Do you tip ?

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:lmao: @ Lewis.

SimplyRedd, that's why I couldn't work in that type of job. :smh: GOD bless you, dear.
SimplyRedd, I really understand your point, but your point is my point. IT IS A RACKET to make us pay more for the same thing, they cut your wages, and then make us feel sorry for yall and leave yall extra money, so as a result my $35 meal really cost me $40, after I make up for what THEY have jacked yall for. But at some point, if yall are not going to say, we ain't takin that isht no more, pay me my correct wage, (and they don't have to pay that mininum, they can do more if they wanted to) then at some point yall have decided to take it and it ain't for me to pay to change that. I know I ain't gonna work for no $2 and change per hour + hopeing, begging, praying for tips, period.

As Maxminilli would says, " You like it , I love it, ............."

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Lewis my love obviously YOU don't know MUCH about federal wage regulations. IF we put up a fuss and GET more pay say...even 6.00 an hour....with tips cause people are still going to tip on credit cards which is ALWAYS accounted are going to get jacked in the end and if they don't tip at all...wood will be even harder BECAUSE making MORE than the FEDERALLY MANDATED TIPPED MINIMUM WAGE is a LUXARY. We will be taxed our normal taxes PLUS a luxary tax much like the one that is levied against vacation pay and bonuses. So either way it goes the GOVERNMENT does expect for yall to tip. Example if Ruby Tuesday raised all of the employees to 5.15 and hour for 40 employees all at 40 hours a week...

let's do the math

206 per employee
8240 a week
plus a kitchen staff of 20 at say 9 an hour

that's 15440

A normal inventory usage a week is about 6000

so that's 21,,440

when the store only does about 15-17000 a week...

So somewhere, somebody coming up short....

Or you can pay 22.00 for a New Orlenas Seafood which is at this time 14.16...and you won't have to worry about tipping cause you are paying for it already...ha ha

But really the businesses don't have much say in how much they pay the server...either way someone is gonna lose the employee is usually on the losing end cause if we pay the server the higher way, we have to cut their hours to be able to pay them and then they get taxed more heavily...
In one of my lowest points, when I was laid off by corporate America, I worked 2 jobs - substitute teaching and waitressing nights at Pappadeaux's - to pay the rent and bills in North Dallas. I'll tell you it was an illuminating experience. I'll tell you this: We - and I mean - black waiters included - hated when we saw black couples, families walk in the door. The reason is most black folks don't tip!!!! Black folks will eat up a Pappadeaux Platter, drink 5 Swamp Things and leave a $2 tip. I remember many times serving up a whole load of negroes only to find out that their credit cards had maxxed out and then they will catch attitude if their Swamp Things aren't out soon enough. Bear with me, as I serve a station of 5 or so families!!!

Now granted, if a waiter/waitress - well, actually the correct term is "server" has worked his/her a-- off to get you your food, fill your drinks, etc., loading those heavy-a-- trays - the least you can do is tip 15%. But the rate is really 20%. I'll admit, if some server is piss poor, you should alert the manager. But you'd be surprised how many are just starting out and don't know the ropes yet. Believe it or not, it takes time to memorize the wine list, menu, etc. Cut them a break or ask the manager what the problem is. A lot of these servers are not college educated, have families to support etc. Or they could be just like me, a sistah who was laid off and needed a quick night job to pay the bills. Keep that in mind next time you DON'T tip. Fortunately for me, my serving days were just for a minute but for some people, this IS their career!
SimplyRedd said:
Or you can pay 22.00 for a New Orlenas Seafood which is at this time 14.16...and you won't have to worry about tipping cause you are paying for it already...ha ha

Why don't they charge this way and be through w/ it? Most service industries (oil change joints, plumbers, a.c. repairmen) charge for parts and labor. Some charge just to drive out to your house. Only diff. is parts = food. We all know an oil changes can be done for far less than what's charged. Or a part they charge 20 for could've been bought for 10. I'd rather pay the additional 7.84 for the seafood than be made to feel obligated or the survival of their servers depend on how much I tip. Gotta side w/ Lew on this. addition to there also being rules regarding how much wages are...there are also rules mandating how much food cost. You can NOT do a more than 75% mark up on food items for preparation. I.E. If at cost the NO Seafood cost $9, then the most you can charge for it before taxes is 15 and some change...and then in the case of company owned location it has to be NATIONWIDE. You can't just change the menu prices.

I don't see the big deal with tipping...If I order a meal and I need ketchup, I need refills, I need a togo box, I need an alcoholic beverage, then my server has to get it for me...and unless the server has one table then he/she has alot to do. I was raised to tip...

I don't get the point you would rather pay more for the food, which is gonna go to the server anyway, than to see the smile on the server's face when they are appreciative. And I was always appreciative....
We're on the same page SR...I want to see the servers get paid fairly too. I just want Mr. Olive Garden and Mrs. Ruby Tuesday to do it.
But w/the regulations ( :slap: Fed & State gov.t) you explained, I see thats not gonna happen.
Thanks for the enlightenment. :tup:
Fact: It's your money and you can do whatever you want to do with it.

Fact: Some "gratuities" are figured into the tab.

Fact: Most restaurants do pay their servers minimum wage

The way I see it:

Tipping is like a pat on the back. Knowing these three facts, If I receive excellent service from my server, I will "pat them on the back" with a tip.

If I receive sub-standard service, then with these three facts in mind, I wont tip. Why should I pat you on the back for mistreating me?

Tipping is a judgement call. YOU are paying for the service, It's YOUR money, if YOU like to be commended for a job well done, then YOU should be rewarded right? So tip. If YOU haven't been doing YOUR job correctly then YOU wont be commended right? Then don't tip.
TCONN88 said:
Fact: Most restaurants do pay their servers minimum wage

The way I see it:

What restaurants have you been working at where they pay the SERVERS minimum wage? I mean real minimum wage...not TIPPED minimum wage...
I tip very well. I've had occasion where the service wasn't good at all and still left a tip. One thing that I know from working at a Bennigan's while at A&T is to not piss off the servers/wait staff. Also don't keep sending food back to the kitchen over and over being petty. If a person asks for a well done steak and it comes out med. rare that's understandable, but I've seen cases where folks didn't know what they were talking about when ordering and blamed it on the cooks. Well, let's just say that fire doesn't kill all germs. :vomit:
I tip according to the service thats given. Yes it true that they are already getting paid by the company but apart of there paycheck is depending on tips. Getting paid 2/3 dollars an hour plus tips is what they signed up for.
TCONN88 said:
Fact: It's your money and you can do whatever you want to do with it.

Fact: Some "gratuities" are figured into the tab.

Fact: Most restaurants do pay their servers minimum wage

The way I see it:

Tipping is like a pat on the back. Knowing these three facts, If I receive excellent service from my server, I will "pat them on the back" with a tip.

If I receive sub-standard service, then with these three facts in mind, I wont tip. Why should I pat you on the back for mistreating me?

Tipping is a judgement call. YOU are paying for the service, It's YOUR money, if YOU like to be commended for a job well done, then YOU should be rewarded right? So tip. If YOU haven't been doing YOUR job correctly then YOU wont be commended right? Then don't tip.
But that's the problem, now, tipping is not like a pat on the back for excellent service, it is expected for just recieving service, period. Look at Simply Redd's post's. They have already figured in your tip before you walk in the door. You might as well add 20% to every price on the menu. And if you don't give them the %20 extra (read above about them complaining about just getting $2 or $3 ) you are looked at negatively, and you better look at your food closely next time you come.
Them? Im not a waitress?! And I never heard anyone complain. Im just saying that the pay structure for that business is built up tips not base salary.
da_caramel_diva said:
Them? Im not a waitress?! And I never heard anyone complain. Im just saying that the pay structure for that business is built up tips not base salary.

This is what I was refering to:
TheScribe said:
Black folks will eat up a Pappadeaux Platter, drink 5 Swamp Things and leave a $2 tip.

But let me be clear, I DO TIP, AND TIP FAIRLY WELL (because I know these people don't make much), but I also see that it is basicly a scam in my eyes. I am just calling it what it is. It's a way to make me see a lower price and then pay a higher one. It's like a deptment store advertising a lower price, and then at the register adding a service fee to get more money.

As I said before, I don't have the option of going to get my own damn plate and eliminate the server, thus not needing to pay extra for them. It takes all of 45 seconds to walk back to the counter, get my plate and sit it on my table. I gotta pay (tip) $5 or $6 for that. It's a goverment supported scam.

Also, I am not High Maintance, I just order my food and eat it. Even if they don't get my order exactly right, most of the time I'll just say that's cool and eat it anyway (If it's something I eat). I am not there to overwork the server or give them a hard time. I just want them to do the basic of thier job, and bring me my damn food, and again, I shouldn't have to pay extra for that.

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If you feel like you shouldn't tip cause it's a scam ....than DON'T.

I don't look at anyone NEGATIVELY...I have come to understand that some people don't TIP and that is fine with me. I just hope the never get a position where they have to depenc of the kindness of others to compensate them for going above and beyond the call of duty.

Lewis if you believe that all servers do is take 45 seconds to go get your food and bring it to the table...then you are SADLY mistaken...If you think that you couldn't hack it on a 5000 per hour shift during the holiday season...ha ha ha ha
SimplyRedd said:
What restaurants have you been working at where they pay the SERVERS minimum wage? I mean real minimum wage...not TIPPED minimum wage...[/QUOTE

Not too many. I've only been in the hotel and restaurant business for about 13 years. I'm a neophyte. :kiss:
TCONN I wasn't asking to be smart. I was asking a genuine question...are these franchises, company owned? Cause I know Chimes, a privately owned restaurant pays their servers 7.50 to start...but most of the chain in La pay only tipped minimum wage...
SimplyRedd said:
TCONN I wasn't asking to be smart. I was asking a genuine question...are these franchises, company owned? Cause I know Chimes, a privately owned restaurant pays their servers 7.50 to start...but most of the chain in La pay only tipped minimum wage...

I know you "wutn." Seriously though, I think it has a lot to do with the location (market). Here in AL, a lot of them get minimum wage+plus tips. [Figured into the tab] Whatever is given on the side is the server's. Most of the ones I dealt with were franchises. Few were privately owned but it really didn't matter. I've seen guys leave with 3 to 4 hundred in there pockets each night (at the white cloth places).
I see, I see...actually even franchises have a little more leeway than company own casual dining chains.

What I have noticed is that many people don't have a problem tipping at a place like Flemings or Bonefish, but wanna trip with the people at Applebees like they don't do as much as the people at those restaurants do...
SimplyRedd said:
If you feel like you shouldn't tip cause it's a scam ....than DON'T.

I don't look at anyone NEGATIVELY...I have come to understand that some people don't TIP and that is fine with me. I just hope the never get a position where they have to depenc of the kindness of others to compensate them for going above and beyond the call of duty.

Lewis if you believe that all servers do is take 45 seconds to go get your food and bring it to the table...then you are SADLY mistaken...If you think that you couldn't hack it on a 5000 per hour shift during the holiday season...ha ha ha ha
Interesting. I tip to help the servers, but scam is by the owners, not the servers.

But this is part of what bothers me, "them for going above and beyond the call of duty. " How is bringing me my plate going beyond the call of duty? That ain't above and beyond, that is your duty.
And when you do you duty, YOUR BOSS should pay you, not me. If my kid took a dump at the table, and you helped me clean them and the table up, that's going above and beyond.

SO tell me, beside taking my order, and bringing my food, what do servers do for me?????
I have cut up food for children, played with crying children so mommie and daddy can eat, I have PUT meals together so a guest can have things the way they want it, I.E. I want the new orleans but I want it with salmon, with the rice on the side not underneath, I have concocted things that are no where on our menu...I.E. this dude came in a wanted a long island RIGHT (made from scratch) with hennessey and strawberry and orange juice. Which technically is NOT a drink and definitely not a 5.99 drink...he got it for 7.00. Let's see, I have stood in a freezer trying to figure out if certain menu items had ANY tiny amount of milk in it for a child, I have got out the restaurant to get additional items for guests, I have bought newspapers cause my guest wanted to see something, I have had children POOP at the table or halfway thru the restaurant, when a guest wants a too go box, I pack the food for them (Which is NOT one of my DUTIES) and tell them how to reheat it, Shall I go on...
And you keep harping on this boss thing...the BOSS doesn't ALWAYS have the right to change Federal or Company Mandated Wages...
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