twice a year, N.koreans increase their quest for attention as South Korea, the U. S and other Allies conduct training exercises to defend the ROK in case of a N.korean attack. The mission is to Defend, not Attack.

B-2 Bombers on the way to Guam as a result of the interception. When you read about other activities, it is part of an Exercise. I'm sure the N.koreans will have you thinking otherwise.
I guess Bush still thinks they aren't a threat either.

U.S. Orders 24 Bombers to Guam to Deter N.Korea

By Charles Aldinger

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is sending 24 B-1 and B-52 bombers to the island of Guam in the western Pacific to deter any aggression by North Korea (news - web sites) in case of a war in Iraq (news - web sites), defense officials said on Tuesday.

The U.S. officials said the deployment was a prudent measure to maintain peace on the Korean peninsula, where tensions have risen sharply over North Korea's nuclear weapons ambitions.

But they said it was not prompted by the interception of an unarmed U.S. Air Force reconnaissance jet by North Korean fighters in international air space over the Sea of Japan on Sunday.

"These movements are not aggressive in nature," said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon (news - web sites) spokesman. "Deploying these additional forces is a prudent measure to bolster our defensive posture and as a deterrent."

Davis refused to provide any details on the weaponry being moved from the United States, but other defense officials told Reuters privately that two dozen swing-wing B-1 jets and heavy eight-engined B-52s were being moved immediately to Guam under orders signed by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld...
Re: Thanks For The Warning

Originally posted by ALCORNITE 86
If you want to reunify a country, take over a piece of land, why would you turn it into a "Dirty Battlefield?"

ALCORNITE 86, what's your take on Colen Powell? Do you think the admin following his lead and going to/through (or trying to go through) the UN/Sec Council was a mistake?
UN Security Council and Korea

No, we should never deal with N.korea on a one on one issue as they want us to do. We are here under the UN Flag and under the provisions of the Armistice signed in 1953 by the UN.

Everything we as a military do here is under the UN Flag, not the U.S. as a single nation.
Re: UN Security Council and Korea

Originally posted by ALCORNITE 86
No, we should never deal with N.korea on a one on one issue as they want us to do. We are here under the UN Flag and under the provisions of the Armistice signed in 1953 by the UN.

Everything we as a military do here is under the UN Flag, not the U.S. as a single nation.

I concure on North Korea. How about on Iraq, same question?
Good Question Again

1. Is Sadaam undermining the UN?

2. After 12 years of defying over 15 Resolutions, should he be allowed to continue to produce his WMD programs?

3. Is he a threat to the U.S?

4. There are a lot of questions to be answered and we should continue to follow the UN Charter.

My take is that Sadaam is trying to disrupt the UN by doing what he want to do in regards to the resolutions that he was supposed to abide by.

Bottom Line: NO
Re: Good Question Again

Originally posted by ALCORNITE 86
1. Is Sadaam undermining the UN?

2. After 12 years of defying over 15 Resolutions, should he be allowed to continue to produce his WMD programs?

3. Is he a threat to the U.S?

4. There are a lot of questions to be answered and we should continue to follow the UN Charter.

My take is that Sadaam is trying to disrupt the UN by doing what he want to do in regards to the resolutions that he was supposed to abide by.

Bottom Line: NO

1. I would rephrase the question as, "Is Saddam using the UN to further his own agenda"? I think Saddam, like any good negotiator/gambler/horse traider/chance taker/lawyer, is pushing the envelope of the UN to the Nth degree, taking advantage of every loophole, every rule.

2. Depends on who you are asking; if it's the U.S./Europe, no. If it is the middle east/third world/terrorists, yes.

3. That depends on rather he wants revenge against the U.S. bad enough to give terrorists (or his own agents) WMDs for strikes in or at the U.S. or rather he's content to chill in Iraq as a dictator and pass on his rule to his sons.

4. The only comment I would make in response to that comment is terrorists, like any criminal/revolutionary or whatever one would refer to them as, don't follow the UN or any other rules except their own. That complicates matters tremendously.

On the UN, I would say it's a double-edged sword for the U.S. No problems when it was mainly relegating other countries,,, but now it's relegating the U.S. who dayum basically created it and is the biggest single player in it. But then again,,, the UN didn't stop Clinton from sending forces into and striking in the Balkans, so the UN is probably little more than a bought of hemorrhoids to the U.S. in this situation; a pain in the arse, but nothing too serious to deal with.