Election Day 2020

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Ok, Biden has won (but it an't over with yet). But I am going to say this. Democrats, you do not have time to gloat. Hell, you didn't retake the Senate (still up for grabs) you lost a number of seats in the House. I don't think any state legislatures were flipped. Democrats has better start thinking about the mid-term elections, because the Party that is in the White House, usually lose seats.

There is still a lot of work to do. Just saying.

1. The group that they dismissed the most (while chasing white "undecided" voters") during the campaign handed them the White House (black people).

2. Spot on with the bold. If they don't cater to black voters leading up to '22, it's gonna be '10 all over again in Congress because there should be a vaccine for COVID19 by them. Them white folks are gonna vote in droves for the GOP. If the Dems repeat what they did this year, they will lose. Every group increased their support for the GOP this election cycle which mean that people are growing weary of the Dems being GOP-lite

World news
Biden derrota a Trump en las elecciones de Estados Unidos


El rechazo al presidente aúpa al candidato demócrata en medio de un escrutinio agónico. El mandatario republicano lanza acusaciones infundadas de fraude y anuncia una batalla legal

Estados Unidos ha cambiado el paso y puesto punto final a la era Trump. El demócrata Joe Biden ha derrotado al republicano en las elecciones presidenciales tras un escrutinio agónico, que comenzó el martes por la noche y dura ya cuatro días. Una marea de votos, con especial fuerza de las mujeres, los jóvenes y las minorías, ha decidido expulsar de la Casa Blanca al magnate neoyorquino que llevó el populismo más agresivo, rayando en lo xenófobo, al centro del poder. La victoria de Biden, un político moderado de 77 años, se enfrenta a un Donald Trump declarado en rebeldía, que ha decidido llevar a los tribunales el resultado agitando infundadas acusaciones de fraude. Su caída no implica el fin del ideario trumpista, pero sí refleja que la unión de los votantes demócratas es más numerosa y representativa de este país que la derecha blanca a la que él ha apelado durante cuatro años.

Biden será presidente después de las elecciones más insólitas y trascendentales de la historia reciente, marcadas por la pandemia y por una ola de participación que no se había visto en 120 años. La última actualización del conteo en Pensilvania este sábado por la mañana (hora de Washington) certificó a Biden ganador de ese territorio clave y, con él, vencedor de los comicios. Había sobrepasado los 270 votos electorales requeridos para conquistar la Casa Blanca y Trump se acababa de convertir en el primer mandatario de los últimos 25 años que pierde una reelección (después de George Bush padre, en 1992), el tercero en sufrir semejante derrota desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial (Jimmy Carter en 1980 y Gerald Ford en 1972).
World News

Joe Biden, la victoire d’un rescapé voué à devenir pacificateur en chef


La vie commence-t-elle à 78 ans ? Lorsqu’il s’avancera pour prêter serment de défendre la Constitution et devenir le 46e président des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, le 20 janvier, après sans doute la plus tumultueuse des transitions, Joe Biden pourra enfin se poser cette question sans pouvoir encore y répondre. Que sera son élection ? Un épilogue en majesté ou bien un improbable nouveau départ ?
World News!

Wahlsieger Joe Biden


Joe Biden hat die Wahl gewonnen. Als US-Präsident wird er versuchen, ein tief gespaltenes Land zu heilen. Kann der Wandel gelingen? Die neue SPIEGEL-Titelstory.

Joe Bidens Reaktion auf den Sieg hört sich beinahe altmodisch an. "Jetzt, da dieser Wahlkampf endet, ist es an der Zeit, Wut und harte Rhetorik hinter uns zu lassen und wieder als eine Nationen zusammenzufinden", erklärt der Demokrat am Samstag.

Der Satz verrät die Sehnsucht nach einer Vergangenheit, als noch nicht Hass und Zwietracht die amerikanische Politik bestimmt haben. Wird sie nun erfüllt?
World News!


During Donald Trump's four years in office, America's relationship with the world changed profoundly.

BBC reporters across the globe, from Beijing to Berlin, explain how news of Mr Biden's victory is being received and what it could mean for key US relationships.

You might think Beijing would be glad to see the back of Donald Trump. As China-basher-in-chief he hit them with a trade war, levied a raft of punitive sanctions and badgered and blamed them for the coronavirus pandemic.

But some analysts have suggested that the Chinese leadership may now be feeling secretly disappointed. Not because they have any lasting fondness for Mr Trump, but because another four years of him in the White House held out the tantalising prospect of a bigger prize. Divisive at home, isolationist abroad - Mr Trump seemed to Beijing the very embodiment of the long-anticipated and hoped for decline in US power.

It was a message rammed home by the country's Communist Party-controlled TV news bulletins. They focused not on the election itself - but on the protests, rancour, and rising US virus infection rates alongside it.

China might, of course, try to find advantage in Joe Biden's willingness to seek co-operation on big issues like climate change. But he's also promised to work to repair America's alliances, which may prove to be far more effective in constraining China's superpower ambitions than Trump's go-it-alone approach.
This win will mean nothing if they don't get those two seats in GA. Biden, Harris, Obamas, Clinton, every dam Democrat with star power needs to be in GA... I know Covid is still here, but they need people on the ground... Signing folks up, getting them to the polls. Grass Roots.
Lindsay, Mitch and other Republicans have already started using the word investigation.right after Biden was named President.. They have no intention of working with this Administration
This win will mean nothing if they don't get those two seats in GA. Biden, Harris, Obamas, Clinton, every dam Democrat with star power needs to be in GA... I know Covid is still here, but they need people on the ground... Signing folks up, getting them to the polls. Grass Roots.
Lindsay, Mitch and other Republicans have already started using the word investigation.right after Biden was named President.. They have no intention of working with this Administration
But they can't just Preach to the Choir!! They gonna have to go out their way to try to sway the votes of some of those combined Republican challengers! They ought to promote Infrastructure plans that the Biden/Harris Administration want to get passed which will not only strengthen America but keep the Steel Mill workers in this Country employed as well as States such as Georgia, Alabama and others who will provide the raw materials to fuel those factories!
Kamala Harris, shattering racial and gender barriers, makes history as first woman vice president
Brittany Shepherd
Brittany Shepherd

·National Politics Reporter
Sat, November 7, 2020, 10:40 AM CST·4 min read

Sen. Kamala Harris made history three times Saturday as the first woman, first Black person and first Asian American to be elected to the vice presidency, according to the Associated Press, which called the race.

Harris’s election is a breakthrough for the Democratic Party. Several Black lawmakers told Yahoo News before Election Day that her elevation will serve as an inspiration for minority youth around the country.

Those who pushed Biden to select Harris described her as a whip-smart, difficult-to-pin-down moderate choice who would not turn off Republican voters looking to defect from President Trump. That characterization did not stop the Trump campaign — and Trump himself — from painting Harris as a socialist, a label she rejects.

Harris, 56, was born to Donald Harris, an economist and Stanford University professor originally from Jamaica, and Shyamala Gopalan, an Indian immigrant and leading cancer researcher, in Oakland, Calif., in 1964.

As a teenager, she and her sister moved to Montreal to live with her mother after her parents divorced. She attended high school in Canada and returned to the States to attend Howard University, a historically Black school that was a formative experience for Harris. She led Howard’s debate team and became an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha, a historic Black sorority. Alpha Kappa Alpha sisters were significant donors during Harris’s presidential primary run.

Kamala Harris, right, after graduating from law school in 1989, pictured with mother Shyamala, center, and first-grade teacher, Frances Wilson. (Courtesy of Kamala Harris)

Kamala Harris, right, after graduating from law school in 1989, pictured with mother Shyamala, center, and first-grade teacher, Frances Wilson. (Courtesy of Kamala Harris)

I Hereby Nominate Senator Doug Jones to be the next U.S. Attorney General!!
I thought about that too but you know who would really get Trump in that position either Sally Yates or Adam Schiff. I know Sally after how Trump fired her she will find them Trump tax returns

I thought about that too but you know who would really get Trump in that position either Sally Yates or Adam Schiff. I know Sally after how Trump fired her she will find them Trump tax returns
Two great choices But....I think Schiff is too important in his current seat in Congress! I see Yates as a good Choice for Director of The CIA or NSA.
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