Introducing Oaktowns starting lineup

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mighty hornet said:
sorry A&M,
I know we're down like four flat tires, but.......................

these pics are funny as L
I wouldn't say 4 maybe 1 but TGO is on a roll...........

Get Ready said:

Will the one that got slammed on raise his hand please

Is #4 trying to hide his face?


Man .......................Ya'll have a little :heart: for the bullpuppies.

They finally "bust" their "SWAC TITLE CHERRY" and ya'll killin' them. :emlaugh: :emlaugh:

357, Hammer, Angie Bee, and Too short. :slap: :emlaugh: :emlaugh:
staggalee83 said:
Man .......................Ya'll have a little :heart: for the bullpuppies.

They finally "bust" their "SWAC TITLE CHERRY" and ya'll killin' them. :emlaugh: :emlaugh:

357, Hammer, Angie Bee, and Too short. :slap: :emlaugh: :emlaugh:


Yea....they taking a beating today.....just because :lol:
Get Ready said:

This is a damned shame..but it shole is funny.... :ebrow: :ebrow:

Say Gee Arrah, I thought Spice 1 and E-40 were playing for the Oaktown Hustlers as well???

I bet that young ofay in the red cap is thinking "Man I thought all niggruhs jumped high and can play basketball. Well, I guess that's not true. Oh well, at least they still have good dancin' left."
Wow. Once the actual game pics emerged from last night's debacle, this thread was over in a hurry. :lol: It's almost :( that the bullpups couldn't utter one word during the final 2 pages. Basketball school my azz.
Get Ready said:

Look at the white folk in teh background this time.
This has to be the first time GR has seen white folk collectively feel sorry for blakc folks. Its like they are saying, "why is that other colored boy not jumping higher?"
Ice Man said:
Straight from Coming To The Stage to wax that azz.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


What day did Alcorn play in the conference tournament? I think they accidentally forgot to list you among the other teams. Remind me...when was it?
AAMU Alum said:

What day did Alcorn play in the conference tournament? I think they accidentally forgot to list you among the other teams. Remind me...when was it?
Dude, you have got to be the sorriest and bitterest smacker on this board. And that speaks volume.
Blacknbengal said:
Dude, you have got to be the sorriest and bitterest smacker on this board. And that speaks volume.

That's your title Mr. "can't I get a plaque or something for my posts?" You faired better delivering the newspaper. What happened to your route? Why are you wiping li'l sister Alsquaw's @ss for her? She can build her own teepee!
JROCK said:

Yea....they taking a beating today.....just because :lol:

After everyone was taking @ss-beatings from us just one week ago. What is it they say about turnabout?

AAMU Alum said:
Why are you wiping li'l sister Alsquaw's @ss for her?
Is that your best comeback?
You know. It's funny that you mentioned wiping someone's butt just a couple of days after this Oaktown's debacle.

The only way yall coulda done a worse job representing the SWAC is if yall had just broke out and started:









There is no way GR could have been more ashamed of A&M.
Yall could have been sitting on the bench eating a bucket of:

No wait yall could broke the real black folks chicken:


And GR wouldnt have been more ashamed of your performance.
Yall were a damn joke on national TV. Down by 23? to a 12-18 team? And you wonder why we have to play the play-in game all the damn time.
For those of you that dont know
We have been sat back to the days of:

Its going to take the SWAC a long time to get over this mess.
Blacknbengal said:
Is that your best comeback?
You know. It's funny that you mentioned wiping someone's butt just a couple of days after this Oaktown's debacle.

I'll ask one more time...where was your team on Tuesday night, and WHY were they there? It's funny (or rather, STUPID) that you would even post after your debacle on last Friday night in Birmingham. You're too stupid to see that, but then again, we've come to expect that from you.
Get Ready said:
For those of you that dont know
We have been sat back to the days of:

Its going to take the SWAC a long time to get over this mess.

WHEN IS THE MADNESS GOING TO END!!! :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:
Is it true that Coach Pityfulway has worked out a deal for a new action figure because of the terrible coaching job he did Tuesday?

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